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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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general krulak here:

1. no definitive answer re. specific location of museum...we are looking at several locations to include the upper rooms in holte hotel. all key trophies and plaques will be in a new trophy case randy is having made...it may also go in holte hotel but no decisions made.

2. not sure what to say about shirt size other than to go visit john greenfield at villa shop and tell him your problem and see if he can come up with a solution. i know that they did have shirts in all sizes at one tiem.

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General sorry to ask such an annoying question so apologies in advance, but could you please confirm the rumour that a press conference is arranged for Friday. As you must have realised the Villa faithful is an impatient beast and people around here are getting a bit worried about our lack of transfer activity. I'm not asking you to talk directly about new players as thats MON's business but a confirmation of the press conference would allay fears massively. If you can't talk about this I totally undersatnd but as my mum says you don't ask you don't get.

Thanks and have a lovely day


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Good evening General.

I've just got back from Majorca, Spain and wanted to ask something.

As i was dragged around the endless gift shops by my kids looking for a 1 euro fridge magnet I saw the usual crop of mugs , towels, badges, plaques in virtually every club in europe - including Small Heath Alliance ! but not one single Villa item !! - is there a reason for this and will it change - surely we will only get a worldwide fan base if they can buy things world wide !!!

2ndly, I saw a few lovely boats if Randy would like to treat me for my loyalty, some were 5 million euro but I am not greedy, a nice looking one was only 595000, can you put me in a good word !!

3rdly - I think I saw the new Arsenal kit - all red with a little white line bit over each shoulder - is that close to ours ???

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2. we are planning a fan viewing area at new training-ground...a set of stands where the fans can get a bit closer to the actual practice pitches.

Phwoar thats immense :thumb:

Any idea on when this will be put up ? Fingers crossed in the summertime like :winkold:

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general krulak here:

1. i have no info on press conference...again, please have patience..things will work out.

2. yes, we anticipate the ability to use our connection with Nike to go world wide. obviously winning is a key to successful marketing.

3. holte hotel is very near completion...an opening date will be announced soon. it is spectacular!!

4. stands will not be completed until new practice pitches are finished. it takes time to grow grass. the indoor pitch is done and is huge!!

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Hi General,

Thanks for running this thread and updating regularly.

I'd like to know now that the new non-smoking law is about to come into force, how do the VP staff (Not known for the subtlety) control this in the Holte End?

Are you going to put up special external smoking sheds?

Thanks for showing you have respect for the fans.

Up the Villa!

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Are you going to put up special external smoking sheds?

There will be no smoking allowed anywhere in Villa Park and as you can smoke outside nothing will change so why sheds? I doubt they will let you out at half time to smoke.

This is the generals thread i know so delete if you wish :?

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3. holte hotel is very near completion...an opening date will be announced soon. it is spectacular!!

I drove past yesterday and stopped to look at the hotel. It really is very impressive

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Are you going to put up special external smoking sheds?

There will be no smoking allowed anywhere in Villa Park and as you can smoke outside nothing will change so why sheds? I doubt they will let you out at half time to smoke.

This is the generals thread i know so delete if you wish :?

I don't smoke ....... but there are many who do and still 'did' whilst in the stands, even though that was banned !

My point is that there will I'm sure be quite a number of fans who will try to ignore the smoking ban in VP even though as of June 1st, it'll be the law.

How are the VP staff going to handle this possible situation.

Sometimes, during the colder months, you could hardly breathe for the amount of smoke in the Holte at half time....

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I know it has been pointed out a million times that you can't speak about transfers but if possible, can you let me / others know the general situation going on.

If you look at the "no-one in yet - are you worried" thread you will see that most of us are starting to panic !!. Players are being announced left right and centre at the moment, Newcastle 5 very very good players in, Man C offering 27 mill for Torres (although this is an empty bid because there is more chance of Torres marrying me than agreeing to join them), Spurs getting Bent, Liverpool - Torres virtually and some others, Fulham one, maybe two of ours and Kamara, even SMA have signed a few.

Villa - absoulte silence so far - players leaving but not even a report of us tabling bids (and the one that was reported - 7m for NRC apparently denied)

I cannot believe for one minute that RL and MON are so naive to sell players unless we were 100% guarenteed replacements of better quality but I gotta admit - I for one am worried at the moment.

Can you at least let us know the situation - is there things that we / press do not know about ??

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for the last time, the General will not post about transfers in or outs. any more will be deleted.

A question here, too.

Now, this question has popped up due to the latest security alerts. Something I've always thought is that a football ground is an easy target for a terrorist attack. Car parked next to the ground, someone with a backpack inside. Whatever.

Are the club looking at ways to make the ground safer - no parking/driving zone, increased bag and body checks on EVERYONE, and re-introducing barriers on the supports of the Trinity Stand which is open and a potential weak spot?

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general krulak here:

1. i just am not going to talk about players. i have said on multiple occasions, players are the purview of mon and randy. for me to comment would not be right. i have followed the news just as you have....and to be perfectly honest, i have not seen a whole bunch of activity that has me worried. mon is interested in strengthening our club...for now and the future. i look at what has transpired to date and i do not see a whole lot of strengthening of other clubs...i really haven't. one player added here or there is not going to tip the balance of power in the Premiership. even mon and randy agree that it will take more than one or two transfer seasons to get to our goal. have faith...these are good men.

2. i have been asked about a press conference on monday...i do not know about a press conference on monday.

3. the smoking ban is a huge issue and one that is taking a great deal of our time. the keys will basically surround the education of our stewards. we must ensure the law is followed but we cannot turn villa park into a battleground with confrontation taking away from the play on the pitch. the challenges are tremendous...it is not just a case of throwing smokers out...it is far more serious than that. we need to be very careful of how we proceed to enforce the law and that is why we are spending so much time on this issue. in almost all cases, it will boil down to our fans policing themselves...bring a nicotine patch with them and whatever else they need to make it through the 90 minutes.

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General, noticed the badge has been changed on the main site, thats better it looks more professional.

As to the Press conference are people getting confused with the imminent kit launch, which I believe is scheduled for this week

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Hi General,

Just wondering (and apologies if this has been asked/answered as I can't see it on the last couple of pages) - is Randy in the UK at the moment? I was curious as to whether he has allocated specific times to be around at VP this summer, or whether its entirely a case of as and when he's needed?

Thanks - James

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