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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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general, are there any plans for us to get involved in the west ham tevez/mascherano dispute at all?

i really think that as a long standing and respected member of the premier league, that have no connections with the relegation battle, that we should add our voice of discontent with the 'punishment' that has allowed west ham united to completely lie and cheat, and go relatively unpunished...

this does affect our club, as west ham have money to spend and will be looking to compete with us in the near future, but more importantly, the integrity of the game is at stake, and if clubs are allowed to "buy" their way out of trouble, then that sets dangerous precedents..

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Geneeral Krulak here:

1. We hgave some additional scarves but have not decided what/how to distribute them at this time. We are looking at many options but need to pick the right one.

Perhaps it would be a nice idea to distribute them to the patients in the Childrens hospital or something like that? I'm sure there are children there who are Villa supporters and would have loved to have attended the game but couldn't for obvious reasons?

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Geneeral Krulak here:

2. I have asked Richard Fitzgerald to compile a DVD of the '82 Celebration...he is going to make it happen.

Thanks General, it should sell by the truck load.

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Hi General,

So its the end of your 1st season.

How did you find your first season watching the Villa? How have you adapted to life in the Prem? and have you fallen in love with the game more quickly than expected? and are you looking forward to next season :)

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Hi General,

What a great end to the season. It gives us a real confidence boost for next season and hopefully many more to come!!

Just a quick question (don't think its been asked before but 225 pages is a lot to read in one go!)

With all the changes going on at the ground over the summer, are there any plans to re-instate the triangular corner flags at Villa Park?

I know it is a long time since we won the FA cup, but seeing as we are celebrating our proud history (something which our neighbours in Small Heath are unable to boast about) this should be something to consider.

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Geneeral Krulak here:

1. We hgave some additional scarves but have not decided what/how to distribute them at this time. We are looking at many options but need to pick the right one.

2. I have asked Richard Fitzgerald to compile a DVD of the '82 Celebration...he is going to make it happen.

3. PW: I am writing on 4 separate web sites...soon to be 5. If I take the time to spell out Aston Villa Football Club everytime I want to mention our Club, I am going to cause even more heartburn for my wife. AVFC is, in fact, another way to describe our Club. If you really go back into our history, you will see that AVFC is very prominent.


For me it really doesnt matter what you call AVFC. But if you would like to make it easy you can use short key command or copy/paste functions. :lol:

On this note/post I would like to personally thank you and everyone on the board for a tremendous season as a Villa fan! You have given us all a bright smile on our faces and we end the season with a warm heart filled of hope and belief for the future. I dont think any Villa fan can express our appreciation for what you and the rest of the board, together with Martin adn the players has done for us...it has just been a wonderful time and we now have a excellent board, a professional management team together with a squad that are very promising. It is happy days at Villa again and I am so grateful for this...but there is not words enough to tell you how good this journey through the season has felt for me.

Thank you all and good luck in the summer to take Aston Villa FC further in all areas.

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Hi Genaral.

Is there any chance of having the Villan available on sky again? I dont know what the plans are in terms of multimedia, but i did miss this, this season.

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general, are there any plans for us to get involved in the west ham tevez/mascherano dispute at all?

i really think that as a long standing and respected member of the premier league, that have no connections with the relegation battle, that we should add our voice of discontent with the 'punishment' that has allowed west ham united to completely lie and cheat, and go relatively unpunished...

this does affect our club, as west ham have money to spend and will be looking to compete with us in the near future, but more importantly, the integrity of the game is at stake, and if clubs are allowed to "buy" their way out of trouble, then that sets dangerous precedents..

General, further to Andy's post, I'd like to know if we're one of the two clubs the BBC say have joined the fight for a proper decision in the West Ham case. Whilst it does not directly concern us, the ramifications from so called "big clubs" being allowed to do as they please could be enormous. How would we feel next season, if we were to finish 5th behind a club who fielded ineligible players? Rules are there for a reason, and I think that big clubs with a proud history like Villa should be seen to stand up for the smaller clubs.

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General Krulak here:

1. Regarding negative comments...there have been several, on multiple sites. My belief is that a person pays his/her money to come to the games and support our Team. This simple fact gives them the right to say what they please, where they please and when they please. I realize this as reality. I also realize that we can't please everyone, all the time. I also realize that we will have "rough spots" as we move forward and we can expect to receive "stick" at times. What I don't like is when the comments become personal...attacking an individual. That has not happened on this site but has happened on pm's that I have received. I don't think that helps anything.

2. Re. the West Ham issue: The Club will support the FA position...for many reasons that would take pages to articulate. Simply said, the (FA), have an established procedure for issues such as this. That procedure was agreed upon by our Club and that procedure has been followed. To go against a procedure we have previously agreed upon would not be a good thing. This does not mean that we have not discussed this issue at length with many parties.

3. I would say that I am happy with our season results...and look forward to doing better next year!!! What I like the most is that we have reached a point where we NEVER quit trying. We go behind a goal and have the ability to retaliate...thus every game is a potential 3 points.

4. What did I think of our first season? I loved it!!! What a game!! No wonder they call it the "beautiful game"...anyone who watched the Sheff Utd game....or saw the two goals yesterday...knows what "beauty" loooks like. It IS a crazy game in ways...never sure what is going to happen, but that makes it even more fun.

5. I don't know anything about triangular corner flags so I can't comment.

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2. Re. the West Ham issue: The Club will support the FA position...for many reasons that would take pages to articulate. Simply said, the (FA), have an established procedure for issues such as this. That procedure was agreed upon by our Club and that procedure has been followed. To go against a procedure we have previously agreed upon would not be a good thing. This does not mean that we have not discussed this issue at length with many parties.

Well that, if you do not mind me saying, is a disgraceful cop out. The Premier League has abused its position, and as a shareholder in the Premier League, we have a duty to speak out.

