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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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General Krulak here:

Holte Hotel. You bring up a key point...how to handle all the people who will want to use the pub. This is an issue that will be taking a great deal of Allison Plant's time to think through...and also our security folks. We recognize the problem and will be working on a satisfactory solution over the summer. What we do NOT want to do is restrict it.

Not sure what you mean about the Upper and Lower Holte Suites? There is a bar in the lower Holte Suite.

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General Krulak here:

Holte Hotel. You bring up a key point...how to handle all the people who will want to use the pub. This is an issue that will be taking a great deal of Allison Plant's time to think through...and also our security folks. We recognize the problem and will be working on a satisfactory solution over the summer. What we do NOT want to do is restrict it.

Not sure what you mean about the Upper and Lower Holte Suites? There is a bar in the lower Holte Suite.

So under 18's would be allowed in? (Not to drink alcohol obviously)

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Re: the bars in upper / lower holte.

I raised a question the other week on a thread asking what the shutters were at the very back of the lower holte (pitch level). I was told that behind those shutters is a bar which is accessed from the upper holte. they put the shutters down 1/2 hour before kick off.

We haven't got the same thing in the lower holte. Just two kiosks selling food and luke warm drink. The Holte Suite is accessed from the car park (at a cost) for everyone. My question is, can the holte suite be the bar - just for the lower holte. (maybe create an access door from the concourse.)

You could even have the upper hollte bar / holte suite available for season ticket holders. and the holte hotel a free for all.

Cheers for the swift response on the hotel. Could I ask that when the info. regarding numbers allowed / bar staff / how many bars etc.. is decided on - could you post it on here for us.

Have a good summer - if you are in Brum and stuck for something to do, go down Edgbaston and watch the cricket. A summers day, the cricket and a bar open all day - what more could you ask for !!

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General ,

I posted the idea of a roaving season ticket some weeks ago .

For example being able to move to different parts of the ground through the season whilst still paying for your season up front.

Any feedback , cheers .

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Quick post to point out that a couple of the mods, including me, are trying to prune this thread down a little to the questions and answer for which it was created for, If your post is one of those that goes missing, we apologise.

The majority of the posts are the duplicates, nested quotes and those that add nothing but - "thanks", "hear hear", "I love the board" etc.

If anyone has an issue with this please PM ME

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An ideas for Villa to consider

How about setting up a chain of sport shop with Villa, Albion, Wolves, Walsall, Coventry and Small Heath Alliance to sell things as sport shops in the midlands doesn't sell much. Perhaps in area, like Birmingham Bull Ring, One Stop Shopping Centre, Airport, Walsall, Merry Hill, Wolverhampton and so on. But it will need co-operation between the local teams to make it work.

I also want to see official web site to remove membership subscription and log in as it is annoying. I couldn't look at the site if I am away from home. I also couldn't view the videos on official site as I don't agree to pay for content online.

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General, kudos to you for your op-ed in the Wapo highlighting the detrimental effect of the use of torture . Once again in American politics the retired generals are far ahead of the politicians and talking heads. It is a great shame that such educated opinions continually fall on deaf ears.

Though McCain wasn't the only the candidate to speak out about the use of torture - the excellent Ron Paul was nearly stoned to death!

Much respect to you, sir.

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General Krulak here: Let me try to answer many of the questions posted over the past 24 hours.

1. Who we play in Friendlies is strictly the purview of MON. Randy would never presume to know who to play and why...he trust MON for those decisions.

2. We do not see the Holte Hotel being used as a "proper" Hotel...rather we see it as a gathering place, a semi-museum, an achive, a place to watch the telly, etc.

3. We are in the process of re-doing all the sinage...to include letter head. The name Aston Villa will be on the letter head. A description of ALL the sinage can be obtained by going on the official web site (it use to be there...I think it still is) or calling Russell Jones at Villa Park and asking him to direct you to the place to find the information.

4. No to the roving S-T holders at this time.

5. I will get capacity numbers for the Holte Hotel and pass them on.

6. The new kit should be out in late July or early August...one week before the end of month or one week after.

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Hey General, sorry to bring up the kit date again, but regarding the dates you have given us - are these the dates will we see the kit (eg. being worn by the players on the US tour, on the AVFC website) or when the kit goes on sale?

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A few weeks a go Richard Fitzgerald gave an interview about possible partners in the future etc (i'm not quite sure on the exact subject of it). Anyway in the interview he said something about if the second runway gets built at Birmingham then we already have a international airline lined up to be partnered with.

Low and behold, this morning I switch on the local news to hear that part of airport has been sold off to Australian and Canadian consurtiums who will ensure that the second runway goes ahead.

Can you shed any more light on this issue? Do you know anything about the possible airline? Was the sale anything to do with AVFC? IS it still on the cards?

