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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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Hello General,

Is there anyway that concession tickets are interchangable ? - My 74 year old father has a season ticket - but doesn't always feel like going - at the same time my sons like to go to the odd game - ideally I would like to be able to use my fathers ticket - to take one of my kids - (under 12) ....is the over 65 ticket transferable to an under 12 ?

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Hello General,

Is there anyway that concession tickets are interchangable ? - My 74 year old father has a season ticket - but doesn't always feel like going - at the same time my sons like to go to the odd game - ideally I would like to be able to use my fathers ticket - to take one of my kids - (under 12) ....is the over 65 ticket transferable to an under 12 ?

Yes they are - contact the ticket office - not sure if this is one that you need to ask the general to find out the answer :D

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Hi General,

Nice to meet you at Bodymoor Heath today.

Thank you for all your efforts in helping to make Aston Villa a force to be reckoned with, again.

These last 12 months have been nothing short of incredible, and truly once in a lifetime stuff. Onwards and upwards, I have no doubts. Thank-You

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Hi Gen.

Well - what an immense weekend. Gonna keep this as brief as I can !!!

82 heroes IMMENSE !! - I saw many a damp eye on the Holte yesterday !!!. Truly wonderful and will be remembered by all forever , my 8 yr old daughter now knows that we ARE as big as Chelsea and co.

Game - truly bloody fantastic - in your words today "we crushed em like a bug" (sound better in your accent than Brummie !!!). For the first time in 14 yrs we go into the last game looking forward to next season !!!!.

Today - ewll I will be honest, never been to a gym in my life so wouldn't know what a good one and bad one is - however, looks impressive to me and the two best things about today was 1. That the fans were actually invited in the 1st place !!! 2. That you were there to personally greet every single one - which considering yiou usually mix with US presidents and such is truly inspirational - thank you !!!

Really don't want to moan on what was a wonderful weekend but can I raise two quick points.

1. Stewards !!, already a few comments about the Holte yesterday, can I point out I was disgusted with the way the Sheff Utd fans were treated when conga-ing - it was a party atmosphere, the best at Villa for a while and the stewards went into them like they were rioters !!.

2. The Holte sounded awesome with the 82ers yesterday, loudest I have heard us since SMA. However, my wife was sitting by the Sheff U fans and she said the Holte couldn't be heard. My father has sat in the Trinity this season and said the same - therefore there must be something wrong with acoustics at Villa, as my wife said the Sheff U fans sang all game- but we couldn't hear them either.

Can this be rectified somehow, some ???? . I am no expert but concert venues have special insulation to bounce the sound back - wouldn't be that expensive to put it in the roofs I reckon !!

Oooh - forgot one thing - when the pitches are ready (12months) will there be a viewing gallery for us. At the old ground you could turn up and watch (admittedly from what seemed about 12 miles away !) - will we be able to still do it ??

Lastly - THANX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, the new motto says everything we need to say !!!!!!!!!!!

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Yo Gen

Would like to endorse that last point. I too was sat in the Trinity (B6) near Sheff U, and aside from the noise from the Holte when the 82's were out, you couldnt hear a thing for the whole game. Sheff U were noisy though.... are we quiet or is this a stadium problem?

Great day. Best I've seen in my 25 years of supporting. I'll be back and I'll be buying merchandise!

One last suggestion - why not limit the alcohol to bottles that can be immediately available? (waiting for pints to pour is tedious...) Throughput would increase and customers would be happy.... seems a no brainer..



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Hello General

Great performance in the Villaworld video interview in the gym by the way ;)

Could we possibly have an update on the new website i have a few points if you dont mind having a read, i hope Villa are considering.

  • [*:67f27672f4] Will there be a new design/layout, nicer to look at easier to navigate etc?
    [*:67f27672f4] Will it actually be Villa's, as in not a template company running it, I think the company that does ours or at least did the template does over half a dozen other clubs right down to league 1. It doesnt look good imo and would be awesome to have our own unique design and layout.
    [*:67f27672f4] Done during the summer?
    [*:67f27672f4] Can Mac users be able to view the video's? Recently they have changed something that means mac users cannot watch match highlights its a right pain.

