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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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General.....sorry to complain AGAIN but this is two successive matches now where Ramseys bar is running out of drink.......no cider and no bitter.

It's worse than last year, and someone needs their arse kicking

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Hi General,

There has on this site in recent days been a lot of talk about away fans in the home area's of the stadium, something Liverpool are notorious for. I would just like to ask what is the clubs policy on this and inparticular what is the policy for the stewards in the ground on this point?

The reason I ask is there were I believe a number of incidents around the ground during the game involving Liverpool fans in home sections. I personally witnessed two Liverpool fans sat directly behind the goal in the Lower North Stand on the second or third row in Liverpool shirts.

They were spotted by stewards before the game had even started and all around us assumed that they would be removed as we would should we do the same at ANY other ground. Instead we watched as a steward asked them just to remove their Liverpool shirts.

This surely can't be the policy of the clubs security team's - with a home game against Chelsea coming up I really think this needs addressing as home fans really shouldn't have to tolerate this.

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First of all, I would like to say how privileged I feel being able to make direct contact with a director of the Football Club that I love so much.

Unfortunately, I have a problem that I would like to communicate to you. For over 25 years, my uncle, cousins and I have driven from London to Villa Park as Season Ticket holders. We have always parked in the Official Villa Car Park (behind the Aston Villa Leisure Centre). Over the years, getting out of the car park and onto the M6 to return south has become more and more difficult.

It can take over half an hour to get out of the car park because of the number of pedestrian supporters leaving the ground and walking past the car park exits. There is no Club staff stationed to help cars out or channel the flow of pedestrians to allow cars and people to leave. In addition yesterday, it took a further 25 minutes to get onto the M6 motorway as the traffic on the Aston Hall Road was solid. On matchday, this road is often made one-way, and the police at the top of Aston Hall Road give priority over the traffic lights to allow cars speedy exit away from the ground. None of these measures was in place yesterday.

I love all the improvements that have made at Villa over the past 12 months. If anything can be done allow cars easier access out of the Official Car Park and onto the motorway, my long suffering family and many others who make long journeys to watch the match would be very appreciative.

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Unfortunately, I have a problem that I would like to communicate to you. ...We have always parked in the Official Villa Car Park (behind the Aston Villa Leisure Centre). Over the years, getting out of the car park and onto the M6 to return south has become more and more difficult.

It can take over half an hour to get out of the car park because of the number of pedestrian supporters leaving the ground and walking past the car park exits. There is no Club staff stationed to help cars out or channel the flow of pedestrians to allow cars and people to leave. In addition yesterday, it took a further 25 minutes to get onto the M6 motorway as the traffic on the Aston Hall Road was solid. On matchday, this road is often made one-way, and the police at the top of Aston Hall Road give priority over the traffic lights to allow cars speedy exit away from the ground. None of these measures was in place yesterday.....If anything can be done allow cars easier access out of the Official Car Park and onto the motorway, my long suffering family and many others who make long journeys to watch the match would be very appreciative.

Somebody beat me to it however I think this problem is far more serious than you have made out.

I sat in my stationary car in a queue of traffic for a ridiculous one hour last night to get off the leisure centre car park.

This is a disgrace in terms of organisation. We pay good money to support Villa and get charged an extortionate £6 to park for a short period in this place with very little coordination to get people out quickly and safely.

On top of this there was a large fight between away fans on a coach and Villa fans in the social club that was caused partly by the gridlocked traffic allowing the confrontation to escalate.

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Bit peeved this morning on yesterdays result so bear with me if I'm negative.

Yesterday, I went down a bit early for a fwe reasons. a) coz i wanted to have a look around to see the changes B) coz I'll admit , I didn't trust the card (but it was fine)

Got a bit of a negative comment. I didn't have a pass to the Holte so never wanted to go in. However, I was supposed to be in Brum today (sunday so I thought I'd ask the doorstaff what was the opening time for today). SO I walked up the path with my 9 yr old daughter, very slowly looking around - and commetning how beautiful it looked. As soon as I reached about 5 yrds from the two security doorman they thrust a peice of paper in my face and actually said (which I found funny -but you'd have to be english to understand the humour side) "If you ain't got one of these - you ain't coming in !!". I told them I didn't and just wanted to know the opening times today and then they helped me no problems. But it was just the whole "go away if you are wasting our time" attitude before I even opened my mouth. (you know my job) and 50 times a day I am asked a daft question, or receive a complaint about my organisation - but every person I speak to - I have to be polite and speak to them as if it is the first person I have spoke to that day. I know these two were probably approached 42,650 times yesterday - bnut they should have had the same attitude as I have at work.

