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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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General Krulak here:

1. As I have mentioned before, sale of kit will be moving "world-wide". This is absolutely the plan. I spoke with the Nike representative on Sunday and we talked about sales throughout the Uk and the world...and the fact that some fans couldn't even get the kit in Birmingham. He acknowledged the problem...and it all comes back to lateness of contract. This will get fixed. As for prices...hard to dictate price points and various stores. If the store is willing to cut into profit margin, we can't do much about that. We know what the kit cost Villa and we know what the margin needs to be...and price accordingly.

2. "Support supporter's Groups." Not sure what more we can do. We are actively supporting the Groups. As an example, I met with over 20 groups and web sites on Sunday at 2:00 pm...along with other members of Villa. We discussed many issues and recommendations. I would venture to say that very few Premiership Clubs have the open line that exists between our supporter groups and the Club.

3. Smoking. We WILL be removing people from the stadium who smoke. We cannot afford to start paying fines.

4. I would think that a blanket ban on alcohol and certain foods would not be wise. We may feel that booze and burgers are not good for us but...to not sell them would be akin to commercial suicide.

5. No plans for escalators.

6. If the supporters pick and anthem, I will definitely push it.

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we all know what happened the last time the club held a poll to try and get a democratic solution to a change (the badge). the club couldn't do right for doing wrong!! I'm with the general on this one... you can't simply choose an anthem - these things have to materialise over time.


I think I was the one who originally brought this up around November last year - at that point I said "bells are ringing"

But I think it is plain to see now from anyone that the club anthem has been chosen by the fans - I just think now the club needs to take it up for the coming out music etc... and if you haven't guessed already.

"ghostriders in the sky " - and if we do start playign it as the official anthem - please the original - not a guy in a pink suit singing silly lyrics !!! - ask if you don't know what that means (quite a story !!)

The ' walk on ' :twisted: back the anthem and ghostriders in the sky but still think the best way is to get 40 of the older lads in the Holte End and show the young uns how to sing . General I have asked the commercial department if we can have and pay for the balcony in the Holte / Trinity Road for the Reading game Trust me we will show them how to sing an anthem or two :lol:

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hay general,

just wanted to message and ask if you and randy will be attending the browns vs pittspuke game on sunday????? and what you predict the score to be???? i have been a browns fan for the past 2-3 years, so when i heard randy was taking over aston villa the team i have supported since i was well....born, i was delighted, so let him know from me that everything he does for the browns and for the villa, i have the utmost repsect for.

lets hope both teams have amazing seasons.

Up The Villa, Go Browns!!!!!!!


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Not sure whether i should put a statement on General but wanted to say new absolutely delighted with everything you are doing for the club and also a mention for Nicky Keye (apologies if spelling wrong) in the ticket office who has been exceptionally helpful on more than one occasion for me, a great representative of the club. I hope you know how much it is all appreciated

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Hello General,

I think the work the club has been doing with our supporters such as the meetup groups is to be commended and would be envied by many a fan at other football clubs. That word 'club' I feel has become very relevant and meaningful again, I believe the steps taken to rebuild that have been nothing short of first class.

I would back action to remove people from the ground if caught smoking within the confines of VP. I have nothing against smokers but the rest of us fans need to take an active role in helping the club solve this issue and I for one would have no problem bringing it up with others supporters should I be in the toilet and people are lighting up.

My 10 year old sister Lucy has been having a great time at VP with her first season ticket. You must come and say 'Hi'. We're in the Lower Holte End, section L6.

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General, I just wanted to make youa ware of a conversation i had yesterday with some Blose fans. One had been going on about the Chelsea game and how well we played, after picking myself up off the floor all but one told me how other directors could learn from Villa's new owners. That is some compliment coming from a blue nose General.

