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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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General, I do have a bug bear.

It is good encouraging fans from other countries, fans in uni's etc. but what about the majority who live in Birmingham.

It makes no real sense for us to join a supporters club for travel to games but we could have a membersip in the wake of no shares to make us feel part of the club, is this being spoke about ?

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Firstly as a relative new-comer to villa talk can I say how unbelievable this is - speaking to a board member - I speak to other teams fans who think it is a "wind-up" - I don't know if this is common in the US but it is (I would say) unique in the UK and long may it continue...

My questions are (and sorry if these have been asked - I can't read all 167 old pages !!);-

With Gillett buying the scousers and moving them to Stanley park, Arsenals move from Highbury and all the others - is it in any plans to move away from Villa Park (hopefully not !!)

2 - if the government actually keep a promise for once and look into the prospect of brinqing terraces back - would we bring back standing to the Holte End...

3. - When the Holte hotel is opened can this and the holte Suite plesae be free for ticket holders - I would love to drink in these places but do not drink in the Holte Suite on principle of already forking out £500 for tickets why should i pay to go in it !.

Obviously it isn't your concern.. but our previous ermmm , owner (trying to remain polite !!) stated when the Holte was rebuilt "Our fans will have facilities that they will be proud of !!!" - but with everything he promised - it never materialised.

Keep up the good work

Oooh - one other ! , the flag poles on top of the "WITTON LANE STAND !!", can we have a hall of fame - a flag stating the name of a legend !!!

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General Krulak here:

1. Randy and I have seen the article and understand the writer's concern. I posted a pretty complete comment on another web site (Vital Villans) that talks to the article. I would repeat it here but I don't have the computer skills to move it over. If it is not against the honour of Villa Talk, I would encourage those who might be interested to peek at what I wrote.

2. There are absolutely no plans to move from Villa Park...in fact, we are spending money to improve Villa Park.

3. If standing is legal, we would figure out a way to bring it back.

4. The Holte Inn will be free...and the fans will be proud of it!!

link added - Jonathan is a good friend of ours. blandy

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in full from vital villa ta Fran. but link next time, please :) blandy

Thank you for providing a copy of the Birmingham Post article. I am sure that what they say, from their perspective, is accurate. The simple fact is that from the very beginning, Randy made it known that he would not be spending a great deal of time with the Press...that his actions on and off the Pitch would speak for him. Obviously, the media...print, radio and TV...are business men and women and their revenue comes from ads, selling papers, selling radio and TV time. Nothing would sell better than a regular "visit" with the Chairman of AVFC. I understand that...and I am sure Randy does too. The other side of the coin is also persuasive. Randy doesn't want to stand in front of the radio and TV folks and talk about what he is "going to do"...rather, he wants to stand in front of the radio and TV and talk about what the Team, Club and Fans HAVE done!! "Want to do's" are easy..."What we have done" is much harder but is the ONLY thing that really matters.

Randy does talk to the fans. He does it through articles, through comments, through surrogates, and, most importantly, through actions. It is patently unfair to equate Randy Lerner to Doug Ellis...they are two different people with two different ways of Leading. Neither is "right" or "wrong"...they are just different. I know a wee bit about Leadership and "failure of leadership" cannot be tied to whether or not the Leader is talking to the media...that is just nonsense. Fans only want a few things from their Chairman...a positive attitude, a willingness to do what is necessary to put a consistent, winning side on the Pitch, to treat the Fans and surrounding community fairly and with dignity, to demand a professional staff at the stadium, to enjoy a "special" environment at their Park, and to provide solid backing to the Manager. Randy Lerner is working very hard to meet these commitments

hope you dont mind General :winkold:

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General Krulak here:

1. Randy and I have seen the article and understand the writer's concern. I posted a pretty complete comment on another web site (Vital Villans) that talks to the article. I would repeat it here but I don't have the computer skills to move it over. If it is not against the honour of Villa Talk, I would encourage those who might be interested to peek at what I wrote.ndy


Mr Murphy from the Post has far too much time on his hands in the West Indies waiting for the Cricket to kick off. Of course his nose is out of joint, he used to get fed scraps from Villa and now has to work for a story. Can't blame him to an extent.

When have we heard Mr Parry of Liverpool or various other owners quoted in such a manner? We have a very competent CEO to talk to the press.

They just can't quite trust Randy and can't understand his angle...cynics don't understand Randy, he is not logical to them. Passion, faith and a desire to be the best custodian of a community asset he can does not sell papers...pity, its a much better story in this odd world.

Up the Villa.

Thanks to you General & Randy...and in fairness...today...Mr Stride.

Birmingham Post...SMILE.

