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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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I must say how refreshing it is to see villa launching the villa kit at a new venue and getting the media stirred up but dont you think the Evening Mail took away some of the clubs thunder by having a picture of the player in the kit online hours before the event in birmingham or was this agreed before hand as i think it took abit of the shine off the announcment although it was great to see that they never got there hand on a picture of the great new away kit which looks mint

keep up the good work and onward and upwards however long that jounery takes we are in for one hell of a ride

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Hey General. Just want to say keep up the great work you've been doing for Aston Villa FC. Same goes for Martin, Randy and the other board members.

I think the problem here is that some Villa fans are expecting too much too soon. The season before last, we finished 16th. 2 places above relegation! Then the new board and Martin came in and the objective for last season was to stay in the Premiership. Randy said it himself remember. We achieved that. And now people want a European qualification spot this season? It might happen and it might not but how can we NOT back the decisions of Martin or the board after all they have done for us in the last year!? Do we want to go back to the Ellis years?!

I know Richard Fitz's comments got people excited. And I know Harewood's arrival didn't quite match expectations after Richard's comments, but understand this, we are only in year 2 of this 5 year plan. The transfer window isn't closed. Top class signings WILL come and we WILL qualify for Europe in the future. We just have to be patient!

I'd just like to end this by welcoming Marlon to the club and I'm sure he'll do a great job for us.

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General just a quick question why is our new away kit exactly the same as the Porto away kit 07/08?

It is a very good looking kit but Nike really haven't taken any time to design us anything new. I know you said we got in late with Nike but it seems they could have tried harder.


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You will find that the blue on our kit is much different.

Teams like Nike have certain 'templates' - this is one of the things that happen when you join up with a major supplier like this. If you want to discuss it more, please use the kit thread. ta!

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General another quicky question

When is the new website due to be online. I only ask as the new kits are currently beign displyed on the OS shop in a very amateur way. I know it is just to stop people complaining that they cannot find the kits but the picture quality is very poor and does not do the great kits justice. Also could the club shop site please indicate correct player name spellings and squad numbers so I can get a player name on my home and away shirts.

Thanks for all the hard work


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Both of these kits are the best i have ever seen in my life time, the only bad thing for me is that we won't be having them for 2 years due to the sponsor!

Well done on the kits, and i feel you deserve an apology on the intial reaction of signing Marlon Harewood. Now people have took a step back most have realised this is a good squad signing, and a potentially astute piece of business by MON.

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General two points if you don't mind ...

1) Harewood was an undisclosed fee, how does that work and for whose benefit ? Haappens at all clubs would like to know your stance on it ?

2) You described the Holte Suite as a warehouse when you first arrived, any news if this has been 'tarted' up and will the admission still include a programme which I feel is a rip off

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Please, for god sake, don't take this as a criticism coz it isn't - just seems odd to me.

the reason for the question is, the OS states that the pub only holds 130.

Can you confirm, is that figure just for the first game (for a special occasion) or is that every week. Looking at the photo- the gardens look as if they could hold at least that much alone (without the inside) so I can't see how it is that number.

As said, not a criticism as I am not a big drinker anyway so the look of the place is much more important to me than anything, and it looks absolutely georgeous, but it just seems a bit strange

On it looking georgeous, is there anything on it to say it is owned by the Villa, or does it "stand alone" - just think away fans would be blown away with its beauty and be jealous if they saw it was actually the villas.

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I was wondering if the shop used on matchdays, which is virtually underneath the holte pub on Witton lane, will continue to be operated as a match day shop or maybe adapted, if possible, in order to increase the capacity of the Holte pub?

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General Krulak here:

1. I spent the last two days looking over the posts and trying todecide what to say that is somewhat pithy that will be just right for the time. Reality dictates that I say what I have always said....my belief is that we trust in MON and in Randy to do what is right for the Club. Someone wrote a message about the Board "learning a lesson." Another said not to "screw it up." I don't think there was a "lesson to be learned"...certainly not one that needs to be catalogued. And I hope that no one feels that the Board comes to work thinking, "well, today is the day I will screw it up." As I have said before, the vast majority of the Board is unpaid...they work for the love of Randy and of Aston Villa FC. We will NOT always get it right...but I can assure you, we NEVER plan or want to get it wrong. I continue to hear that "all that really matters is winning on the Pitch." Well, my belief is that the deal does NOT have to be either/or!!! I honestly believe that the REAL quality Clubs...the ones that get to the top and stay there...work ALL the issues...the Squad, the Park, the Atmosphere, etc. etc. I also believe that it all doesn't happen overnight...that it does take time. I believe that getting to the top sometimes takes a "gamble"...whether it is the Manager gambling on a player or the owner gambling on rebuilding a Hotel. Sometimes the gamble pays off and the payoff is HUGE. Sometimes the gamble doesn't pay off. BUT...I would MUCH rather have folks who are willing to gamble....who have the guts to "stretch a bit".

2. I am glad everyone likes the kits. To be very honest, the individual that made the color selection and drew the basic design was your friend and mine, Randy Lerner. He met with Nike early on and showed them a series of kits worn over the years and sketched out what he was thinking. Nike came back with multiple options and Randy and MON made the final call. Those are the facts.