General, next time you are roaming the ground at half time pop up and say hi in the upper holte K2 so i can shake your hand :winkold:


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1. As I have mentioned before, sale of kit will be moving "world-wide". This is absolutely the plan. I spoke with the Nike representative on Sunday and we talked about sales throughout the Uk and the world...and the fact that some fans couldn't even get the kit in Birmingham. He acknowledged the problem...and it all comes back to lateness of contract. This will get fixed. As for prices...hard to dictate price points and various stores. If the store is willing to cut into profit margin, we can't do much about that. We know what the kit cost Villa and we know what the margin needs to be...and price accordingly.

will there be any plans to get the villa kit in london at all this year? as cant find the villa anywhere but can get the leeds kit! :(

also will the black training top be avaiable in men sizes on the OS? as at the mo it only has it in kid sizes

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General Krulak here:

1. Shirt sizes: I raised that issue with John Greenfield in the store room of the VP store. We got out the measuring tape and measured all the sizes in the storeroom...which amounted to all the sizes we had. We then measured the sizes of the remaining Hummel kit that we have...very few left. Bottom Line: The Nike sizes were exact....the Hummel sizes ranged from one to two inches larger...and varied. In other words, the XXXL for Nike is an inch or so smaller than Hummel but is accurate for the size chart. I then met with Nike sales rep who I laid out the problem and he said he would see what the largest size of shirt that Nike makes. He indicated that he was sure they made a shirt large enough for anyone. I said fine....get some to us. He said he would.

2 I hope to make the Browns vs. Pittsburgh game...it will be a tough one. In many ways, it will be the equivalent of the Villa-Chelsea game and I just hope we have the same kind of result. We have brought Richard, Nicky Keye. Alison Plant, Phil Mepham and a couple others over to the US to see the game and see how Cleveland Stadium operates...tickets, food, drink, media, etc. etc. The idea is to see if there are "best practices" that can be shared between Villa and Browns.

3. We are still looking at what we will do when the new web site comes on line for the ST holders.

4. Nicky Keye is, indeed, a superb representative of the Villa Spirit. I will pass on your kind words.

5. musicw8832. I would love to meet your sister, Lucy. I will need the seat number and location.

6. The kit should be in London soon....as a matter of fact, I did see one down there.

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Thank you for your reply, I (and the other groups) appreciate greatly the efforts that Villa do - our representitive at the recent SCG should have raised that.

My question really would be is there potential, or scope - to raise knowledge of the Supporters Club (as a whole, rather than particular branches) amongst supporters - maybe a small video on the screen at half time or something similar, most of our members say to me when they join 'oh we've been going to Villa for years, we never realised there was a supporters group...'

Dont take it as a criticism, as I'm grateful for whats been done, its just something that could give excellent results for supporter clubs up and down the country (and indeed, the world!)

Thanks - feel free to email me if you need to regarding this :)

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General ,

We are making progress on the banners got the one approved which is going to look fantastic when the watching millions get a reminder about Aston Villa and our place in football history but we now have a debate going on for the next banner after my first one was deemed a little inappropriate due to the reference to God but no probs .

I am learning towards making it a banner regarding the Villa anthem which to many is THE BELLS ARE RINGING FOR THE CLARET AND BLUE .

Whats your take on this ? We could even do a thing in the programme about the banner and in the pressabout this being Villa's anthem .

What do you think ?

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2 I hope to make the Browns vs. Pittsburgh game...it will be a tough one. In many ways, it will be the equivalent of the Villa-Chelsea game and I just hope we have the same kind of result. We have brought Richard, Nicky Keye. Alison Plant, Phil Mepham and a couple others over to the US to see the game and see how Cleveland Stadium operates...tickets, food, drink, media, etc. etc. The idea is to see if there are "best practices" that can be shared between Villa and Browns.

5. musicw8832. I would love to meet your sister, Lucy. I will need the seat number and location.

General, great idea bringing Villa staff over to the US to see how things work over there, in my own career I have found this to be very beneficial.

Lucy is in Lower Holte End, Section L6, Row J, Seat 176. Cheers General, and we hope to see you soon!

