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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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The back of the Holte already is the unofficial singing area, no need to make it official in my opinion. Every Villa fan knows where in the ground they should go if they want a better atmosphere.

Also it was made official you'd surely put it closer to the pitch, having any amount of people singing that far from the pitch you're going to lose a fair amount of the sound before it reaches the pitch. Which is why putting the away fans where they do at Newcastle is great for them.

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I've been going to away games regularly over the last 3 or 4 seasons and before that I went to about 3 in 10 years. Before the last few years I was under the impression that our home support was particlularly poor, but now I've been to all the gounds in the prem and there isn't a fat lot of difference between them, bar Portsmouth.

Away support is better than home support for most teams now. I know what Oaks is saying, but for example, I have a ST in the upper witton, yet I go to the majority of away games and that's where I make my noise. I join in with the Holte at times (usually on my own) but really save myself for away games. Also sitting in the witton doesn't stop me from belting out holte enders in the sky :)

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If you want to create atmosphere at Villa Park, surely putting more of the singing into the Holte End isn't going to help. One of the problems with the Villa Park atmosphere (which is by no means bad) is that if you want to sing you go in the Holte, and the Holte is big enough to house just about everyone that does. This leaves the rest of the ground silent.

The singing section that Oaks is describing would be a great idea in another part of the ground, it'd give us noise from more than one place, and give the Holte something to compete with. The lower North Stand would be perfect.

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On the topic of singing, here's my suggestion for the clubs new anthem

(In tune of 'Mack the Knife- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBTITHA8twI )

Oh the Villa, had a great team,

Back in Nineteen-eighty-two,

We had conquered all of England,

And all of Europe too

Then the Villa disappeared for

Twenty-five years without a trace,

But now Villa have been reborn,

The old regime's been replaced

Under Randy and Martin O'Neill,

The new Villa has set sail,

No more heartbreak or frustration,

The new Villa will prevail!

VILLA! (clap clap clap) VILLA! (clap clap clap) etc.

What do you reckon General? Better than the original? :D

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General, do you think it's time to get rid of that godawful "Hi-Ho Aston Villa" song that is played before every kick-off? I think nothing should be played after the team has assembled on the pitch, as the entry theme they come out to is enough. In my opinion, its really naff as well.

The "Hi-Ho" song really drowns out the fans trying to sing in certain parts of the ground! Surely there must be a better song out there to play, if we need to play a song at all that is....

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Sorry to bring the website again General, for I know that it is to be reveiwed and renewed etc. but I was hoping that this idea could be taken into things:

A few other team websites, i.e. ManUre have news not only relating to their team but to their opposition in the run up to a game. If we could get news on the OS that details how our opponents are fairing, it would help us fans in the build up to the game.



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Dear Sir,

please forgive me if this matter has already been addressed earlier in the thread.

I have been an Aston Villa supporter since 1960, when I was taken along to Villa Park as a six year old by my father and have been a regular ever since. I have been a season ticket holder and shareholder or many years. Last season was the last straw. I had lost faith with Mr Ellis’ brand of “leadership†and had decided not to renew my season ticket. The takeover persuaded me otherwise. I willingly sold my shares to Mr. Lerner and have not been disappointed with the work already carried out by your new regime.

A big THANK YOU then to you guys for everything that you have achieved so far and I am fully aware that there is still a great deal to do. With this in mind could I draw your attention to one issue that continues to “bug†me. On walking around the confines of Villa Park and indeed looking at the shirts worn by the team over the years there seems to be a lack of a standard corporate colour. The term “claret†used to reflect the colour of the wine and that’s the colour that the shirts were however we are now treated to a variety of interpretations on signs, merchandise etc. ranging from maroon to pink! The light blue isn’t much better either! Perhaps all suppliers could be provided with the same colour i.d. then all items produced in the name of Aston Villa would again be claret and blue.

I know you are a very busy man but I hope that you will be able to incorporate my suggestion into your plans.

Best wishes,

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That 'hi-ho' song is in place because of what we voted for. The trouble with democracy hey. Black Sabbath would have been much better :twisted:

Was it? I thought it was "The Sun Never Sets on Aston Villa"? (if they are one and the same thing, SHAME ON THOSE for voting for it - it's shit)

"Hi-ho Aston Villa" came out ages ago - I think it was around before the 2000 FA Cup final...(it certainly sounds dated with that awful Europop beat to it)

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A small point slightly off topic. Whatever the claret and blue are; they will appear differently on different materials. A tile will look different from material from a sign from printed material from a web colour. Its better that the C & B are matched on each material from a defined colour scheme by someone who knows what they are doing.

