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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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Time and time again I come across stupid and repetitive questions and get tired reading them so you MUST get bored answering them.

So Id like to apoligise on behalf of those who can't actually stand back for a minute and have a look at a situation before asking unanswerable questions.

There is concern on the 'signing players' issue but that shouldnt show in this thread.

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After a season away I've decided to get a new season ticket. All fine and dandy (though the advertising of the prices being what they were 2 seasons ago is untrue, as my season ticket is 380 not the 360 it was - naughty false advertising there!) but I do have a bit of a gripe. You see I am paying by the Easy Payment scheme so paying the extra 25 admin fee. But I've also signed up for the away scheme and cup scheme. But now I find that each scheme has an additional 25 admin fee to it, so for my loyalty I am expected to pay an extra 75!!!! Sorry but that is out of order. AND the club will automatically take the cash for tickets for the away scheme out my account without me being allowed to choose the away games I wish to go to. Let's say that we get a month of alot of away games, that's on a hell of an outlay that I may not want, or more importantly, afford yet may if not careful run up unwanted charges on my account if I don't have the money in my account if the situation occurs. I've been told that you can only cancel a few transactions atm for a few times a season which makes it crazy from a customer liason standpoint.

Can you verify something that before the club takes money out for away or cup games that they will notify myself and fellow scheme members either by email or say text that we have a certain period to agree to such transaction to say yes or no to it before the money comes out automatically, otherwise there will be alot of people getting unwanted bank charges that we do not need or want. I simple automated email with an option of yes or no reply AND/or a texting service should suffice. Rahter pay and extra pound text than 2a fll ticket price if I Can't make it.

the away scheme - you can tell the club in advance by phone or e mail or letter if you don't want a ticket from a game(s). you can also return the ticket before a set date and get a refund.

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General Krulak here:

1. Open Training Day at Villa Park. This was an idea of MON and he felt it went very well. I cannot speak for him but I would imagine that he will do the same thing again this year. We will give everyone advance notice.

2. Randy is literally "over the moon" about Aston Villa FC and his current role. He sees this as a lifetime event...and one that he wants his family to enjoy also. Many of you have seen his wife and children at the games...that is typical of the family. The kids wear Villa kits and bleed claret and blue. Randy has his 5 year goals firmly in mind and is driving towards meeting each of them.

3. Tricella: If you come to Villa Park from Sweden, I will ensure that you get a visit to Bodymoor Heath, a pint at the Holte Hotel and a tour of the grounds. BRING YOUR WIFE AND 3 CHILDREN!!!!!!

4. Stewiek2. I confess that I am not sure what you are talking about but I will ask Nicky Keye about your issue.

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There has been some debate on ths board about signing players to boost season ticket sales.

I just wondered if you knew if match tickets were the clubs main source of revenue, or if it was say merchandising, or media revenue, or something else?


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I'm sorry as I feel I'm stalking you on this one but; have we broken that damned record on season ticket sales yet ? The figures we're hearing are suggesting we're agonisingly close.

I would hope that when we do, Richard, Randy and yourself celebrate with a fine large brandy, you will have deserved it.

But don't forget to tell us, as I've a hankering for a brandy myself.

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just checked and for the last published accounts in 2006 our total revenue was down for £51m to £49m (that is abysmal !!!)

£18m were classed as matchday

£21m for media

£10m for commercial

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General Krulak here:

4. Stewiek2. I confess that I am not sure what you are talking about but I will ask Nicky Keye about your issue.

Thanks Big man! Sorry to have a moan. Looking forward to the new season

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If Aston Villa were to win the CL in 5 years time, and bearing in mind Randy's 5 year plan, what then? What would the planning be for the next 5?

Similarly, what return does Randy expect over the next 5 years? Financial? Silverware?

If the latter, what do the board see as an absoloute must for the next 5 year period?

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Hi General,

Just want to say hello and introduce myself. My name is David Doherty, Irish long time Aston Villa fan(for 19 years). I work in Cayman Islands in a Irish/British bar. We show all the football all season long, you actually see more live football here than you would in England! At 3 o'clock kickoff time in England we have 3 live games on plus early game and late one, most others are repeated after that and we're pretty busy too. There is lots of admiration for Villa here and as of last year 3 out and out fans; the other two are from Birmingham itself, lifetime fans. I just discovered your posts a few days ago and spent the last 3 days reading all of them. I just want to say how great it is that you are accessible and how good a job you are all doing, even though I am far away I do keep track of what’s going on, always. In fact it is funny reading back when the January transfer window was there and the nerves were creeping in to the comments, but then the lads came and it was all ok, this is what I expect to happen now as well!! I am coming back to Ireland next week and the day I leave England to fly back to Cayman, Villa are playing Inter. This is gutting for me so I am trying to change my ticket to come back to Cayman the Monday, as I have never been to Villa Park. This is very embarrassing as I consider myself a true fan. Anyway like I said just want to say hello and say well done and hopefully see you at the Inter game and if you ever fancy a trip to Grand Cayman I’ll be sure to hook you up, and don’t worry you won’t miss a game!