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Also love the idea about sending over Villa staff to observe the workings of our American counterparts.............

but can i just volunteer should you wish to send to some Villa fans over to observe USA ones ?!! :winkold:

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1. As I have mentioned before, sale of kit will be moving "world-wide". This is absolutely the plan. I spoke with the Nike representative on Sunday and we talked about sales throughout the Uk and the world...and the fact that some fans couldn't even get the kit in Birmingham. He acknowledged the problem...and it all comes back to lateness of contract. This will get fixed. As for prices...hard to dictate price points and various stores. If the store is willing to cut into profit margin, we can't do much about that. We know what the kit cost Villa and we know what the margin needs to be...and price accordingly.

will there be any plans to get the villa kit in london at all this year? as cant find the villa anywhere but can get the leeds kit! :(

also will the black training top be avaiable in men sizes on the OS? as at the mo it only has it in kid sizes

Try 'Nike town' on oxford street. Was there last week!

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General ,

We are making progress on the banners got the one approved which is going to look fantastic when the watching millions get a reminder about Aston Villa and our place in football history but we now have a debate going on for the next banner after my first one was deemed a little inappropriate due to the reference to God but no probs .

I am learning towards making it a banner regarding the Villa anthem which to many is THE BELLS ARE RINGING FOR THE CLARET AND BLUE .

Whats your take on this ? We could even do a thing in the programme about the banner and in the pressabout this being Villa's anthem .

What do you think ?


Glad this was brought up - as I said a couple of pages back - I suggested in November , the Villa started advertising the fact that this was our anthem and it died out and could you bring it back - if a banner is being put up - then surely we both the fans / and the club can do something to make sure this traditional (and totally non-offensive) anthem is brought back - yes it isn't "cred" - it isn't "The Kaiserchiefs" or "Green Day" - but it is a tradition that has been lost - you got the Holte back - surely you can help to get this back !!!

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hate to spoil it VH but I reckon US fans need to come here to get lessons, a packed villa park like against chelsea and nowhere is better ...

Truth; hard to beat the Holte, though to be fair, the Redskins in their glory years at RFK Stadium where the bleachers literally bounced up and down was fantastic...

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hate to spoil it VH but I reckon US fans need to come here to get lessons, a packed villa park like against chelsea and nowhere is better ...

Truth; hard to beat the Holte, though to be fair, the Redskins in their glory years at RFK Stadium where the bleachers literally bounced up and down was fantastic...

Yeh Gen

A few weeks back you said that English footy fans are much more passionate than US footy fans.

So how about getting a few of us over there to show the browns fans how to do it - I'll volunteer if you want me !!!

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I agree with paulanddonya on this point, it would be a great idea if we could do a sort of "fan swap" so that we send a small contingent of fans to the US to see behind the scenes of the Browns, catch a few games and take it all in and vice-versa with Browns fans taking in the whole Villa experience. Would be a great bit of PR for the club and I'm sure if a package could be sorted out it would be very popular.


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General Krulak here:

1. Shirt sizes: I raised that issue with John Greenfield in the store room of the VP store. We got out the measuring tape and measured all the sizes in the storeroom...which amounted to all the sizes we had. We then measured the sizes of the remaining Hummel kit that we have...very few left. Bottom Line: The Nike sizes were exact....the Hummel sizes ranged from one to two inches larger...and varied. In other words, the XXXL for Nike is an inch or so smaller than Hummel but is accurate for the size chart. I then met with Nike sales rep who I laid out the problem and he said he would see what the largest size of shirt that Nike makes. He indicated that he was sure they made a shirt large enough for anyone. I said fine....get some to us. He said he would.

Thanks for the reply general,

i know i am geting very annoying on this point but you mention XXXL?

as i live in Ireland i cant say whats in the club shop but this size shirt isnt available ANYWHERE on the web. it isnt even listed as a size on the official website so its not even a case of being out of stock the site only recognises XXL as its largest size.

Would it be possible for you to speak to, or tell me who to speak to, to get the sites updated as if there are XXXL shirsts available i wanna be able to buy one and at this moment i cannot.

Many Thanks and hope this isnt to irritating :) - i know i would be in your position

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