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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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General sorry to be pain but as you can tell got the bit between my teeth about the banners just seen the design and colouring for the two news ones absoultely awesome just need your ok and get Richard Fitzgerald to buy into it for the two extras on the Holte End . The other lads who are funding it are driving me mad to get the ok off the club they also want to get the banners properly fixed like the one in the North Stand tell the maintenance department did a really good job on that and the obsession banner .

You guys have a saying about ' getting it ' I just hope the UK lads do get it as we have a chance to make Villa Park a little unique only Man United are really doing this and they have a committee who actually agrees on the banners and where they go .

It works for them and they even have a guy who comes up with all the ruddy songs , now it probably won't work for Villa but even thinking about a few of the Villa games taking a group of us into the Holte to try and help bring back some of the old Villa songs .

Noticed Randy before the game with his cup of soup sitting in his seat just watching everything in the stands and taking it all in , even though he owns it you would never know . Touch of class !

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General Krulak here:

1. Villa Anthem: I have tried to answer this before. The Club would much rather the fans choose an anthem than the Club "dictate" one. This is a good issue for the Supporter's Group to look at.

2. Tubby: All papers were provided the new Badge...but some just don't bother to put it on. We will give them a call but can't promise anything as the media march to their own drummers.

3. It wouldn't be right for me to talk about player salaries or how that salary is distributed...or added to.

4. MYSTERYMAN: Go directly to Richard Fitzgerald with your request...he will take care of it. Randy loved the banners...tell Richard that Randy and I asked for you to call him.

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General Krulak here:

1. Villa Anthem: I have tried to answer this before. The Club would much rather the fans choose an anthem than the Club "dictate" one. This is a good issue for the Supporter's Group to look at.

How about an online poll on the avfc.co.uk? You could stream some mp3s of various potential club anthems, and ask for a vote on each track (thumbs up/thumbs down). As this might be quite a debatable issue given that everyone has different music tastes, perhaps this could be done for several weeks (maybe even until the start of the 08/09 season). In the final weeks of the polls the most popular tracks are put into a final vote and a decision could be made. Perhaps this online poll could be advertised in the match programme ("vote for the new club anthem"). It's a suggestion, and perhaps a great way to utilize and grow the new website.

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General Krulak here:

1. Villa Anthem: I have tried to answer this before. The Club would much rather the fans choose an anthem than the Club "dictate" one. This is a good issue for the Supporter's Group to look at.

2. Tubby: All papers were provided the new Badge...but some just don't bother to put it on. We will give them a call but can't promise anything as the media march to their own drummers.

3. It wouldn't be right for me to talk about player salaries or how that salary is distributed...or added to.

4. MYSTERYMAN: Go directly to Richard Fitzgerald with your request...he will take care of it. Randy loved the banners...tell Richard that Randy and I asked for you to call him.

Thank you General will ring him this pm .

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Hi General

Complete newbie on here after getting a bit fed up of all the kids and idiots on the main message board.

Other than coming on here to say a big well done lads for this Sunday's result against Chelsea, which having lived in London for going on 6 years and having a fair few mates who are Chelsea fans, I was well chuffed we did them over so to speak. You'll be happy to know that I have since seen the light and moved back to the Midlands and plan to get my arse down to VP a lot more than I have done while living down South.

The main thing I wanted to ask you and the club was whether there was any plans to try and get the Villa merchandise sold in all of the major sports retailer outlets such as Sportsworld, JJB, JD Sports, etc, etc? I only ask as I was in Derby recently (girlfriend's a Derby fan for her sins) and tried to buy the new Villa kit while we were out on the Sunday. Every store I went into in that area (I made it a mission of mine to try pretty much every store) didn't have the new Villa shirt in, at all. There were Newcastle shirts, Liverpool shirts, even Birmingham blooming city shirts but no Villa ones.

Now I always had trouble getting a shirt down South just because it was monopolised by all the London teams down there but thought with Derby only being the East Midlands that I'd pick a Villa one up no probs, safe to say it wasn't that easy.

I'm now going to get both the home and away ones via the club shop online, but if we're going to try and turn the local kids away from their Man Utd, Chelsea and Liverpool shirts, something that annoys me when you walk around locally, especially kids in that god awful new Chelsea away shirt that they played in on Sunday! We need to have our shirts in high street sports retailers if we're going to compete.

Anyway, apologies if this has already been mentioned, like I say only a newbie, just thought I'd mention it as it proper annoyed me that I couldn't get one, to the point of saying to the bloke working in Sportsworld Derby that I thought they should stock them.

Anyway rant over, UP THE VILLA

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edited - this thread is for comments/q&A for the General, not tangential discussion between posters. As the General says, the Supporters Group is looking at it. This site voted and nominated Spizz's "the Sun always shines on Aston Villa" about 9 or 10 months ago.

The next step was to have been a vote from all the nominated songs on the club's survey website, though things may have changed. Blandy

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First post on here under this name, cant remember my old login details! Anyway...

Would it be possible for Villa to give a bit more support to the Supporters Groups that do everything they can to get people through the gates? Example - I run the South Wales group and although we're greatful of the page of contact details in the programme, perhaps a section similar to that of the photos submitted by fans would be helpful to us, where we can parade our news to Villa fans - rather than just a single line which can easily be missed?