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Dear Sir,

Please ignore this post if you have already addressed the matter earlier in the thread.

I attended the Villa match at Bolton last weekend and noticed a number of supporters wearing grey T shirts sporting the new Villa club badge. I asked one of the fans where he had purchased said item and he explained that he had bought it in the club shop. I found this difficult to believe and assumed that he had got it from a street vendor because the areas of the crest that should be claret were in fact PINK!!

Imagine my surprise this morning when I dropped into the club shop, having renewed my season ticket, to find the said T shirts on sale. I enquired at a senior management level as to why the crests were pink rather than claret and he said, and I quote, “That’s the way they came outâ€. I explained that surely this was not acceptable and wondered why he hadn’t returned the garments to the supplier. I was astounded to by his response which was that he couldn’t see anything wrong with them!

I thought this matter should be brought to your attention as in an earlier post on this thread you mentioned that the claret and blue brand would be standardised. Perhaps the management of the club shop need to be made aware of this and the shirts withdrawn and replaced with some in club colours.

Thanks for reading this

Gerry Hitchens

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6. The new kit should be out in late July or early August...one week before the end of month or one week after.

will the kits be made public before then general or will they be revealed on that date with purchase straight away? please no bright yellow!

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Our former 'dear leader' Chairman Ellis used to have a number of portraits of himself around the innards of the club depicting him as 'MR Aston Villa'.

Now that he is gone I was wondering if they were still in place. Either way can we replace them with this?


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General ,

Just another question / thought have you considered a statue of Sir Dennis lifting the European Cup that and a statue of McGregor to greet and impose on visitors . I cannot think of two more fitting statues that would stand the test of time and give us links with our proud history .

Great idea

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General ,

Just another question / thought have you considered a statue of Sir Dennis lifting the European Cup that and a statue of McGregor to greet and impose on visitors . I cannot think of two more fitting statues that would stand the test of time and give us links with our proud history .

Great idea

Aplogies MYSTERYMAN, it seems as if you posted that question twice and both were deleted at the same time! Excellent question though and fortunately saved by villa_fan_no1!

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A few weeks a go Richard Fitzgerald gave an interview about possible partners in the future etc (i'm not quite sure on the exact subject of it). Anyway in the interview he said something about if the second runway gets built at Birmingham then we already have a international airline lined up to be partnered with.

Low and behold, this morning I switch on the local news to hear that part of airport has been sold off to Australian and Canadian consurtiums who will ensure that the second runway goes ahead.

Can you shed any more light on this issue? Do you know anything about the possible airline? Was the sale anything to do with AVFC? IS it still on the cards?


I can answer this for you.

There will be no second runway at Birmingham in the medium future (IMO not before 2030)

There will be a runway extension, taking it to optimum length, by probably 2012.

This will then open the airport up for potential ultra long haul airlines, with non-stop service to Asia (Singapore/KL/Shanghai/HK) being the aim.

In another thread a while back I suggested that Qatar Airways should be targetted as a potential sponsor and, if we are to get an airline sponsor, I would back them as the most likely as they will be the next major intercontinental carrier to operate from BHX.

The agreement to sell announced yesterday was for 48.25% of the airport and was indeed to a Canadian/Australian consortium. The seller was an Australian/Irish consortium.

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Firstly, I have not been drinking! I have an idea.

I'm waiting for a puppy to be born (Should be born at the end of next week). I've decided for it to be called Ellis (I know!)

The logic behind naming the dog is perhaps we could remove the 'U' from a certain stand?

I think having an Aston Villa dog mascot and having a Dog Ellis stand would be great.

He would be available free of charge (of course) for photo shoots for the club shop magazine etc

I include a picture of his father Nico who came second at Crufts:


the General has answered questions about the HDE stand, previously. I hope the dog doesn't share his namesake's aversion to "Winalot". Woof woof.

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Hi General

Sorry if this has cropped up before!!

A few of us would use the Holte Suite more often if there was no charge to season ticket holders to get in.

Any chance the club could take a look at this as a benefit to S.T holders?? :lol:

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General Krulak here:

1. The kit will go on sale around those dates...and no bright yellow on kit.

2. Runway has been answered...thankfully because I had no answer.

3. T-shirts are bad...you are right. I am not sure why they weren't sent back other than to have them out in time for the 82 Celebration. Before it is all over, those things will be collectors items because we sure aren't getting any more!!

4. Timharding: Who is that good looking stud in the Marine uniform??!!!! What a sharp looking guy!! Looks sort of like Robert Redford!! Mrs "K" loves the picture.

5. Sweetcorn: You were drunk when you suggested that one...or you should be a stand-up comedian.

6. Holte Suite will be re-done. It will be very nice. Even at this point, it is a sell-out each game.

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