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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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general..i was at the Blackburn game on saturday and indeed it was a nice touch from some of the players to acknowledge the support they got by throwing in their shirts.

I also dragged my wife and kids along to the Wigan game..i'm a season ticket holder in C3 Trinity road..but had to trade in these tickets so we could all sit together..this was in the North Stand..I can honestly say the whole experience was shocking..with the worst thing that the PA system was un hearable (is that a word?? lol)

Also, when you see games from old trafford the supportors are in the stadiuim at their seats well before kick off and at half time..at villa they appear just as the whistle blows..so when you have the cameras panning around before the game it looks barren..obviously when the game has started the cameras are focused on the action..how about some proper pre-match and half time enternainment combine that with food sellers down the aisles and people will be more inclined to take to their seats earlier

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I too could barely hear the PA and I sit in the upper witton right down at the Holte End, end of the ground.

Are their plans to replace this? I seem to remember it being mentioned but I'm not sure :?

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General ,

Ive posted an idea for seaon tickets on the main forum ,

Instead of the same seat in the same stand how about say 4 games upper trinity , 4 games upper witton lane , 4 games north stand and the remainder holte end ?

you would still pay for a season ticket and retain all the benefits .

I want to be a season ticket holder but dont want to have to sit in the same seat .

The roaming season ticket , any thoughts ?

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A roaming season ticket is a really good idea, i have said on here before that i had to miss 2 big games due to fixture changes and work commitments this way i could buy for 4 matches at a time and not lose out. Please could it be looked into?

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Hi General

I have posted this as a thread, can you comment?

Some of you at the game on Monday might have spotted the film camera down by the tunnel. There was a film crew filming the match (proper film). When I asked them what they were filming they said that Randy had commissioned a film about the passion and history of Aston Villa. Unfortuntalely the woman I asked didn't know what it would eventually be used for but it might have something to do with the museum perhaps?

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Not quite sure where I am going with this idea so bear with me. I know the club are looking at ways of allowing season ticket holders to sell back tickets for fixtures when they cannot attend. It seems to me that this only encourages lower attendances. Would it be possible to have system that actively encourages fans to lend their season tickets to friends or family when they cannot attend, with some some sort of formal club scheme.

If people who would not normally contemplate a visit to the football got their first taste in this way then its a great way to get new people through the turnstiles and hopefully create a few "converts" along the way. If this lending could be incentivised so that the ST holder got maybe a club shop voucher if the person subsequently bought tickets for another game, everyone would be a winner.

Just an idea.. :roll:

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General Krulak here:

1. As I have mentioned, we are going to be re-working the web site and have looked at many good ones. Ours will be good. Re. the Claret and Blue...let me look into that one.

2. Healthy food at games. We have taken that for action...it has been an issue raised in the Supporter's Group meetings and on the sites.

3. Mrshnn. My friend, I have answered your pm...you should have it by now. Please use my name in conjucnction with the issue.

4. TV in the urinals. Not sure that is in the priortiy list for expenditure of money. Might be in the future but not now.

5. PA system WILL be upgraded along with the big screen.

6. Rotating S-T seats...never thought of that one. Will check it out.

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I was reading today that a club called LA Galaxy (from one of these new-fangled countries that keep cropping up) is selling family tickets for games, with a single price for two adults, two children and a programme and burgers and drinks thrown in.

At the right price for the deal, it's a great way to turn lone fans into families of fans.

(I believe one English family has already rushed out there in order to take advantage of the offer.)

2 adult tickets at £30, two childs tickets at £15, 2 programmes, 4 drinks and 4 burgers for about £16 would cost £106.

Price it at £80 and you'll ensure that none of those kids get left at home.

Aston Villa is like crack, once they're hooked, they'll never get away !

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General Krulak here:

1. I will send the "family" recommendation into our sales/marketing folks and see what they think.

2. Heads-up. I will be off net until Sunday as I have a business trip here in the US. Will be back on as soon as I get back.

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Yes it's great that the club is now listening to us fans now. But if they did everything we wanted wouldn't it be a case of the inmates running the asylum?

Putting a star in the badge simply because we want it doesn't help in the long term if success means we have to chop and change all the time the one identifiable thing that we have- the club badge.

That's all I'm saying. And as for the Abramovich comment. Foolishly you\ve fallen into the same sort of trap that Chelsea see themselves in. They've all this money and no class. As soon as they win the Champs league they'll have stars everywhere with bells on and we'll all say how tacky it is and they have no class unlike Man U/Liverpool/Real who don't have the stars everywhere. THis is why Chelsea are not respected because money cannot buy class.

Same as popping a star as PART of the club badge is not, in my opinion, classy for a team of Villa's stature. It's a cheap trick if the board do it (sorry general) but all the clubs with a sense of tradition do not wave their wares in the faces of other teams. That is a Chelsea trick and would be a Small Heath trick. Not Aston Villa. Proud History, Bright Future.

Sorry for the rant General.


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I have an idea to improve the atmosphere at Villa park, but it may involve upsetting some people. Our away fans are so good i was thinking of having an area of the top of the Holte End, which can be arranged for the said aways fans and other fans who want to sing and add to the atmosphere. It could be known as the singing area(i know it sounds a bit gay, but its the only name i could think of), so fans who want to join in and help generate an atmosphere.

Of course some people have had seats for years, who might not want to move, but is a clear out of seats every few years a bad thing if it improves the Villa Park roar? Of course its just a suggestion, i know people will disagree, but its worth a discussion, in my opinion.

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