Also, and I know I'm not alone in this view when speaking to other supporter groups, those who run them tend to give a massive amount of time for the club (which is fine) usually to end up out of pocket (ie the coach up has to be paid for, if it falls short, its down to the individual to foot the bill) - I accept its in breach of the sponsorship deals the club has to have sponsors on our own Supporter Group merchandise, but is there anything the club can do to assist us in the running of these groups?


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Hi General and to the Fans,

The smoking issue mentioned previously is a serious one, as you have already highlighted.

I have worked in several stadiums and know CATEGORICALLY that Health & Safety COMES FIRST!

The way in which Arsenal dealt with the matter on Sunday was to remove any fans from the stadium caught smoking - simple. I believe any season ticket holders accosted, were having their pass seized and their cards marked on a three strike rule. Stewards were identifying the offenders and the police assisted with the ejections. The most popular place to smoke is now the toilets!

Fulham have a lovely open air section of ground by the river, this too is a no smoking area as it is still a public place! Fans were not ejected due to the stewards in that zone not taking a proactive approach.

If our club does'nt get a handle on it with a zero tolerance policy, then like the Gen say's, someone (or authority) else will gladly whip us into line......!

AVFC - Back from the Brink!

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2. Tubby: All papers were provided the new Badge...but some just don't bother to put it on. We will give them a call but can't promise anything as the media march to their own drummers.

Thanks Gen,

I hope it all gets sorted, I find it quite disrespectful the the Daily Star haven't changed this. The old badge doesn't represent our club anymore and they should adhere to how things are now. Thanks again

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General sorry for repeating a known issue, but here in Ireland I found the Nike home kit for €55 in a sports store. The very same shirt is €69 + delivery from our own AVFC webshop.

I want the club to get all my money, not some random sports chain but seriously how can this make any sense?

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General Krulak here:

5. Villaboy: I was sad to hear of the away fan issue. I personally walked all four stands in did not see a single Chelsea shirt in with our fans...but I am sure I missed some. I also know, because I asked for numbers, that the stewards did send some Chelsea folks "home". My personal feeling is that we are getting a handle on this and will continue to see improvement.


Thanks for the reply.

I understand it is a difficult situation to overcome and appreciate you taking the time to answer.

Come say 'hi' in the north stand General, Block T2 row H, right on the end near the 'special'seats.


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hi general, sorry if i have missed this in previous pages, but i was just wondering if you could tell me if there will be a womens replica shirt this year, and if not if there will be one next year?

Just to save the General's time, his previous response(s) to this question was along the lines of:

No womens replica shirt this season (due to late deal with Nike).

There will be a new replica kit next year which will include a womans shirt. This should be available earlier than this season as the Nike deal is currently in place for 5 years.

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In recent times Britain has encountered somewhat of an upheaval in what society sees as right and wrong, and ultimately what it is prepared to accept. With that in mind would it be appropriate for an organisation whose core business is the pursuit of physical excellence, to bring in a blanket ban both alcohol and unhealthy foods? After all, we would be appalled if Gareth Barry was to indulge in a burger and a pint before a game, so as an organisation should we be seen to encourage this lifestyle in our fanbase? Should we set a better example by outlawing these products from villa park?

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In recent times Britain has encountered somewhat of an upheaval in what society sees as right and wrong, and ultimately what it is prepared to accept. With that in mind would it be appropriate for an organisation whose core business is the pursuit of physical excellence, to bring in a blanket ban both alcohol and unhealthy foods? After all, we would be appalled if Gareth Barry was to indulge in a burger and a pint before a game, so as an organisation should we be seen to encourage this lifestyle in our fanbase? Should we set a better example by outlawing these products from villa park?

Not sure if you are serious Tim as your question for the General might appear illogical.

The UK government legislated against smoking in public enclosed or partially enclosed places. It is not the choice, but legal duty of the club to ensure that this legislation is complied with. To date, the UK government has not legislated against the consumption of alcohol or fatty foods in public enclosed or partially enclosed places.

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General, are there any plans to install escalators in the Trinity? My mother turns 70 this year and still likes to get to the match. If the Lower Trinity is full she has real problems.

I know there is a lift (elevator?) but it can't take many people up to the Gods at any one time.

Great game Sunday by the way. Keep up the good work and I will be very interested to see you plans for stadium improvement.

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we all know what happened the last time the club held a poll to try and get a democratic solution to a change (the badge). the club couldn't do right for doing wrong!! I'm with the general on this one... you can't simply choose an anthem - these things have to materialise over time.


I think I was the one who originally brought this up around November last year - at that point I said "bells are ringing"

But I think it is plain to see now from anyone that the club anthem has been chosen by the fans - I just think now the club needs to take it up for the coming out music etc... and if you haven't guessed already.

"ghostriders in the sky " - and if we do start playign it as the official anthem - please the original - not a guy in a pink suit singing silly lyrics !!! - ask if you don't know what that means (quite a story !!)

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General, just to back up the idea of an anthem for the club. I think it is imperative we have one and it will help villa park become a fortress again. I read your comments earlier on the matter and feel you yourself are keen. If villa trust or villatalk do come up with a single idea, i think it should be your duty to push it through as you are the man with all the power.

If you have time, click on the link below and see the effects of a club anthem for yourself:


P.s. you may just see a glimpse of god towards the end of the video.

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