Still never mind, it's only Sheffield United eh?

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2. Re. the West Ham issue: The Club will support the FA position...

Then let's just say that I strongly disagree with the club.

Moving on from that and looking forward to a new season, I have a question regarding pre-season friendlies. What sort of online coverage will be provided for the pre-season games? I'm sure there are many of us who won't be able to attend any games, but would still love to be able to follow perhaps the most interesting summer in this club's history.

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2. Re. the West Ham issue: The Club will support the FA position...for many reasons that would take pages to articulate. Simply said, the (FA), have an established procedure for issues such as this. That procedure was agreed upon by our Club and that procedure has been followed. To go against a procedure we have previously agreed upon would not be a good thing. This does not mean that we have not discussed this issue at length with many parties.

Well that, if you do not mind me saying, is a disgraceful cop out. The Premier League has abused its position, and as a shareholder in the Premier League, we have a duty to speak out.

Still never mind, it's only Sheffield United eh?


This looks like a cop out by AVFC in my humble opinion.

We should be standing four square behind Sheff Utd on this, and i am not happy with the club's stance on this ....

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General, on a different website when asked a similar question, your reply was

3. Ineligible player: I am a hard-ass. I think that any sort of illegal action should be dealt with swift and sure...particularly if Management knew.

Do you consider a £5m fine (to a club owned by a billionaire) for fielding an ineleigble player, and one that kept West Ham up single handedly to be "swift and sure." Your comments on here appear to be at odds with the above quote.

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General Krulak hee:

1. My "swift and sure" is my own personal opinion...but like many of my opinions, it cannot stand as policy for the Club. The day that we, as a Club, begin to "pick and choose" what agreement/procedure we adhere to (after previously agreeing to follow that agreement/procedure) is the day we will begin a slide down a very slippery slope. Once we sign up to follow a rule/regulation/procedure, it is not good practice to disregard our commitment. As Fans, you may not be happy...and may not agree that the "punishment fits the crime"....but the Club has agreed to follow a certain procedure and that is where we are.

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I'm sorry general, I respect the things the new owners are doing for Aston Villa, but that does not cut it for me. Aston Villa as a club are an equal shareholder in the Premier League, and they basically employ people like Scudamore to run things on their behalf. If they make a cock up of it, which I don't think anybody can deny they have done, then the clubs have the power to do something about it.

To me it's the same as holding shares in any other company. As a shareholder you elect the directors to run the company on your behalf, if they mess up, you have a right to take them to task over it.

I'm sure Scudamore is threatening all sorts behind the scenes in an attempt to cover his own back, but he should have had the balls to do the right thing in the first place. He didn't, so the clubs should take it upon themselves to hold him to account.

If Man Utd needed a point to win the league yesterday, I think a bit more fuss might be being made by the bib clubs.

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General Krulak here:

2. Re. the West Ham issue: The Club will support the FA position...for many reasons that would take pages to articulate. Simply said, the (FA), have an established procedure for issues such as this. That procedure was agreed upon by our Club and that procedure has been followed. To go against a procedure we have previously agreed upon would not be a good thing. This does not mean that we have not discussed this issue at length with many parties.


Fantastic end to the season and great credit to all concerned. Randy's purchase of Aston Villa was a "gift from heaven".

Randy, Yourself, Mon etc etc have been like gale of fresh air to Aston Villa. After years of decay the club is vibrantly alive again. The turnaround in our fortunes is amazing. I cannot wait for next season!

On a slighly sour note like others I feel the clubs stance on the West Ham issue is wrong. If we had not had such a good run we could easily have been in Sheffield's place - I know it is hypothetical but what would the clubs reaction been then?

You all strike me as highly honourable people and I cannot understand why you will not back Sheffield in this instance. West Ham have admitted to lying and deceit of the highest order and stand to gain £millions as a result. Other clubs have been treated much more harshly in the past for lesser crimes.

Middlesbrough were deducted three points some time ago for failing to fulfil a fixture as 16 players were either ill or injured, a judgment that condemned them to relegation from the Premiership. Earlier this season, League Two Bury were thrown out of the FA Cup for fielding an ineligible player even though it was recognised as being an oversight and quickly admitted by the club, while AFC Wimbledon were fined 18 points for signing a player without international clearance.

In my humble opinion Aston Villa Football Club should be seeking to uphold the honour of the game - fans across the country are becoming increasingly disillusioned by those who are supposed to be responsible for the "beautiful game". As Aston Villa is one of the leagues founding clubs I feel we should be seeking justice for Sheffield United rather than towing the corporate line.

All that said "Up The Villa"!

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There was no chance of a points reduction because of the precedent that was set when Spurs didn't get a points deduction because the club had changed ownership as has happened at Waste Ham.

The only solution may be a 21 team league next year, what do you reckon General?

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General, regardless of 'procedure', do you not think we as a member of the FA Premier Legaue have a moral duty to stand up for our fellow members, even if that means a change in club policy?

At the very least we should be trying to find out why Tevez was allowed to continue to play without a thorough investigation by the FAPL into his 'new' contract.

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General Krulak here:

1. I appreciate all that everyone has to say on this issue. Obviously, we all have strong opinions on this subject. I do NOT know what is happening "behind the scenes" on this issue...so I cannot address the issue from a holistic standpoint. I have given my answer...not much more I can add to it. All Premiership Clubs agreed to the "proper procedure and forum" for handling these issues and that procedure has taken place in the proper forum. Agree or disagree is EVERYONE's perogative (including mine) but I remain against "picking and choosing" what we are going to follow and what we are not going to follow. It is not a good thing to do in the long run. If we don't like the results, the correct course is to alter the procedure that got us to this point...not diregard the procedure.

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