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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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Brilliant general, from my seat in the Witton Lane Upper, could see you clapping with your hands above your head and hugging Randy when the second goal went in and at the end - top men you are

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One comment about the catering..

Is it normal for the kiosks to be closed about 10 mins after H/T?

I wanted a Coke and couldn't get one..

It was a sore throat from all the cheering that did it..

Is that part of the licencing law?

They had vending machines in the trinity to re leave this problem.

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Hi General

Thanks to you, Randy, Martin and the boys for yesterday, to beat Chelski, not 1-0, but 2-0 would have been unthinkable 2 years back.

Anyway praise over, small grumble now, I bought a home shirt yesterday from the shop near the holte and wanted lettering and a number on it, I wasn't too surprised to be told that I had to go to the Villa Village to get this done and duly walked round and found a queue of people waiting to get this done.

After queueing for about 30 minutes I eventually got to near the front of the line only to hear the person in front being told that he needed to pay inside first! Nowhere was there any indication that we couldn't pay here, and a guy behind me told me the same thing had happened to him last year and he had complained at the time about no sign telling you this.

Due to the size of the queue to get inside the shop I gave up on the idea, however I would like to suggest some solutions to the problem:

a) put a large sign stating that you need to pay inside

B) take payments at the outlet

c) ask people when they buy there shirt on matchdays before the match if they want numbering/lettering, if they do get them to fill out a duplicated ticket with their requirements ask them to collect the shirt after the game, the staff then have 90 minutes to get the printing done

I know it's only a small thing in the scheme of things, but there is a problem at the moment.


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Hey General thanks for the photos in the Holte Hotel again, am I now a trained killer? I was also there at the same time as MYSTERYMAN and Randy was delighted and took photos with us. A top day all round. Was that the most you have seen the Holte End rock?

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Still absolutely buzzing from yesterday - the whole thing - game , atmosphere - the lot.

Can't think of anything negative to say - all bleeding perfect.

Just a quick history lesson for you and Randy. Imagine martin Laursens performance yesterday - now imagine that passion and performance ever single game for six years minimum - add even more class AND THEN YOU HAD PAUL McGRATH !! - tell you what though - he is the best we have had since and hope to christ he stays fit !!!.

Slight query on the attendance - 37k - I could see the odd seat free but not 5000 of them - where were they all !!

And (come on you can tell us) - the papers are full of Abramovich leaving fuming before the end - what happened ???

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Hi General,

Any news on when the new upgrade Official Site will be up and running?

Fantastic result over the weekend and it was a pleasure to see Randy in the crowd and for him to see the Villa win such a big game. As a Villa fan I find it embarrassing at times the amount of flak you RL & MON have copped over the past few months, but I can assure you that its only from fans wanting the best for their team. We all appreciate what is going on behind the scenes to make our club great again and I thank you for being so approachable on this site.


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Hi General,

As a few folks have raised the issue of the new North Stand, I wondered whether or not future development of Villa Park might include a new fascade for the Trinity Road Stand. I have never been able to understand how the old regime could describe the stand as "magnificent" when it is so lacking in style and looks so cheap. There is some token brickwork but many of the window "spaces" are boarded up with steel and the main walls are all metal as well. The cost of replacing the metalwork with brick would be high, I know that, but it would certainly give Villa Park a more classy feel and go some way to healing the hurt that many of us felt when Mr Ellis sanctioned the demolition of the old masterpiece which preceded it.

In regard to possible alterations to the Trinity and the design of the new North Stand, can I also suggest your getting in touch with Simon Inglis, a huge Villa fan and one of the foremost experts on stadium design and aesthetics. If you haven't already read it, I'm sure you would enjoy his book "Villa Park: One Hundred Years".

Fantastic post, I agree with all of it. The new Trinity and it's fascade has been buggimg me since it went up. I really hope Randy and co have something up their sleeve to add to the new stand to take away it's 'tackyness' and return it to something like it's former glory.

I look forward to reading what the General has to say about this.

I think I have raised this before as well General. If ANYTHING can be done about this horrible stand it would be great.