3. The Holte Hotel is, unfortunately, a small pub. It will hold approximately 130 people at a time. There is NO doubt that this is a disappointment to all of us but the fire marshalls and security really have a great deal to do about the numbers for occupancy. The plan is to open the Holte early and leave it open late....and to open it during the week. On game day the availability will be small but it will be open during the week and everyone is invited to drop by for a brew. Sooner or later, we will work out a scheme that "opens it up" a bit but that will not happen until we get a sense of how many people can be served over time.;

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General, the maxim "you can't please all the people all of the time" is oh so true for Villa fans. I am embarrassed by some of the vitriolic stuff you will have read on these boards. Unfortunately, you are often judged by those that went before you. Namely, Doug Ellis OBE. The club has changed for the better under Randy and MON and will continue to do so. I hope that we sign 4 or 5 exciting players between now and the end of the transfer window that supporters will come back and apologise to you for. Keep up the good work and remember another maxim, "don't let the bastards grind you down".

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Firstly, General; thanks for the kits, they are amazing. The best we have had in my lifetime certainly.

Secondly, will fans be still allowed to watch the players train at Bodymoor Heath ? I feel the level of interaction between fans and players is decreasing in our modern game, and would love the opportunity to see the players.


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Firstly, General; thanks for the kits, they are amazing. The best we have had in my lifetime certainly.

Secondly, will fans be still allowed to watch the players train at Bodymoor Heath ? I feel the level of interaction between fans and players is decreasing in our modern game, and would love the opportunity to see the players.


Think the General has said there will be new viewing areas built at Bodymoor.

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General, I've seen on another thread that Villa only make a £1 or so on a villa shirt sold in one of the sports stores? whereas we make £21 for every shirt sold in the club shop?

is this true? if it is and can be confirmed then Im sure a hell of alot of us would much prefer to buy from the club direct. However to ensure this then the shirt prices need to be competitive and not at the £40 plus mark when sports soccer sell them for £25- 35.

Can you give us any details on this and what prices the club shop plan to retail them at?

P.S - The white away kit, and the black and blue '3rd kit / training tops' are the niccest villa kits Ive ever seen! Thank you very much (plus Marlon harewood is a very shrewd buy, low cost, low risk, and a good chance the MON factor will get him firing on all cylynders...very happy with the summer so far) and finally bought my first ever season ticket with a mate I roped in aswell!, Also whats the latest season ticket sales numbers??

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Regarding the Holte Hotel, I am excited that we've reclaimed a lost part of our history that truly reflects the "Proud History - Bright Future" slogan. To me it wasn't about the "matchday" experience and although it is disappointing that few of our fans can enjoy the experience on matchdays it is more about what it represents. There is nothing better in my eyes that shows that and what an amazing beacon to the fans as they approach Villa Park (and I look forward to the "curry nights"! :lol:).

Regarding the signage around Villa Park that is slowly being taken down in line with our brand neutralization, is it possible that the existing signage could be used in auctions or donated to charity organizations that could really benefit? Apologies if you've already mentioned this.

Many thanks.

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In regards to the Holte Hotel only holding 130.

Would there be any way to making match day a ticketing affair for the Holte? And that you have some sort of waiting list?

I used to go in the Holte Hotel on match days back in the 80's when i was finally old enough to get in. Now i live in Australia and would love to have a beer in the Holte again on match day when i make my trip back to England, but can't see this being very realistic if the limit is so low!

Even better would be a beer with you and Randy to thank you for all the good work your doing ! :cheers:

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General ,

Met with Alison Plant yesterday over the banner idea she is going to get back to me today with an answer .

She was very helpful and the whole department there seems very busy and focussed on what needs to be done don't think people realise how much is going on and the real intent shown by everyone to get things done . Actions are certainly speaking louder than words .

A couple of things that I think people should be made aware of :

Holte Hotel numbers are governed by the toilets and the licensing laws . Police worried about match day and potential trouble . The only way round it is to give the names of people who will be in there on match day , yes its 130 on the first floor and they will be selected by the club but they are trying to put people who sit by each other together . This will be done for each game in fairness an admin nightmare but the fairest way and it will not be open for corporates . There will I understand be a further 60 guests on the bottom floor another good new initative by Villa .It will be for a certain type of supporter but won't give the game away suffice to say it is very fair and people will approve.

The pub itself inside from what I gather from yesterday is breathtaking and every detail has been taken into account . The big problem is going to be the cooking facilities and space in there for that but they have done their best in a tight confignment for space . The garden will seat 60 people .

North Stand lower will see new toilets and a bar that have been built again good news for the people representing excellent value for the money . New concourses being built to house the away fans and segregation as good as it can be .

Finally not only the General from Villa looks at Villa talk :winkold: and they note whats going on and what the feelings are ,good and sometimes bad but the reality is that the club is being built on solid foundations some of the things going on behind the scenes are really refreshing and the amount of changes will all improve the club for us !

General I think you and the team are doing a fantastic job and I am 100 percent behind you as most of the fan base are .

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keep up the good work 99% of the fans are behind you,we are all in this together as the villa family,we will suceed but it takes time,keep up the good work and the good time s will come.

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