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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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Daz, I thought this thread was to ask questions and make suggestiond to the General, good or bad. My question was can you point me in the right direction, to make the complaint.

I am sure if the moderators of this forum feel it is inappropriate then they will tell me.

As a business I am sure the General is happy to take the good and the bad comments. I now have my answer and will take the matter further with the relevent person.

For me this is one of the most important changes (apart from the obvious stuff on the pitch) that makes AVFC incredibley unique, the chance to interact with the very heart of our great club. There is not a club in England possibley the world, where there is such an outlet to communicate with the club. For that I am just as happy as all the other stuff that is happening at our club.

A quick positive point to make. My six year old son is now hooked on the Villa experience, to see his joy when villa scored and to watch him frantiacally wave his flag brought a lump to my throat. I was six when we won the big one and have been hooked since. I think this was HIS day. Thank you Aston Villa FC.


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Unfortunately I couldn’t make the game on Saturday as I was on holiday and so missed out on the parade, an excellent result and the scarf!

QUESTION is… will there be anyway of getting one of these scarves from the club. As you may already be aware, these scarves are being sold on ebay for around £20!!!! I’d rather give the club my £20 note than some random person selling one on the internet.

Sorry to have to top this question... but I'm sure that there are many villa fans who didnt get the chance to make the game on saturday and therefore missed out on the scarf :(

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Firstly, thank you SO SO much for Saturday. I had a wonderful time. It's so pleasing to finally see the '82 legends getting the respect they deserve from our Club. Nothing on that scale would have been organised had the previous "regime" still been in power. I hope Randy appreciated the fans chanting his name because we certainly appreciate what he has done and plans to do for our Club.

Now, onto my little request/suggestion/question. There's a thread further down the page along the lines of "where are they now?" with regards to the '82 team. Now, we know one or two of them have made a decent living since hanging up their boots (Sid Cowans for example) but one or two maybe haven't been so fortunate. At the fans forum on Friday i think it was either Ken McNaught or Alan Evans recalling they each received just a one thousand pound bonus for winning the European Cup and it angers me to read about the likes of Ivor Linton, Alan Evans and Gary Shaw nowadays working as electricians, driving instructors and brewery reps to make ends meet whereas a guy like Jlloyd Samuel (sorry to pick on him), a man with a mere fraction of the talent of the aforementioned legends, can drive around in Bentleys and live lives of luxury in their palatial "cribs".

Now, i know the idea of a home pre-season friendly has been banded about before, but how about all the proceeds being distributed amongst the '82 team, Ron Saunders, Rose Barton etc.?

A sort of "testimonial" to mark the 25th anniversary of their and our finest hour? I'm sure it would be a sell-out regardless of the opposition but it would be great if it was a really big European Club coming to Villa Park. Bayern Munich would obviously be ideal, but Barcelona, Celtic, Real Madrid would all be great.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and thank you, Martin, Randy and Richard so much for everything you're doing to make Aston Villa great again.


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edited. No problem, but PLEASE - respect this thread as it is (uniquely) only for direct comments /questions for the General, not discussion of posters opinion on other posts. General Krulak is a wise man. Let him judge for himself, what is worth addressing. Thank you. Blandy

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edited, sorry, but please, keep this thread for direct comments /questions to the General I would say that pointing out the negatives is arguably even more important than pointing out the positives, because it's the negatives that need to be addressed. I'm sure that the General didn't join this message board to recieve adulation, he joined because it's a fantastic way to hear what the fans have to say (including any issues) and to let them know what is going on. Of course, we should never stop being grateful for the wonderful things this board has done and is doing for the club, all 'complaints' are made in full perspective of this, I doubt there is a single Villa fan who isn't amazed by the way we are being treated, but just saying thanks should not be where the communication ends.

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edited, sorry, but please, keep this thread for direct comments /questions to the General. just pm Matty with your kind offer. Thanks blandy.

Matty ,

If you have no joy getting a scalf for your lad send me a pm with your details mate and i will send you mine .

Me and my lad have one so we could just share his .

The days of villa fans being poorly treated by villa staff are over !

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I am just amazed, humbled and have ann incredible sense of priode abut our club when I see comments such as yours General towards Matt's sacarf situation and his sick child. Such pride, and relentless passion for doing what is right by peole is truely a humbling thing for uis all and sir, I applaud you and you having American relatives you prove what I know already and which people do not see but are blinkered by image...

That you are very moral people and very family orientated. I hope Matt's son is looked after, and I am so proud to be a Villa fan at this point for I know the pride, honesty, and passion that you all running our club have.

It means alot to us all.


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It had been an amazing year so far for Aston Villa fans. Keep up the good work for everyone involved. Excellent game on Saturday.

When are we going to see new Nike kit ?

Will we upgrade the giant screen as it is poor quality for me ?

I think the giant screen need to me more deaf friendly in communication ie tell us who is goal scorer or man of the match.

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I've just seen the OS video from the training ground yesterday and well what can I say?

Well first thought is pleas keep Mr Woodward as the presenter, he really is like our very own Alan Partridge (if you watch BBC America you'll know who he is) I was laughing so much at his partridge'esque presentation.