What a totally perfect day yesterday was. Thank you and Randy so much for facilitating such a result. I can't think of the number of times we have gone into games against the big boys in recent years where I have thought surely it is our time now....and finally it is!

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General Krulak here:

1. Randy and I got back to the US early this am...what a flight.

2. Over the next few years there will be major work done on Villa Park...Trinity, North, Holte, etc. The is absolutely no sense in me detailing those plans because they all need to be formalized and submitted for approval. I do not want to say something only to have it not come true because of the approval process. Suffice it to say, you have seen Randy's love of tradition...and his willingness to look to the future. He will do the right thing.

3. Randy does not need to be in UK during transfer actions. He and Martin talk daily...no need for in person work.

4. At present we don't have what could be called a "partner airline"...but good deals are always available.

5. Villaboy: I was sad to hear of the away fan issue. I personally walked all four stands in did not see a single Chelsea shirt in with our fans...but I am sure I missed some. I also know, because I asked for numbers, that the stewards did send some Chelsea folks "home". My personal feeling is that we are getting a handle on this and will continue to see improvement.

6. Smoking: I agree, we have not solved this yet. What is VERY SAD and something all fans ought to consider is that we, OUR Club, runs the risk of serious fines if we don't get a handle on this. Let's face it, the folks smoking are not employees of Villa Park...they are FANS...folks just like you. They seem to think they can't go 120 minutes without a smoke...so they put OUR Club at risk of fines. To me, this is as disgraceful as us not having enough Balti pies or beer. Certainly our stewards MUST act on this...and, perhaps, we will need to reinforce them with police...and just go in and "wipe out" a group who are smoking. At the same time, I think that if some of our Fans would remind the people they see smoking that they are putting the Club at risk, maybe, just maybe, it would help. We do NOT want you policing this....but a few remarks made to the offenders might help them understand that they could really cost the Club in fines.

7. I had a shirt stencilled too....and had to wait like everyone else. My wait was not as long as yours. You made some good points and we will take them on board.

8. Yes, we had 37,000 people when we could have had more. Randy did not want what happened at the Liverpool game to happen again. Tickets were sold but many went to Liverpool fans. Believe it or not, even our fans purchased tickets for Liverpool fans. We made a concious decision that for the Chelsea game, we would err on the side of caution.

9. Abramovich did, in fact, leave early. He did not seem to happy. I think too much has been made of the DE/Abramovich "hand-shake." All Doug did was what Richard did...shake the man's hand when he left. No words were exchanged nor were "signals" exchanged. Randy did not say good by because he sits in the second or third row on the other side of the section.

10. Web site will be up this month.

11. Ticket pricing for Carling Cup will be done today...on sale at end of week.

12. THE GAME: First and foremost, Randy appreciates the support of the fans at this game. You all were superb! I was standing at the top row of the lower Holte for the 1st goal and for about 10 minutes after....it was rocking!!! I thought the play was superb. Our defense was magnificent...with Laursen and Knight absolutely brilliant in the middle. The entire defense played their hearts out. The middle of the field was amazing to watch. What can you say about Reo Coker...the guy is immense. Barry was very solid and the entire line played as one. People will probably feel that John Carew could have been crisper in his passes...so be it. Simply put, the guy was the center of attention every single time the ball got near him. His size and strength had the Chelsea defense worried everytime the ball came into him. He will be awesome as the season goes on. Luke, Gabby, Ashley...what pace! I had two scouts sitting next to me and both remarked after the game that they were "unaware that Villa had so much speed." Our keeper played a very solid game...so nice to know he is there! Bottom Line: A great game. BUT...it was one game. We have a long way to go. We know we can do it...we know we can compete with anyone but we still have a long way to go. The key about Sunday is that the team knows, the manager knows, the fans know and the opponents know......when the lion roars, he is VERY tough.

