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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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Hi General!

1. Any news on free Villa World (premium stuff) for season ticket holders?

2. Could we get a picture of Randy's tattoo?! PLEASE!

3. I'm curious about the Holte Hotel's invitation process. I go to the Villa with a mate of mine, and his dad. But our season tickers aren't under the same registration. I bought mine, and they bought theirs. But won't that mean one of us could get invited, but the others couldn't go? I'd love to see the Holte Hotel, but would like someone to share it with!

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2. Naldy: I will be at Villa Park this weekend and look at the fence painting.

If you're there on Friday General look out for a group touring the stadium and having lunch in the corner flag about 1pm, I'll be amongst them.

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I may have said this before but is there any chance of an Australian tour

LT You have asked about 5 times :lol: and the General did reply that there are no plans at the moment.

:oops: sorry didnt see it :oops:

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General do you think you will you ever get sick of appeasing the fans by visiting these sites and answering the same questions all the time?

Do all good things come to an end, or are you here to stay?

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General, first of all thanks for all the good work that you and Randy have been putting in.

I had a thought that we should use your vast military experience for the good of Aston Villa FC. I think the ideal time would be for the home game against our blue nose friends in April.

We all know how deserters were treated by the Army. Well any blue nose has deserted the opportunity of supporting Birmingham's finest and should surely suffer the consequences.

Therefore, my suggestion would be firstly to torture the blue noses by making them stay right until the end to watch Villa thrash them 6-0. Then like all deserters, after the game we should line them up against the wall and shoot them!!

I know in our politically correct society that the Health and Safety people might have an issue with this, but surely we could argue that it is for the greater good as there would be less unwashed on the streets of Birmingham, and we would be putting them out of their misery!!! Imagine waking up every morning to the stark and depressing realisation that you are a blue nose!!!

:winkold: :winkold: :winkold: :):):):):):):)


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Hello General,

This is my first time posting in this section. I am a season ticket holder from Ireland and I think its wonderful the job you are doing at the club, and the fan access has never been so good.

First point is about the villa world section of the club website, in the past we got free access to this with our season ticket purchase, will this be available again in the future?

Second point. The club has always been very easy to contact any time I wanted to buy away tickets,extra tickets or had a problem. However during the last few months the telephone service has got quite awful. It ususally takes at least 15-20 minutes of waiting on hold before you get to speak to a human. In the past I have never had to wait longer than 5 minutes (even during busy times) Will the club be upgrading telephone sales and help? Or be employing more staff to deal with these issues?

Thanks for all the time you take on these boards,


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General Krulak here:

1. The Ticket Office phones: I will visit with Nicky Keye this weekend and see if there is some way that we can sort this issue out to the benefit of the Fan. I recognize that most people have better things to do than "hold" on a phone line. Let me talk to Nicky and see if there is any resolution to this problem that can be a "technology" fix vice just throwing more people at it.

2. Are Randy and I friendly with any 1st teamers. Obviously, that depends on what is meant by friendly. Randy and I know them, speak to them, etc. Randy is completely at ease with them and they, with Randy. I don't expect Reo to invite me over for fish and chips this weekend but, then again, he might. (just kidding).

3. I think that the Club felt that the Tour was successful. It is a long way to go and the lads were on a whirlwind but the results were worth it. Simply put, MON had the opportunity to see his Squad in action...the entire Squad. He was able to "mix and match"...to experiment...to see what was strong and what was not so strong. MON is a superb Manager and can really analyze the game and the play. He saw things he liked and things he did not like.....and was able to do this in an environment that allowed him the flexibility to alter on the move. I think it was a good tour.

4. Randy's tattoo is the lion on our Badge...not colored in...but the outline.

5. I will check on the Holte Inn policy...but I was told that the entire policy was spelled out in a document sent from Villa Park.

6. I will remain on this site as long as it is beneficial to the Fans and Mrs "K" doesn't rip my lips off for staying up all night writing.

7. I believe ST holders will have free access on the web site but I have asked for a complete briefing on the site...what will be on it, the "rules" and when it will be completed...and I asked to get this briefing by COB Thursday.

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...during the last few months the telephone service has got quite awful. It ususally takes at least 15-20 minutes of waiting on hold before you get to speak to a human. In the past I have never had to wait longer than 5 minutes (even during busy times)...

General I can second this. I called today and waited just over 15 minutes to speak to someone. I have to say the person I finally spoke to was friendly and helpful though. The reason for me phoning was I still have not recieved my ticket for Stoke. I was told to call tomorrow if it still has not arrived. I have to say I am slightly concerned that I wont recieve my ticket and then have to mess around tomorrow.

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Just curious and if already answered my apologizes but will i be able to stroll down Michigan Avenue here in Chicago and find the new Villa Kit in Niketown come 8/9?

Much appreciated for a fantastic weekend in Columbus.

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General, sorry if you can't say/don't know but there has been some argument on this board about the new Villa store in Birmingham and I was wondering if you could say who funds the store? Is it Nike, Villa or both?

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Sorry if you've covered this, i try to keep up with all you're posts, but i might have missed this.

Are we having a 3rd kit? on a Kit site they said we were releasing one soon, if so can you give any clue to what it will look like?

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General K......on the subject of phoning the club..............is there a reason why the club contact numbers have changed from an ordinary rate land line number to a more costly non local number?

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With The Villa just completing a pre-season tour of the statea, and other teams from the premier league having been in asia on pre-season tours, is there any chance in the future that The Villa may have a pre-season tour n Australia?

As a Villa supporter since the 70's, it would be great to see The Villa up against some of the A-League teams from Australia, and they would get some great crowds.

all posters are requested to PLEASE read through previous posts or do a search to see if "your question" has already been asked/answered (as this one has about 5 times). [No plans at present] ta blandy

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