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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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You may not have looked at the thread re. books but there are two mentioned that are a must for any Villa fan to read. "Children of the revolution" and "The Weir and the Wonderful".

Both are now out of print but maybe if the club could approach the publishers and sell them in the club shop?

p.s. I have copies of both and would gladly "lend" them to you if you were interested :wink:

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Following on from the superb work being done on the Holte Hotel, can you give me an answer on the fate of the Aston Tavern? A legendary old drinking hole for many of us that is now derelict and adjoins the old Serpentine Car Park.

Does the club have any kind of interest in it because I for one would be very happy indeed to see it restored and re-opened?


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Hello General and thanks to you all for an uplifting 9 months.


- People leaving early - it is such an atmosphere killer. There are many reasons why people do it, and some will never be changed, but how about the Club trying to impact on it (aside from the obvious answers of exciting football etc). I don't know how many ways this could be done, but for one example, a 'Prize Draw' each game only announced at the end and only collectable after the game ?

-Is anybody going to look into the 'crowd' acoustics ? I saw an earlier post from someone who said at the Sheffield game other family members couldn't hear the Holte..My son and I were in there and it was deafening, yet my Wife in the Doug Ellis said it was pretty quiet....By the way it's the same on TV, even when noisy the Holte comes across quiet.

And finally, this may sound daft, and mayn't be for you but I can't think where else to send it, (and I'd never forgicve myself if I didn't ask and something happened) at the Sheffield game the Upper Holte was shaking from the fans stamping and clapping at one point - I know safety checks are standard but given your description of the state of the Holte Inn and an earlier post re the Holte steps - are we safe up there ??!

Thanks again for all the many things you've already done.

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What European countries has he been going to exactly....

Also, how do you go about becoming a scout for Aston villa. I feel i would be awesome!!

Cheers, Up the villa

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General Hi.

Like you I look at a few Villa related forums and am amazed at some of the questions you are asked.

One question that I have not seen asked is about the Business side of things. Now we all know that Randy has poured millions into buying the club, buying players and upgrading the facilities etc. When will Randy expect to see a return on his investment and how much is he looking to take out of the club ?

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General Krulak here:

1. We have no plans for the Aston Hotel right now. We already have much on our plate...now we need to start thinking about players.

2. I don't think I should talk about MON and where he might have traveled and whether he might be announcing players deals before transfer. This is really in the baliwick of MON and I am not sure he would want any of us discussing this over the web site.

3. Leaving early. You are correct, some people will always leave early. My sense is that the BEST way to keep bums in seats is to have exciting, winning play on the Pitch. If we are winning, people will stay. Re. crowd accoustics: It is very difficult to do anything about this due to the infrastructure...accoustics are all about the structure. We could put amplifiers in the stands but I am not sure that is a viable answer. I can tell you this....from where I sat at the Sheff utd game, there was a HUGE amount of noise!!!!! Yes, the Holte End is safe.

4. It is hard for most to understand but Randy does not look upon Aston Villa Football Club clearly in business terms. He purchased the Club because he loves sports...and football. He loves the history and tradition of the Club. He loves the grounds. Would he like to see the Club make money every year? Of course. Is he attempting to build the Club to show such a profit? Of course. Is he patient? Yes!

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Just wondering if theres going to be a member scheme intoduced? For fans that don't want to buy season tickets (don't worry I've got mine) but want to guarantee that they can get to games and feel like they're still a part of the club.


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Just wondering if theres going to be a member scheme intoduced? For fans that don't want to buy season tickets (don't worry I've got mine) but want to guarantee that they can get to games and feel like they're still a part of the club.


I'll second this - I can't have my season ticket next year because I'm moving to Hull for Uni, and would dearly love to be able to get tickets if I'm home for any of the games. And if I can afford it :winkold:

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General thanks for the reply. I can see that the club is being invested in and that things are moving forward, it's just hard to visualise a businessman putting up in excess of 100 million pounds into a venture without expecting a good return on that investment.

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Just wondering if theres going to be a member scheme intoduced?