Many thanks.

I would also like to thank Randy, yourself and everyone else involved for a cracking day on Saturday.

Cheers :)

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Again, just got back home from a weekend out. I had a great night last night and a good day today but the highlight without question was the game on Saturday. And I wasn't even there, I had to watch the thing on TV but it just looked like an absolutely phenomenal day for everyone. A very special celebration of the 'Proud History, Bright Future' and a fantastic symbol of this clubs rejuvination under Randy and the board's leadership. I am not articulate enough to express quite how I feel about the club at the present time, but it's wonderful. On the pitch we havn't even come close to winning anything (yet) but off it we have won the best behind-the-scenes team that any club could possibly wish for. When we were taken over in August, I was chuffed to see the back of the previous owner and delighted that we would now have some more backing in the transfer market. We have had SO much more than that. I can't thank you enough for the work that you have all done. Randy Lerner is already a Villa legend in my eyes, and there is SO much more to come.

Proud History, Bright Future - Absolutely.


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The angry lady in question didnt' happen to have an 80s haircut did she? She was rude to me at the Liverpool game.

Yes spot on, way to much hair spray. That aside she really was a nasty piece of work. Absolutley no credit to Aston Villa Football Club.

I will be very upset if this isn't responded to by the club. The lady in question should not be alllowed anywhere near the paying public. If she was a member of my staff she would not be there for long.

To reiterate, General please can you signpost to the relevant person to pursue this with.



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General ,

The training ground is fantastic and will be a real credit to the club .

It was an honour to shake your hand but my 7 year old son , sam said his hand hurt after you shook his !

Cant wait for next season , up the villa .

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General Krulak has had some problems login it - it's being sorted as we speak. In the meanwhile, he's asked me to post the following:

General Krulak here:

1. Sorry I have been off the net...having trouble logging in. John is helping.

2. The weekend has been magnificent. Friday's Fan Appreciation Night for the 82 Squad was very special. The Squad was so appreciative of the warmth displayed by everyone. They signed autographs until 11:30 pm and did so until the last person in line got one.

3. The game was fantastic. The atmosphere was absolutely electric. I know that some folks weren't enamoured with the idea of the scarves but......what an impact!!!! Both the 82 Squad and the current Squad couldn't stop talking about what all the scarves waving looked like from the Pitch!! The play was superb!!! A portent of things to come.

4. The day at the Training Ground was also superb. 1700 fans showed up and had a great time. There is no doubt that we have the best Fans in the world! My hand is still sore from greeting people!!! I think there is NO doubt that we have the finest training facility in Europe!!!

5. Tonight we have the formal dinner and I will make sure that the 82 Team knows how much you respect and admire what they did for the Villa.

6. Finally, Randy had a great time!!! He was so pleased with the entire weekend....and the response from the Fans. I hope by now that everyone realizes we have a VERY special owner.

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Hi General

Saturday was a fantastic day! On behalf of my family and I who all travelled up to brum for the weekend please thank Randy & all concerned for the whole day! They were all bowled over by the whole experience.

One small gripe, can you please speak to whoever controls the music/pa - they are going over the top in my opinion. They need to let the fans create the atmosphere at the beginning of the game. As I am sure you will agree, when the fans are in full voice chanting it is better than any blaring music over a tannoy!

edit: Can I suggest that the announcers would be better employed trying to encourage the fans around all of Villa Park to sing. I am sure the players would love to run onto Villa Park to the fans chanting from all corners of the ground.

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General Krulak here:

Thanks to John, I am back on.

1. MattyB. I am ashamed by the conduct of this "lady"...and will try to track her down and give her the boot. What gate did you come through and what time....If I have that, I can figure out who it was. Re. the scarf for your child...please call Nicky Keye at VP and tell her I asked that she provide you the scarf. She will do it.

2. Smoking Dope is not right!! I again apologize. Although it is not the correct solution, it will be solved with the no smoking ban.

