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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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General, looking into the future, if asked would you want Villa to be part of the G-14. Or would Randy? And what is the board's position on the G-14?

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General, perhaps we could register our position officially with the Prem Lge? Something like we accept that the decision has been made and as a signatory we support it. However, for the good of football, and this whole thing has been embarrassing for english football, we would like a possible amendment to the rules added to the agenda for the next prem lge meeting? Could this be diplomatic enough to show that we are unhappy.

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I'm sure that if Aston Villa Football Club has anything to say on a subject as wrapped up in litigation as this one's likely to get, it won't be here. With the best will in the world, we're asking the General to put himself into an extremely difficult position.

General, thank you for the frankness of the comments you've already made. I would hope that others can understand the delicate nature of this situation and respect your position.

I'm sure any pertinent detail will come to light in due course.

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What I don't like is when the comments become personal...attacking an individual. That has not happened on this site but has happened on pm's that I have received.

That's appalling General, I'm sorry to hear that, especially bearing in mind how much most of us appreciate not only the work that the board does but also you personally taking the time out to speak to us. If I were you, I'd report that to the site admin asap and get those users carded or banned - it's totally unacceptable.

However, I also have to agree with Risso and others re: the Sheff Utd/West Ham situation. There are ways of showing solidarity with our fellow football league members without 'picking and choosing' what laws we abide by. It is West Ham who have been guilty of this 'picking and choosing' and West ham who have not been appropriately dealt with. I would like to think that, were we ever in this situation, we would have some support from other clubs ourselves. We should not let ourselves be walked over by corruption and beurocracy. I'd rather be a club known for standing up and doing the right thing than one who is known for not causing a stir.

I believe that doing the right thing is more important than maintaining a pseudo-peace when justice has not been served.

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General Krulak here:

1. OutbyEaster has pretty much hit the nail on the head. Is is NOT simply a matter of Aston Villa Football Club getting up on a soap box and trying to out shout others....NOTHING in this world is simple. As I have tried to "hint" to you...there have been discussions and this issue has NOT just been swept under the carpet. I do fully understand that many are concerned and we all share that concern. My sense is that we should let this play out. There are many issues involved and a little knowledge...even by me...can be dangerous.

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Fair enough General, and I appreciate you taking the time out to continue to answer the questions. You may not know that those Cockney buggers have broken the rules before. We played them in the League Cup in the 90's, and they fielded an ineligible player. They weren't chucked out though, and justice was seen to be done when we beat them in the replayed match.

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To me it's the same as holding shares in any other company. As a shareholder you elect the directors to run the company on your behalf, if they mess up, you have a right to take them to task over it.

Anybody who's seen my Off-Topic posts on WHam knows that I think they should go down.

However, I can see the General's position. Trying to change the agreed-upon punishment does bring up the issues that he's brought up.

Does the General's position, though, imply that the Club will not be pursuing an amendment to the league rules to address the situation and essentially require the authorities to deduct points from a club that commits those offenses the next time?

EDIT: I see that that's basically what he posted later on...

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This is going to be my first real moan at the new regime.

Received my season ticket (so called) Pack and it is abysmal and awful

- no new badge, surely it should be on there

- 2 sheets of A4 paper, nothing glossy or exciting about it

- believe it or not but no telephone nuber to ring up the club, that is really poor

- No details of the easy payment scheme, so therefore I have to ring up during my lunch break to order mine

General, I expected far more from the club and this was the first chance to speak directly to 23000 fans and frankly the club has blown it,

luckily everyone will renew I would imagine but surely more effort and thought should have been into it

I know Nicola Keye is responsible for this so I would appreciate if this message could be passed on

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I feel really sorry for this Nicola person. Everyone time something goes slightly awry, her names gets spattered all over the website calling for the General to have a word.

Even under Ellis, I found all the ticket office staff to be superb, and if she's in charge, she's alright by me.

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Although it isn't exactly hard still thought I'd echo the above.

I received my pack as well, and thought the same as everyone else "well HOW do I renew".