Yeah good call.

edited. Where someone has just asked a question, could people please refrain from just asking again, or simply agreeing - we're trying to keep limit the length of the thread to make it easier to find whether a query has already been asked, and to help the General keep track of questions. thanks. blandy

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Also make sure we don't tell anyone who we will try to buy and tell us at the press conference once the player had signed.

We don't need to know Martin O'Neill is interested in player X from AC Milan.

Have we made any offers for players this month yet ? Just yes or no will do.

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genereal firstly thanks for dumping teh bright yellow kit!


1: what is the status with MON's contract? its up in a few months if i am correct?

2: a cheeky one any chance of giving us a hint when we may expect our 1st signing? :winkold:

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genereal firstly thanks for dumping teh bright yellow kit!


1: what is the status with MON's contract? its up in a few months if i am correct?

MON is on a one-year rolling contract. Basically, what this means is that it is always 12 months away from expiring. As of today, MON is contracted to Aston Villa until 23rd May 2008. As has been said before, this arrangement suits both MON and Randy Lerner as they are honourable people who believe more in a strong working relationship than in a contract which only guarantees a pay-off in the event of termination.

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I love the match day program and make a point of always getting one. There is a feature that I would love to see added, and I'm sure many supporters would agree. I think a 2-page feature on our fantastic travelling support would be great. A photo of the away end, celebrating a goal, applauding the team on or showing our love of MON as we always do at full time. A few stats on actual numbers. Even a 'fans' account of the day, where a different fan gives his account of the day, the travelling, the prematch drink and banter and any new songs. I'm sure all this would work and become one of the programs favourite features.

If there is someone esle I should be sending this to then please let me know, if not could you please pull all the right triggers and pass on my views.

Many thanks in appreciation for all your great work and in advance for bringing 'home' the good times.

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General Krulak here:

1. I do not know what you mean by a "member scheme" so it is hard for me to answer the question.

2. Re Randy and the "business" of AVFC. Randy possesses a superb business mind and obviously wants his investment to pay off. My point is that money will not drive Randy with re. to our Club. Football is a very difficult business to make a lot of money at...you need to be in the very top tier and, even then, it is tough. Randy will get us to the top tier...and we will have our chance at being profitable BUT, if you asked him which is more important, "silverware" or pounds sterling, he would say "silverware"...and expect the pounds to come.

3. Don't worry about MON's contract. It is strictly between him and Randy.

4. During the previous transfer window, I received hundreds of questions re. who? what? when? and where? I tried to be very clear that this was strictly between MON and Randy....that no one else is involved. MON knows what the team needs, both short and long term, he knows where they are located and availability. Randy is there to support MON...not to weigh in on who? For me to even BEGIN to pass information on this site or any other would NOT be right or proper. Sooooo....this is one type of question that I am not going to answer.

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General Krulak here:

4. During the previous transfer window, I received hundreds of questions re. who? what? when? and where? I tried to be very clear that this was strictly between MON and Randy....that no one else is involved. ... For me to even BEGIN to pass information on this site or any other would NOT be right or proper. Sooooo....this is one type of question that I am not going to answer.

We respect your position General, I cant imagine anyone actually expected you to give anything away with regard to our transfer strategy.

Public Service Announcement - Any questions/comments on who? what? where? when?etc for transfers will be deleted by the mods, now. So please respect the General's answer. Thanks. Blandy

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General Krulak here:

1. I do not know what you mean by a "member scheme" so it is hard for me to answer the question.

Hi General

Hope you and yours are well!

I am not an expert on "Membership Schemes" but my understanding is that Arsenal, Liverpool, Tottenham and other premiership clubs have paid membership schemes i.e. Platinum, Gold, Silver etc which are open to season and non season ticket holders.

They offer various levels of priority for home and away tickets and bring additional rewards/benefits. I understand that the Tottenham scheme was so successful that it is now closed to new members.

This link will give you an idea of how the Tottenham scheme works:


Essentially they are designed to allow flexibility for fans who wish to commit to various degrees. For the club they are obviously a means of raising further revenues, creating greater loyalty etc

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