Sorry for the moan - absolutely peeved about yesterday.

One plus point - going back last yeat - scouse fans were very vocal - yesterday they couldn't be heard - the idea of putting away fans on the side worked in my opinion (however, apparently Setanta apparently did state about the quiet crowd - there is certainly a problem with acoustics at VP)

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Sorry General, but another (I think very justified) moan on the subject of car parking! I am ambulant disabled and in the summer I renewed my parking permit for the Tram Museum over the phone. Then, a few days before the Inter Milan game the permit comes through, but for Yew Tree School as the Tram Museum is being re-developed, so it says. The letter said some people would be moved to Villa Village (less walking), some could stay in the Tram Museum and some would be moved to Yew Tree School (more walking).

I emailed the ticket office as I am fed up with not being able to get through on the phone asking if there was any chance I could be moved nearer as every step I take is either uncomfortable or painful. I am also at far greater risk of my knees giving way and falling over due to the extra walking. I pointed out that surely when moving people your medical needs should be considered. Also, it is often far easier for someone in a wheelchair to travel a certain distance than it is for an ambulant disabled person, yet this seems to be have been ignored, and wheelchairs (even motorised ones) always get preferential treatment. Having not received the courtesy of an acknowledgement or a reply after 2 weeks, I again asked for a reply last Wednesday and again nothing.

I have been attending Villa Park since the early 1970's and I have not missed a single home game in my nine years as a season ticket holder, and I do not believe this is the way to treat a loyal fan. I cannot change to a wheelchair as I was told there is a 3 year waiting list at least for wheelchair places. If Villa would rather not have ambulant disabled fans attend Villa Park, then they should say so.

To make things worse, I was speaking to a guy yesterday who also parked in the Tram Museum last season. He has been allowed to stay there at present and he said that yesterday the Tram Museum car park was fuller than he had seen before. Therefore, I have been forced to move from my car park with the resultant extra discomfort and pain for who exactly? Maybe the corporate prawn sandwich brigade, as I cannot see any other reason.

I know this is not your area General, and I am a very laid back guy who does not like to complain, but I think my treatment has been very poor and either nobody bothers to check ticketsales@avfc.co.uk email or they just wilfully ignore the emails!

For the record, I would be more than happy to wait in the Villa Village car park for 30 minutes after every game if I was given the opportunity to park there to save the extra discomfort and pain!

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Hi General,

Hate to jump on the bandwagon with all the complaints but here goes...

I have been speaking to a number of villa employees at lower levels

the ones having to deal with the fans face to face but have no control

over the causes for the problems. They are saying that they feel the

management at VP are not listening to them or taking any steps to provide

any support or assistance to help solve these issue. As many fans have mentioned

above the complaints are getting worse and not better!

I get the feeling that noone seems to know whats going wrong or how to fix it

and it seems this sense of being 'unprepared' isnt just in the stadium shops and

bars but the team and coaching staff as well.

I have to ask that given that the new board has been in charge a year now

how the trends, and stocking issues havent been noted and corrected by now?

I have worked in large and busy bars, supermarkets etc for many years

and if i were getting complaints like this for so long i'd have been sacked!

Perhaps bringing in an outside auditing company to try and implement new

strategies is whats needed? Rather than relying on VP management who obviously

dont seem to be able to handle the issue they are facing currently?


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Hi General,

Just a quick question, and a minor irritant compared to some I am reading lately but;

As a season ticket holder I was promised the Claret & Blue magazine and Villa Year book as free incentives. I have yet to receive either (although I was eventually sent tokens to 'collect' them), and on two visits to the Villa Park still no success. Worse still, no one at the club shop seems to have a clue when they will be available!