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6. Smoking: I agree, we have not solved this yet. What is VERY SAD and something all fans ought to consider is that we, OUR Club, runs the risk of serious fines if we don't get a handle on this. Let's face it, the folks smoking are not employees of Villa Park...they are FANS...folks just like you. They seem to think they can't go 120 minutes without a smoke...so they put OUR Club at risk of fines. To me, this is as disgraceful as us not having enough Balti pies or beer. Certainly our stewards MUST act on this...and, perhaps, we will need to reinforce them with police...and just go in and "wipe out" a group who are smoking. At the same time, I think that if some of our Fans would remind the people they see smoking that they are putting the Club at risk, maybe, just maybe, it would help. We do NOT want you policing this....but a few remarks made to the offenders might help them understand that they could really cost the Club in fines.

General, the smoking problem is one that is being felt throughout all levels of professional football at this time. Unfortunately our government prefers to prosecute the establishment rather than the individual, which when considering the size of some football crowds is ridiculous.The only way to focus the offender's minds is for some individual prosecutions to take place.

Perhaps clubs could get together and lobby the sports minister on this issue?

12. THE GAME: First and foremost, Randy appreciates the support of the fans at this game. You all were superb!

The impact of removing the away fans from the Witton End, coupled with the affordable season ticket prices for that whole end of the ground was simply a masterstroke. The North Stand is a fabulous view and now, for the first time in the 30 odd years since it was built, it has real atmosphere.

Hopefully the new plans will involve the complete removal of away fans from pitchside in the years to come.

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General, the professionalism, dedication, and intelligence of Randy's management team continues to impress at every turn. Yesterday's VP was an impressive sight and sound, and it will only get better! Please enjoy your day off - the progress so far is amazing in itself and you deserve the break.

I had two scouts sitting next to me and both remarked after the game that they were "unaware that Villa had so much speed."

I rather got the impression that Jose Mourinho was also surprised. Chelsea seemed to think they could beat us for pace at both ends, and it just wasn't going to happen for them.

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Forgive me if there has been discussion about this before, I am a "noob" on this board and have'ne got time to read all the threads,but has there been any thoughts to a Villa Anthem.

Like Liverpools "never walk alone" or Evertons "Z Cars" quite a few teams have them. Even our poor relations have "keep right on"

I think it would be great to have a Villa anthem/song/theme call it what you will. something that Villa fans can sing all round the globe that will instantly make people think of Villa.

Barcelona has cracking theme, 90000 people in the Camp Nou sing it before the game with the words on a big screen. It makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

Can we have one? Thanks

You guys are to a great job

Love to Randy

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Forgive me if there has been discussion about this before, I am a "noob" on this board and have'ne got time to read all the threads,but has there been any thoughts to a Villa Anthem.

Like Liverpools "never walk alone" or Evertons "Z Cars" quite a few teams have them. Even our poor relations have "keep right on"

The new song we come out to is the fantastic "wake up" by Arcade Fire. I imagine that might become a big part of Villa. You can't force people to sing things. These things often come from nowhere

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General, the professionalism, dedication, and intelligence of Randy's management team continues to impress at every turn. Yesterday's VP was an impressive sight and sound, and it will only get better! Please enjoy your day off - the progress so far is amazing in itself and you deserve the break.

I had two scouts sitting next to me and both remarked after the game that they were "unaware that Villa had so much speed."

General, please make a note of their names and ensure we never employ them. They are clearly not very good then :winkold:

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Hi Gen

I see you spent a great deal of time replying to lots of different posts but it looks like you missed out mine. I know that you can't answer everyone's queries, but this is something that has really got on my wick and feel the club should put right.

"A slight issue for you to look into. A mate of mine bought the Daily Star today (not my paper of choice) and I was absolutely disgusted to see that they are still using our old badge/crest in their print. It's not only us but Middlesbrough as well. Its yet more poor journalism from this dire newspaper and I was hoping you could hint to Mr Fitzgerald to put them straight."



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General that was awesome.

The only bad thing i can come up with is that pre KO the song "Chelsea Dagger" by The Fratellis was played. Annoyed me to see the chelsea fans dancing and singing away. It was very difficult to come up with something to moan about so i hope you appreciate it!

Do the players receive a win bonus? and if so is it bigger when they beat one of the best teams in europe comprehensively?

We may not have signed the type of players most fans were expecting but we've ability in abundance, youth and most importantly passion and spirit which is worth ten drogba's and john terrys.

It's good to feel proud general , thanks.

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