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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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I am pretty disgusted that the board would side with West Ham on this. If we were in the relegation scrap right now, and we had been relegated, then im sure we would have gone crazy in appealing. So whats the differnece. I feel we have a right to show we can side with the clubs who have been affected, as 6 games ago, we could have been affected.

As much as I love the board for there takeover and appreciate everything so far they have done, i feel they are taking the easy way out, and that we are a stronger club than to bow to the FA's shocking decision.

Its clear here that the majority of fans disagree with the boards decision.

I would like to point your attention to AFC wimbledon General. They were deducted 3 points for fielding 1 illegal player for 1 game.

If West Ham can do it for 20 odd games, then is this saying it is ok for Villa to illegally sign Ronaldinho, Cristiano Ronaldo and Buffon, and they guide us to Champions League next season if we only get a £20million fine when qualifying for Champions League is worth a hell of a lot more??

Sorry to be a downer but its a shocking decision to side with the FA.

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and this is a Q and A thread for The General - the question about West Ham has been asked and answered. A few people moaning that the club isnt supporting Sheffield United is not going to change the board's mind so discussing it to high heaven is pretty pointless.

agreed. anyone who wants to find out more could look here for some detail. or can go to the thread on the issue in OT

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I would just like to add, the OS now has a small piece about it all:

Club Statement

There has been much speculation surrounding the potential of legal action against the Premier League's sanction on West Ham United and their fielding of ineligible players.

Aston Villa's position is that we have been following the Premier League's agreed strategy and we are awaiting a detailed update in the next few days, when we are expecting an explanation of some of the complexities of this scenario.


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To change the topic:


Do we have a women's team? Are the 'Aston Villa Ladies' part of us, or just affiliated with us, or nothing to do with Aston Villa.

Do we plan to invest in making the women's team successful (like Arsenal).

Its obviously not Villa's priority, but it would be nice to see a long-term plan to at least get them into the women's premier league. Shouldn't really cost a lot either.

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General Krulak here:

1. The renewal packs are not out yet. We did send a communications to S-T holders from Richard to communicate the fact that season tickets were on sale, the key renewal dates and that packs would be sent shortly. ALL S-T holders will receive their packs by 30 May. The pack will be sent in an A5 branded poly case and include:

a. Season ticket brochure which will fold out like a poster.

b. An application form (cup and away, renewal, easy payment and student app. etc.)

c. Brand book

d. Inspirational DVD

I hope this clears things up. Nicky Keye and Russell Jones are two of our very finest and I can assure you, they would not send out junk. I think you will like the pack.

2. The Club has posted on the official web site a statement by Richard on the West Ham issue. Basically, we are going to wait and see the outcome of the investigation.

3. As I have indicated before, we are looking at ways to throw our support behind the women who wear the Villa kit.

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General K thank you for responding to a lot of the comments made over tha last few days. A lot of them have been of a negative nature and some due to people's perception of the facts rather than reality.

You cannot appreciate how your prompt response puts this negativity to bed. In the past this would have been allowed to fester. Whether we agree or disagree on the club's stance on the West Ham issue the fact that through your communciation we get an official response so quickly proves that your involvement here works.

On the season ticket pack - I received the letter from the club last week and it did say that the packs would follow so I am unsure why some people are blaming Nicola and her colleagues. I know she does a great job as I was lucky enough to have agreat day at the SHeff Utd game due to her orgainsation with a friend of mine's kids football team.

Please pass on my thanks to her.

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General Krulak here:

1. Holte Hotel has been a HUGE challenge. It was left to detriorate to a remarkable degree. If Randy had not gone in there, it would have collapsed on itself. We have had to reinforce foundation and walls to a degree you would not imagine. As it stands right now, we will not make the late May deadline we initially set...and it will probably be another 30 days at minimum. Randy wants to do this right...and that means ensuring that the building is standing 100 years from now. Much of the external work is done and looks magnificent. We are still working on the bar area and placing a few more reinforcing struts in...it will be wonderful when done and a place ALL can be proud of.

2. Post # 250!!!!! I am beginning to feel like I live in the ethernet.

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Thanks General,

We have watched the facade of the Holte decay and deteriorate over a number of years - an apt physical manifestation of the club's gradual decline.

Like everything else we have heard, but more importantly seen since Randy arrived on his white charger (team, stadium, infrastructure, crest etc.), the approach has been sensitive to the club's supporters and traditions and firmly focussed on high quality improvements.

I see little reason to doubt that the Holte hotel will be any different and should be wonderful as you say. Should be an exciting summer!

Maybe the opening of the Holte Hotel will coincide with the new Kit Launch?

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Good afternoon General. A quick question about the 'new badge' (although it doesn't seem so new now). I see the Official site use it for news items etc but the main pages show the 'old badge'. As the season is over and the shirts confined to the bin (or to the club shop for sale) shouldn't we now move on?

When will we change once and for all?

Will websites like this (and posters like me) be allowed to use the Badge on their sites ?(or as an avatar?)

The rebranding launch was a success but it seems a little as though things have lost their way and we have this mixture of two identities. I thought, obviously incorrectly, that the change occured at the launch.