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A small point slightly off topic. Whatever the claret and blue are; they will appear differently on different materials. A tile will look different from material from a sign from printed material from a web colour. Its better that the C & B are matched on each material from a defined colour scheme by someone who knows what they are doing.

Exactly true. Certainly the better teams I've worked with in the past offer a full CI manual with everything from basic Pantone references to logo colours on varying paper backgrounds. It's comprehensive.

I'd imagine that the club will be pulling something similar together alongside the new badge design - a completely new CI. Would that be the case, General, or is the badge a stand alone project?

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Dear General Krulak

It has come to my attention that you are meeting with some candidates for POTUS on some important issues.

Through this forum I have come to admire and respect you as an Ambassador of Aston Villa FC. How you have opened yourself up to the fans is such a special treat! Thank you.

I just want to say that I felt so good to read you would be contributing this weekend. I know you will represent and advocate for the ideals we all hold dear. I have come to some despair over certain aspects of our present course and the division it has caused at home... But I just had to write and tell you how inspiring it was to read some of what you had to say.

I know this post is OT but I felt a surge of pride as a Villa supporter to find Our very own General is fighting the good fight.


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There was a video that used to play before every match at Villa Park. It was a highlights package of goals over the years and included the european cup win footage along with cup wins. There was some great memories in there.

I know there is a video played before the game know, but it is not set to any sound and usually escapes anyones attention. The video that was played up until last season i believe, had a great soundtrack to it and filled me with pride everytime i saw it. I also believe that away fans would see that and would be over-awed but villa's past acheivements.

I really belive we need that video back, with the soundtrack so that every fan in the ground pays attention to it and understands the history that sounds aston villa football club.

Can you arrange for it to be played as it was last season, or can i at least have a copy of it? :)

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Give the General a break..... it has been answered many times. Let me try and read between the lines.

Aston Villa would love to change the sponsor, all the fans would like to change the sponsor, But they will not break a contract unless it is agreed by all parties. In other words if we can make it work for all concerned 32red will more than likely be gone, otherwise it is 1 more year.

Just one consideration though General, shirt sales will be so much greater if we can lose 32red. I for 1 will buy a couple for sure otherwise I will be tempted to wait 12 months.

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Does anyone else agree by the way on the video, does anyone remember it from last season and think we would benefit from it coming back?

Daz, this is a thread to allow the General to respond to our questions and ideas. "anyone else" can be asked on another thread. Maybe I'm being presumptious, but the Gen may not have a scooby what video you're on about (I don't). If you want to edit this post and address a question on the video, (with some clarification) and delete this red ink, then please do. ta. blandy

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Hi General,

Just wondered if you knew whether those of us lucky enough to be in the executive boxes for the Sheff Utd game will be getting scarfs as well, or whether they'll only be handed out at the turnstiles?

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Hello General Sir.

First and foremost how is Randy, back to full fitness yet we need him fit? ;)

Also i know i have asked about this before but the OS is playing up again today, is it a plan to have a new one by next season that would be awesome?

Cheers xyxthumbs.gif

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General Krulak here:

1. Back from a long 5 days with Presidential Candidates for the next President of the United States. The issue was one that I am sure we all feel strongly about...the treatment of prisoners of war, detainees, etc...the Geneva Conventions, the Law of War and the Code of Conduct, the closing of Gitmo, etc etc. We spoke with most of the front-runners and many of the others who still have their hats in the ring. It went very well...my only regret is that I missed the game.

2. The "Star"...once again, IF there is a star, it will be one...not an added one every time we win the Cup. It would be a recognition of the past and where we are going in the future. I would suggest that we are wasting alot of energy on the star..we have other things to solve.

3. Regarding the atmosphere: You all have taught me a very key point and that is the following: WINNING CONSISTENTLY will improve attendance and atmosphere. So, the mission, the goal, is to WIN CONSISTENTLY. If we are scoring goals, playing crisply, playing with passion...all this will create the atmosphere we all want.

4. Regarding website. I have tried to articulate the fact that we know we have a problem with our site. We WILL fix it. We are not afraid to look at other sites and shamelessly "borrow" their good ideas. It will NOT happen overnight. Please give us time. Again, we know we have a problem.

5. Regarding the standardization of our colours. Although it is just my opinion, I believe that Nike will help us ensure the quality of our product...in sizing, material, colours, etc. They are pros and will not want to produce kits or things that are not total quality.

6. 32Red.com will be our sponsor next year. We have a contract with them and Randy honours his word...his contract.

7. Video...the new sound system and screen will make many things possible. We will have quality before, during and after games.

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