Chucked it in the bin and thought "You can do it on the net" so I logged on, got onto the official site season ticket page, which had a link


Tried for 4 hours to click the log without success !!!, just comes up internet page not available"

Now, as I said, it isn't hard - I'll do it by phone tomorrow - but something that should be raised with you I think !

And just for the record (and speaking honestly without trying to patronise) Any person who abuses you on PM MUST be a bluenose just trying to stir trouble !!. Although sometimes we may not agree (ala West ham - I agree with everything everyone else says) there is not a Villa fan on this planet who would abuse this regime !!!

Cheers - have a good summer - if you want me, I'll be in Majorca !!!

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2. Re. the West Ham issue: The Club will support the FA position...for many reasons that would take pages to articulate. Simply said, the (FA), have an established procedure for issues such as this. That procedure was agreed upon by our Club and that procedure has been followed. To go against a procedure we have previously agreed upon would not be a good thing. This does not mean that we have not discussed this issue at length with many parties.

General, I'm delighted to hear this. In years gone by our old chairman would have wanted to get involved and have his say. Our new regime know when not to get involved, they know this is not our problem and are leaving it alone. We can concentrate on our own team all summer. Bravo General!

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I feel really sorry for this Nicola person. Everyone time something goes slightly awry, her names gets spattered all over the website calling for the General to have a word.

Even under Ellis, I found all the ticket office staff to be superb, and if she's in charge, she's alright by me.

Sure, me too. She's excellent, but [mod hat on] to keep this relevant, this thread is precisely for the purpose of raising questions or concerns, and Nicki Keye as consumer sales manager needs to be made aware of this type of thing, as does Richard Fitzgerald - he signed the letter.

That the ticket office service is excellent is commonly agreed, it just looks like an oversight, perhaps due to the rush to get things out.

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post not poster, this is a simple Q&A thread, nothing more. please remember that jc

Sorry John, I will rephrase as a question/comment to the general.

(General's comment on West Ham situation)

General, I'm delighted to hear this. In years gone by our old chairman would have wanted to get involved and have his say. Our new regime know when not to get involved, they know this is not our problem and are leaving it alone. We can concentrate on our own team all summer. Bravo General!

General I believe the above to be incorrect, and would urge you understand and note that the majority of posts on this thread and other areas of the board would fully endorse any support the club could offer in any capacity to Sheffield Utd in their attempt for justice.

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Dear General

I think the confusion seems to be due to the fact that the letters which people think are the renewal packs are not actually the Renewal Packs. The two page letter from Richard Fitzgerald is to encourage us to renew, to inform us of the 'frozen' price tariff and the renewal dates. On line 5 it says "Your renewal pack will be with you shortly" so it should have been fairly clear. I suspect we are just not used to having such regular communication with the club, so when we receive a letter talking about season ticket renewal, it triggers the Season Ticket renewal reflex.

I too experienced difficulties with the online renewal - which was disappointing - so I just phoned up and renewed on the phone.

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This is going to be my first real moan at the new regime.

Received my season ticket (so called) Pack and it is abysmal and awful

- no new badge, surely it should be on there

- 2 sheets of A4 paper, nothing glossy or exciting about it

- believe it or not but no telephone nuber to ring up the club, that is really poor

- No details of the easy payment scheme, so therefore I have to ring up during my lunch break to order mine

General, I expected far more from the club and this was the first chance to speak directly to 23000 fans and frankly the club has blown it,

luckily everyone will renew I would imagine but surely more effort and thought should have been into it

I know Nicola Keye is responsible for this so I would appreciate if this message could be passed on

If you're referring to the same thing I received, that isn't the renewal pack, and if you read inside it, it says your renewal pack will be delivered soon. That's merely a reminder of the renewal dates and a 'hope we can rely on your support next season' letter.

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That's right, the letter to which you are referring is not the renewal "pack" I went to Villa Village at the weekend and picked up a couple of packs and all the details of the easy payment scheme and everything you need are indeed in the packs. (Mine still hasn't arrived in the post though) - will be filling in my renewal pack and dropping it back at the weekend. Probably as you say, we are not used to such good communication but, nevertheless, the letter does quite clearly state "Your renewal pack will be with you shortly" so probably best not to bother the General about it ! :oops:

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