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Cheers for the update on the Holte - believe us, we know what state it was in. In the late 70's Mr Ellis applied to have the pub knocked down so he could do what he wanted on the land (which was probably build a statue of himself !). For the only time in 36 years I have to commend the council who would not allow him due to its listed status - over this time he applied again and again but they kept him at bay. His wish was to see it fall into such disrepair that the council would have had to knock it down due to health and safety - luckily you all came in in he nick of time.

At the end of the day - as long as it is open by August 11th who cares !!. On the subject though - I, my mates and probably between 35-42000 Villa fans (depending on who we play 1st game) are gonna want to drink in it first game and you will probably have to queue to Spaghetti Junction to get a drink - have the club thought about how they are gonna manage it all ??. I am sure within a season it will sort itself out but the 1st game will be chaos in there !!!

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Good by you to stand your ground about the West Ham issue and what we as a member in Premier League stands.

There has been no talking from the big clubs taking any side so you can all draw you own conclusion about that.

As I see it is healthy for Villa to stand by the decision made from FA because that is the regulation in this league. Every team in Premier has agreed to this regulation and when it goes against someone then it is no longer good?

FIFA will now have a look at this and maybe something will happen, or not. Villa need to focus on our own issues and try and develop in every area instead of making ourselves to much involved.

As I see it:

West Ham was penalized for errors in the transfers of Mascherano and tevez. This was made before the new owner came and therefore it is not possible to punish the club by deducting points. These deals was made by the old board, management team and agents. Those people should be punished for this...NOT Eggert!

I dont think for a minute that West Ham has been given any "easy way out" if FA thought there was a possibility to deduct the team for points in this affair.

We dont know the whole story...still some people think they know it all...and ON that they also think that they can speak for every Villa fan?!?! That is outrageous and it hurts me to see some people be outright humiliating towards General and the board on this issue.

Up the VILLA!

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I was recently planning for a trip over to New York to Visit some friends, they are also huge Villa fans, and not wanting to miss a second of my beloved Villa I was hoping that we could try and catch the Man City Villa Game whilst I was there!? I contacted Dan Meredith from the Club’s Marketing department who arranged for the NYC Villans to meet up with us, it was SUPERB!! Not only that, he also sorted out a signed 1982 Replica shirt for us to give to them as Part of their anniversary celebrations!! They were made up! It was as if I'd brought them the Cup itself, Needless to Say the Framed Shirt is to be unveiled to all the NYC-Villains and be permanently displayed on the wall at their official 1982 celebration on Saturday 26th May at the Nevada Smiths Bar on 3rd Avenue where I’m told that the entire match is to be shown to all of the American Villa faithful!! I couldn’t believe how superb our foreign support was! And I was Very impressed with the way the Villa's staff bent over backwards to sort out what ended up being the highlight of a great trip to America; This can only be down to the new ownership/management of the Club which is now clearly more in touch with the wants and needs of the fans both locally and abroad. Thanks Randy! The Villa are on the up again!

Needless to say next time I’m in NYC I'll be watching all of the games with our American Villa Brethren and hopefully I won’t have to wait too long!!

All the best to the New York City Villa Boys and a big thanks to the General!!

Dicky Doyle.

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Qs for the Genreral...

1. When will the new Aston Villa website be launched? Hopefully it will be free, making it more accessible to a wider audience.

2. When do you plan to provide a full list of Pre-season dates for abroad and England? So we can all start planning.

3. Will NIKE be putting a "Swoosh - tick" onto the seats of a particular stand, as per Man Utd?

4. Is it true Villa will take part in a tournament with some big european names, organised by Nike?


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Hi General

Just remembered something I meant to write here a few weeks ago.

I took my family to VP recently (my 2.5 year old daughter informed me she was going just as I was getting my 4 year old son ready - she would not be moved on the matter - her first trip and she loved it) Anyway we sat on the external steps of the Holte when having an ice cream and looking at them up close they really are a nightmare.

They seem to be bulging outwards (a problem from when the concrerte was set?) with the old paint flaking off.

As well as looking awful I would have thought it is a health and safety problem with all the uneven bulges.

Knowing the new regime I expect it's all in hand but it did made me a little sad to see such a great stand looking so poor from the outside

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Hi General

Just remembered something I meant to write here a few weeks ago.

I took my family to VP recently (my 2.5 year old daughter informed me she was going just as I was getting my 4 year old son ready - she would not be moved on the matter - her first trip and she loved it) Anyway we sat on the external steps of the Holte when having an ice cream and looking at them up close they really are a nightmare.

They seem to be bulging outwards (a problem from when the concrerte was set?) with the old paint flaking off.

As well as looking awful I would have thought it is a health and safety problem with all the uneven bulges.

Knowing the new regime I expect it's all in hand but it did made me a little sad to see such a great stand looking so poor from the outside

They look like they're melting.

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I dont wish to answer on the General's behalf, but I was told by a Villa official whilst at the Sheff Utd game that the Holte steps are being replaced very soon.

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