But moresoe seeing you in your interview. I've never in my life seen such enthusiasm, such passion, such love and wanting of success from a chairman or board member of a club in my life! It really gave me so much encouragement and shows the true genuine love and want of success of this club you all have. It really excited me to the potential and future of this club under the leadership of Randy and of course, Martin. I had to write this mail at nearly 1am after a few family drinks as I was so taken by how you, a yank who has no past affinity to Villa (please, bare with me I mean no offence) can be so drawn in by the game of football, the Villa, it's history, it's meaning is just brilliant. I could see it in your eyes, your mannerisms, your choice of words, your gesticulasms. General, quite frankly, I am proud to have you, have Randy, as my clubs board members and he as my clubs owner, IF as I suspect Randy has the same passion as I saw in that film that you have then people, we are in for one hell of a glorious ride!!!!!


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Was told last night at the 82 night that the ok has been given to turn the North Stand boxes into boxes with balcony seats for next season .

Could you confirm this please ?

Great speech last night General felt like we were going to war certainly rallied the troops !

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Just a quick question, with the Doug Ellis stand the only one named on the roof inside the Stadium, are there any plans to have the other three stands names put on each roof? In addition maybe a clock or the new badge above the 'Holte' would look good!

Finally, like everyone else on here recently - Thankyou !!

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I, along with every other fan are delighted to have Randy and the team on board. I'm still in my young teens (14) and only a couple of years ago i've really become a part of villa. Seasons tickets, shirts, the lot! This year i only got my hands on a half season ticket for christmas, and i absolutley love it. Not due to the fact the match may be boring, but knowing Randy is here, changing the future. He saved our club and everyone knows that... if we didn't get the chairman and the manager we would be clenching our teeth for relegation now. But thanks to Randy, we've been saved. And next year it's going to be the best to be a villan. Exciting times. Pass on my thanks to Randy (as you've heard enough times already) and to you aswell.

"There's only one Randy Lerner"

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Hi Gen

Thanks for the response about the training ground viewing. I have moved from Bham now so won't be able to get there as often now but if I'm ever in Brum in the week I will still come down.

Another question (one you certainly won't be able to answer now but it's worth a thought). Just been listening to Radio 5 on my way home and the headline came on "Prince William, who is the (something or other) of the FA (president or something) will be the honourary guest at the FA Cup Final etc..etc.. - the next line was "William - who is actually an Aston Villa fan will hand the trophy to the winners.

Have either yourself or Randy tried to tap into this... Has he been invited to Villa Park. Just think of the koudos we would get in your native America and Asia to have the 2nd heir to the throne seen at our games.

He is currently moving to an estate in Herefordshire (thats a country one - not a council !!) so he won't even be that far away !!.

Also, if you didn't know - Tom Hanks is a Villa fan - in case you meet him at some function in the US !!!!

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Toronto FC are selling tickets to play Villa on July 25th but we have not had any official message on the USA tour plans. This makes it difficult to organize. Do I buy tickets for Toronto but then find out we have a game somewhere else that I cannot attend now. Do I wait and see and then find out all the Toronto tickest are sold? I gather they have 16,000 season ticket holders and only 21,000 seats.

When can we expect an update on the complete tour. I want to travel up from Dallas with my son but would like to know where we start and where we finish before I start buying tickets (match day and airfare).

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Hello General,

like StewieGriffen I consider this place to be the best arena for any opening post. For no other reason than to thank you for the enthusiasm you show for your job here at Aston Villa.

Sir, your CV reads like no other in English football, and having told my work mates about you they are truely astonished that Villa have blokes of your calabre behind us. And might add posting and communicating with the supporters.

They will find out next season exactly having what blokes of your calabre behind us means.

OK, facts stated, may I go off at a tanget? I've had a few conversations with Leeds fans over the years and we remain convinved that the timing of the first Gulf war was down to George Bush the Elder being a Villa fan.

I know Sir it sounds odd, and I think maybe your were over there, but over here Villa played away to Leeds in the League Cup and lost 4-1 that night. This was before SKY TV and the highlights of the game were shown on Midweek Sports special on ITV which started at 10.30pm. The 'Highlights' lasted about 30 mins before going back to the studio where an ashen faced presenter said we were being transfers to the ITV news studios. Que 'Bombing of Baghdad' Take 1.

Now I know I dont like Villa losing, but I sat there thing: 'Blimey, George Bush must be really pissed off.

Various Villa and Leeds fans who watched these think the same.

So can you confirm who 41 supports please?

Gawd bless ya.

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I wonder how many fan sites would generate a 221-page (and showing no signs of slowing down) discussion like this with someone in General Krulak's position at the club.

I can't imagine anyone else has a team run in this way, with the same amount of passion and genuine interest that these guys have. Boys and girls, we must've collectively done something very right in our previous lives...

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I wonder how many fan sites would generate a 221-page (and showing no signs of slowing down) discussion like this with someone in General Krulak's position at the club.

I can't imagine anyone else has a team run in this way, with the same amount of passion and genuine interest that these guys have. Boys and girls, we must've collectively done something very right in our previous lives...

Thats the thing though Iain, i think many would, but how many club board members can be arsed to sit down daily and answer questions from supporters. Its such a 180 degree from last season.

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