Can you please find out when they are likely to be available to collect? I'd rather not keep having to go to Villa Village, queue up for ages, only to feel like a 'numpty' (English euphemism for idiot) when told "sorry we don't have any and we don't know when we'll have any. Try next time you're here."!

Thanks General, and I appreciate the time you spend on here trying to help - I hope all the complaints don't drive you away! :winkold:

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I must agree that the old ASDA carpark is a night mare to leave and last night there was no police in evidence and traffic being allowed to come in the other direction.

I sit in the DE upper next to the TV camera and any Villa support was drown out by the Liverpool supporters chants being amplified by the stand roof etc so the atmosphere was lost. Stick them back in the North Stand lower.

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General ,

What is the club policy on away fans in home areas?

Sat in the north stand upper and when liverplop scored there second a group of about 10 started to celebrate and it led to some potential violence .

Ive decided to relocate my season ticket back to the upper trinity , the sooner the north stand is leveled to the ground the better .

On a positive popped into the holte pub this afternoon , please pass on a massive thankyou to randy and the staff that man it , its class and a credit to everyone involved .

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General - pity about the game yesterday. With all the activity across the league this year in terms of transfers it is a shame the ref was still a one eyed scouser!!

It may have already been mentioned, but can you pass on a big well done to the catering team who improved dramatically yesterday. Also the advertising boards are a big improvement and the ground is looking much more professional this season with the few changes that have been made.

P.S - can you let the kit man know that the numbers on the back of the goalie shirt aren't very visable on either the Grey or Yellow shirt, I think they need to be black.

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General - pity about the game yesterday. With all the activity across the league this year in terms of transfers it is a shame the ref was still a one eyed scouser!!

It may have already been mentioned, but can you pass on a big well done to the catering team who improved dramatically yesterday. Also the advertising boards are a big improvement and the ground is looking much more professional this season with the few changes that have been made.

P.S - can you let the kit man know that the numbers on the back of the goalie shirt aren't very visable on either the Grey or Yellow shirt, I think they need to be black.

Yes, I would echo that and whoever had the idea of the "AVFC the Obsession" banner should be very proud of themselves. Is there any other such banners that the club initiates in the pipeline? The LCD boards were hugely impressive also and really underlined what a fantastic stadium we have.

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Woke up today full of misery from the result yesterday, so to cheer me and the family up we decided to go into Birmingham including my six year old purely to check out the new shop and treat my six year old to a spanking new Villa ball as a treat for him doing well in a football tournament yesterday and for him choose his new crested bedroom linen for his birthday.

Got there and thought how fantastic the new location is and how impressive it looks from the outside.

However it was a completely different feeling once I got inside and left us feeling let down and like we had wasted our day going there! It's fine so long as you want to over pay for a new kit but don't want to try it on!

Where on earth is all the giftware stock? Why is there nothing to buy such as bed linen/ villa footballs/ keychains etc.

It was very very poor in terms of selection.

Why is there not a fitting room to try merchandise on? Your going to loose a ton of sales when you have a high st chain 5 mins away selling the same kit 30% cheaper that has somewhere to actually try the products on!

Also why is there no lift facility for disabled people or parent with pushchairs? I saw one man walk out in disgust because he couldn't climb the staircase?

This shop is ideal for promotional purposes but until you get a manager/ stock control system your pouring money down the drain. The old shop and Villa village carried a lot more selection why is this new outlet so lacking?

Also why has free shirt printing for season ticket holders been stealthly taken away this year? Making the new higher cost of the shirt even less value for money from the official Villa outlet?

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I went in on Friday to speak to ticket office about my season ticket and was told by a girl that the people that deal with it was on a break. Just found the shop to be far too small. Looks nice and everything but it's far to small to be a megastore.

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General, who was that slim, good looking 30 year old guy pretending to be Randy Lerner yesterday? Can you get Randy to post his diet sheet because I sure could do with it.


I noticed on Match of The Day that Randy has lost a lot of weight over the summer! Has he been hitting the gym or even using the new bodymoor heath training complex general? 8)

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