3. There WILL be a nice viewing gallery at the Training Ground and it will not be miles away!!

4. Getting ready to go to Formal Dinner tonight...it will be great.

5. Again, Randy was absolutely over the moon with the fans. You all are Aston Villa and he knows it.

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Any chance of sneaking some of us in to the meal as members of staff General?

Had a fantastic weekend that will live long in the memory for fans and the boys of '82. I asked Sir Dennis when we were chatting on Friday night what it was like to finally get the recognition that the boys deserved, he was emotional and said it was great. The boys were all lapping up the praise and more than anything it was nice to see Jimy Rimmer back at Villa after Sir Dennis et al had been trying for years as well as Ron Saunders and Rose Barton on the pitch. You should all be very proud!

Might be an idea to start next season with a bang and have the FA Cup winners on the pitch, 50 years after winning the Busby babes, the fans would certainly go crazy again.

The dogshit are having their parade today for being 1st loser, long may they continue to be the poor relation in this city!

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I sit in the upper trinity and due to injury I was on crutches so I was allowed to use the lifts in the corporate entrance to get up to my seat. The only thing is that because I wasn't going through the turnstiles I was not able to get my scarf. However, the lady on the corporate entrance told me to take a seat whilst she walked round to the turnstiles to pick up my scarf for me.

It was much appreciated, it's just a shame that not everyone is as helpful.

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General, firstly id like to say it was a pleasure to meet you at the training ground, thanks for taking the time out. Secondly, saturday was perfect, thank you for all your efforts to arrange everything ran smoothly. Finally, a bit of a moan, a lot of scarves have appeared on ebay and i was digusted by this and emailed one of the sellers. Their reply was 'i work at the club and i am a girl and dont follow football therefore im selling it'. As you are aware many posters on here would of loved to get a scarf, is there any chance that the left over scarves can be either given or sold to these people. Even selling the last few in the club shop would be better than having staff sell them on ebay. Many thanks.

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Hi General,

Re: Free Scarf/Steward

Thank you for your fast response, not that I am surprised, nothing you guy's do ceases to amaze.

I arrived a VP at about 4:20 ish and was in T3 in the north stand, it was the last turnstile that was open for that block. There were two turnstiles closed due to training and it was two to the right of those (if that makes sense) she was situated at the bottom of the furthest flight of stairs.

General can I say that it wasn't actually the refusal of a scarf that was the real issue as I am aware that policies are there for a reason (although I will take you up on your kind offer of providing a scarf ) it was the aggressive, sneering manner in which it was done, to the point of intimidating my kids.

I would not wish the sack on anyone, but this lady really does not seem suitable for a customer interfacing role.

Thank you for taking the time to respond.


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Just as a quick comment, I'm not sure in future this is the kind of forum we should be using to make complaints against memebers of Villa Staff. ...Posting messages of complaint on here can only lead to witch hunts and bad news. It seems fair enough, and in good faith, to me. Someone unfortunately had a bad experience. it is rare, thankfully, overall, but nevertheless the line of communication is open. Please let the mods address posts, as best we can. We share the concern that things are kept "on a level", but wouldn't want to hide "bad news". Thanks. blandy

Apart from that, it was fantastic to meet you on Sunday General, to stand there and welcome everyone to the training ground was amazing and very much appreciated, glad we have people like you in charge.

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Just wanted to say a massive thank you for what's been the best weekend at Villa I've ever had.

Managed to get a ticket to the Friday evening event which was excellent - great to hear from the 82 team again.

Then the game itself and the atmosphere - just incredible. I though the scarves might be a bit gimmicky before the game but the thought that went into them made for a fantastic welcome onto the pitch for the team and looked great on the TV highlights.

I wish I'd taken up the offer to visit Bodymoor Heath but had to get back to London.

Even though I can't renew my season ticket next year (I'll have a new baby to help look after) I still intend to make as many away games in London/the south as possible, plus the occasional trip back to Villa Park.

There is simply no way that this sort of event could have happened before you and Randy came to the club so thank you and here's to a bright future indeed.

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some text deleted for off topic

Matty had a bad experience with a steward to the point that it nearly ruined his childrens day out....a paying customer and can expect a certain level of service

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