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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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Hi General,

Wonder if you could possibly shed any light on the colour of next seasons away strip....

we have had Black,silver,white,yellow etc in the past few seasons - any clues on what we are to expect next season!!!!

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Perhaps this needs explaining again

This thread is different to most others, it is specifically for the asking of questions to the general and for the recieving of answers from the general, please don't have discussions here and especially don't start insulting each other either. If something arises here that you feel is worthy of a discussion start one in the main forum if one doesnt already exist



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General, I am sure that somewhere earlier in this thread you mentioned the badge being shown sometime around the 3rd, 4th or 5th. Now you have just said that the badge will not be in the scarf on for the match on the 5th because it is way too early. So when exactly will the badge be viewable? Has something gone wrong in the process of design? I am just wondering, because I can not see any other reason for there being a change in the date of when the badge will be unveiled. Thanks for your time.

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General, as I mentioned earlier in this thread we owe John Carews first club Lorenskog solidarity money after his transfer to us, due to him neing there in his youth.

This is UEFA rules.

Today Aston Villa yet again got negative publisity in the Norwegian press for this.

Will the club do something about this?

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General Krulak here:

1. The Badge will NOT be on the scarf. The Badge will be announced with the entire re-branding effort...that will take place sometime between the 1st and 4th of May.

2. Away kit. I am not at liberty to tell what it will look like other than it will be "classic" and I believe that yu all will like it a great deal.

3. I am not at all aware of the UEFA Solidarity Payment. What I do know is that Randy would NEVER do anything outside the rules. There are obviously rules and regulations surrounding this issue and I am sure that the Club is looking at those very seriously. I know Randy like I know my son...he will do nothing untoward.

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General, classic away top to me is white and thin claret stripes, similar to 25 years ago !!!

Can I ask whether you intend to get Ian Taylor to do anything say at half time. As the Legend thread proves many many people think he is one and he would get a fantastic reception

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On the tickets page on the official site, it is still saying the players of 82 are going to be paraded at half time of the Sheff Utd game. Might be worth getting them to change it so that people will get their early as they're being paraded before!

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Hi General,

Its not a Villa related question, but I see you have done a masters degree on Labour Relations.. I only noticed it today, while doing my thesis on Unionised and non Unionised companies. Have you any opinions on this topic, especially on job satisfaction in relation to union membership? Good to know you have an interest in it anyway, and I'm sure you have put it to the test down the years in the army, and maybe a bit of collective bargaining may be needed to sort out some wage issues in Villa Park soon enough!!!!! :winkold: :D

Up the Villa,


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I second everything everyone said, just coz we ask questions, don't think we are not grateful, it is mind boggling what has happened in less than 8 months, what will be achieved in 8 yrs !!.

I am gonna ask a cheeky question, one which you no doubt won't be able to answer, but if you don't ask....

A reply earlier said "one of the best british managers".

Obviously MON came a few weeks before Randy and our geriatric egomaniac took great delight unveiling him stating (in his own modest way ????) "look what I've done for the fans"

Come on....... tell us........what was the real story ?? - was MON coming due to the geriatric ???

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General Krulak here:

1. The '82 Squad will come out BEFORE the game...not at half-time. We are doing what the fans requested...which also makes good sense.

2. Randy and MON spoke multiple times before MON came to Villa. From the very beginning there was a true sense of respect and admiration between the two of them...and it has continued. I will not comment on what was said prior to Randy's arrival but I will say that MON and Randy spoke BEFORE either arrived at Villa Park.

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General Krulak here:

1. The '82 Squad will come out BEFORE the game...not at half-time. We are doing what the fans requested...which also makes good sense.

2. Randy and MON spoke multiple times before MON came to Villa. From the very beginning there was a true sense of respect and admiration between the two of them...and it has continued. I will not comment on what was said prior to Randy's arrival but I will say that MON and Randy spoke BEFORE either arrived at Villa Park.

1. Quality, I can't wait to see them. Hopefully they are bringing the trophy...?

2. May Deadly rest in peace!

Cheers General, yet more informative news

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thanks General for clearing up both points

1. It is better as when Sir ron came out, incidentially will a representive of Tony barton b with the players ?

2. Thanks on that, others will disagree I know but I think we know who appointed MON in reality

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Hi General,

It's my first post in this thread, and whilst I check the thread every day, this would be the first time I've had chance to express my gratitude for what you do in the form of fan liaison - it means a great deal to every Villa fan.

I'd like to ask, as part of the website and other media opportunities now under consideration, what participation will fans have on these efforts?

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General Krulak here:

1. The '82 Squad will come out BEFORE the game...not at half-time. We are doing what the fans requested...which also makes good sense.

2. Randy and MON spoke multiple times before MON came to Villa. From the very beginning there was a true sense of respect and admiration between the two of them...and it has continued. I will not comment on what was said prior to Randy's arrival but I will say that MON and Randy spoke BEFORE either arrived at Villa Park.

I knew it!

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Regarding the sponsor, a point many many times - a contract is signed between TWO. Villa may have wanted to cancel it, they may not have. They could have offered 32red more than what it was worth to them for this final year, and even if they did, 32red would have to agree to cancel the contract. It doesn't make sense for them to do so considering how cheap they got the contract on, and how much exposure they will get. Don't let the club suffer for a mistake made by the previous regime - just avoid 32red. Simple.

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I must admit I do not know just how big our relationship between us and this so apologies if I'm asking anything unreasonable and come across like a complete cretin! Looking at the nearby Aston Villa Leisure Centre, is it possible to perhaps look at increasing our branding here or align the outside to at least it represents AVFC well? It is afterall using our famous name and at the moment, dare I say it, doesn't represent us well at all. At the moment the Leisure Centre is in a bit of a sad state of affairs (from the outside at least) and if we currently have no 'interactive' ties (other than car parking!) to this maybe this is somewhere where we can come to a partnership with them to use it to further increase our local marketing and community initiatives as well as providing added support to them?

I do realise it is probably something the club have looked at many times (or indeed are currently doing) or if it is out of our remit so apologies if it's a stupid question and apologies if it's already been asked.


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General Krulak here:

1. We have no intentions re. the leisure center at the present time. We are focused on improving the Club and the facilities at Villa Park. Perhaps in the future we will look at other opportunities.

2. I appreciate all the comments about 32Red.com but I would reiterate my previous remarks. We have a contract. Unless 32Red.com wanted out of the contract, Randy would NOT attempt to break contract. I am sure that there would be some "price" at which he could get out of any contract but that makes neither good business sense nor does it establish Randy as a businessman of integrity. Comments such as Randy is "naive" as a businessman is way off the mark. He has been involved in multiple businesses...and successful in all of them. Randy is anything but naive. Randy believes that your integrity is truly the only thing you own...no one can take it from you...only you can give it away. He will not do that. He is an honourable man and if he has a contract, he will honour that contract unless and until the "partner" takes action to void the contract. This all may seem "naive" to some, but it establishes Randy as a man of character in his dealings in the UK and around the world. It has held him in good stead and will continue to do so.

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