Well done


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You prob. can't answer this, but I was totting up today how much Randy must have spent on Villa in the year he has been here. (obv. the below are estimates coz I don't know the real stuff)

Buying us 64m , training Ground 13m, Holte Hotel 8m, Players (NRC, Carew, Young, Petrov, Maloney mainly - give or take 30m.

I take that to be 111 million quid - qouldn't mind 11 quid myself !!.

But, how wealthy IS Randy. When he took over we were told "american billionaire" - which is about 500m.

Now if he has already ploughed nearly 1/4 of his whole fortune into us in one year, surely he can't have much more to give ??

I am no businessman, but is my simple equasion correct. And when you put this into simple terms - I think it shows everyone (including myself who I will admit am a bit tetchy about transfers at the moment) just how much the guy has put into us so quickly !!!

(i do have a part b to this question but i'll await the answer to this so it isn't too long !)

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Hi General, me & my wife have just recently had a baby girl, our 1st child. She is now 3 months old & i had a look at the club shop as i was excited about getting something for her.. something to wear preferably. Unfortunately i must admit to being rather dissapointed with the range of product avaliable... Any plans to broaden the choice in the near future? Not just of the baby clothes but in general ?

Also thanks for the info about "satellite towns & cities", It has been a bone of contention with me for years so thats very satisfying news!

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If at any time, near or in Villa Park you see a big chap bounding towards you with a massive grin, please do not use any prior training to defuse the matter as it will only be one very grateful and over excited 40 year old bedfordtel. Keep up the great work, I'm so happy and proud to be a Villa fan.

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Hi General, me & my wife have just recently had a baby girl, our 1st child. She is now 3 months old & i had a look at the club shop as i was excited about getting something for her.. something to wear preferably. Unfortunately i must admit to being rather dissapointed with the range of product avaliable... Any plans to broaden the choice in the near future? Not just of the baby clothes but in general ?

I too remember being a bit disappointed with the choice of baby clothes. A lot of it was not claret and blue either which is a shame. Mind you I did get my son into the catalogue on the back of a photo I submitted to Villa News and Record where he was wearing a baby hat!

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General Krulak here:

1. Season Ticket update. 22,634 to date...7,991 "new'. This is the highest number since 97/98 season and we should break our all-time high within the next 6 days. 19,990 Inter Milan tickets sold to date.

2. I hope none of you really believes I can talk about Randy's "wealth". That would be totally inappropriate for me to do. Suffice it to say that Randy has invested well in the Club and will continue to do so.

3. Baby Clothes: This is a very interesting comment. My daughter-in-law gave birth to "Charlie" almost 11 months ago and I got him his first "kit" when he was 6 weeks old. It was claret and blue and was a "sleeper/bunny" suit. I then bought him his first "official kit" when he was 6 months old and he fit it like a glove. Again, it was "the" official Hummel kit. I have found socks, hats, etc....all with our Badge and in Claret and Blue. The only thing I haven't found is a Claret and Blue "cammie" pattern for the lad. Bottom Line: I have found that the baby clothes are pretty good.

4. I talked to Nicky about the Tickets....she asked that you call her and she will give you an answer to your question.

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hi general

I was wondering seeing as it is a rapidly evolving football country and there are plenty of good teams wethter a australian tour could be a possibility over the next 10 years.


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May I take this opportunity to remind people that the General is NOT here to discuss transfers in any way, shape or form and any questions regarding Fitzgerald's "top class" statement should be left until after the tranfer window closes.

Thank You

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Hi General,

Although i understand the reasons behind why the new Holte Hotel will have a 130 capacity, i have to say that with all the hype before hand it now feels like a big anti climax.

The official site says a draw will be made with season ticket holders but what the persons who thought of this forgets is:

Most fans go down in groups and drink together so it would be a rare occurrence that if one person was drawn out that another of his mates were drawn out too and he is not going to go on his own.

When it comes to pubs most of us are loyal, if we were to swap our allegiances to the Holte then it would not be for a chance of one game.

I feel i will show my loyalty to the Edward that served me my first pint at 15 and lets me in week in and week out(now 38 :winkold: )

There must be a better way of going about this as 130 seems hardly any considering the size of the outdoors, is this because corporates will be getting an allocation or private rooms? or purely down to a risk assessment?

Yours Loyally (though barred from the Holte before opening) :winkold:


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