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Agreed Ant, there is a befief amongst outsiders who don't do their homework that Randy is here for another motive,frankly they are irrelevant and our owner has chosen to be judged on his actions as opposed to talk.

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1. We are very serious about seeking new fans at the Uni. If you want someone to come out and talk about tickets, etc. we can arrange that. Birmingham University should have a whole contingent of Villa Fans!! Please contact Nicola Keye at Villa Village and give her your idea


As a season ticket holder and student of 4 years (And counting) Birmingham Uni does indeed have a fair number of villa fans, going by my experience... I was a rep for the fresher’s fair held at the guild at the start of uni this year and villa were the only team with a stall at that fair. They were running a draw for a couple of tickets to a match. I felt that was a bit of a limited offer.

I think that the main reason students do not go is simply down the cost, with many students struggling to pay bills and rent. I've always dragged my villa mates from uni to the football and took advantage of the 6 tickets for £5 each. I Think Aston Villa could raise its profile at the university as it stands. I know societies take students to football matches, I remember being asked which team I would like to go and see in a society questionnaire.

I’m not sure in what context some one from Villa could be sent over to the uni to talk about ticketing and what not... Maybe run a fans forum thing for uni students, to gauge thier views and situations? You would probably need to talk the guild (of students) about that. I know that Sheffield Utd ran an offer at Sheffield University for their game against us, I think students were allowed in for £5 for that one, televised match.

I would say that as a student of four years, I have only had one "lower cost" season ticket once in my four years being a season ticket holder. Student tickets used to be under-18's (when I was over 18) only but we recently changed it for the better to allow tickets for "young adult" which I think was a great idea. Unfortunately for me I was 21 when they started that! D'oh. But that’s history as they say.

I have just officially set up the aston villa society at birmingham uni, it will take week or so to get fully up and running but keep an eye out around the uni for details of how to join. we want as many people as possible, not even necessarily villa fans, to get involved and hopefully if the club would be willing we could get some sort of budget group tickets sorted out for members

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I have just officially set up the aston villa society at birmingham uni, it will take week or so to get fully up and running but keep an eye out around the uni for details of how to join. we want as many people as possible, not even necessarily villa fans, to get involved and hopefully if the club would be willing we could get some sort of budget group tickets sorted out for members

Good work fella.

If it helps I am happy to pledge to "Buy a student a Pie". If you think about it it works on loads of levels...they are skint and get a free lunch, it starts a conversation which might get them interested, gets some meat in them (better than falafel burgers) and makes me feel good about myself....

In fact...

General..how about giving the students a free Pie & Pint voucher. If there is one thing that will get them in it is beer and pastry.

This is pretty short term anyway, I live for the day I get asked if I can get tickets for the Villa and have the pleasure of saying NO CHANCE.

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3. There will be some unique opportunities for ST holders in the next couple of weeks to do some fun things...but it will require speed of action to get in on it.

General, I'll be sleeping with my boots on and not putting the car away until I hear more !


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Steve Stride's rather sudden resignation brings about the usual conspiracy theory questions, was he pushed etc.? Given that he was kept on from the old board for his background knowledge of the club can you fill us in any further regards this decision or would to do so be intrusive to Mr Stride or yourselves regards the way the club is being run?

Many Thanks

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General Krulak here:

1. Bully: I would call the ticketing people (Nicola Keye) and describe what you are trying to do with your under 7 Team. She may be able to help...perhaps for Sheff. Untd.

2. Obviously, I don't want to steal the thunder of our ticketing folks...but, there will be greater segmentation for our Fan base...there will be more bennies for ST holders...some of those will be seen before the end of this season.

Thanks General,

I spoke at length with Nicola Keye today and she was very helpful. I hope to organise something for the Sheff Utd game nearer the time.

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Previously you have stated that the kit will not be changed every season. However it seems to me that for the next 3 seasons we will have to change our kit every season.

1. Season 2007 - 08 - Nike - Sponsor 32 red .com

2. Season 2008 - 09 - Nike - New sponsor (whoever that may be)

3. Season 2009 - 10 - Nike - New sponsor - I would assume that as part of Nike's contract with ourselves they would expect the home kit to be changed every 2nd season.

Can you please let me know if this is correct?

Also thanks for all that Mr. Learner, you and the Board are doing to restore our club to where it rightly belongs.

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General Krulak here:

1. I hate to do this again, but I wrote a full two paragraph comment on Steve Stride's departure from the Club and posted it on Heroes and Villains...if anyone wants to see what I had to say, pop on over there. Basically, the news release was accurate...Steve is leaving on his own...he was NOT given the boot. Steve has been a HUGE help to us as we transitioned from one owner to another. He has been the institutional memory and has been an absolute prince. I like him personally very much and his wife is absolutely wonderful. I would never attempt to put words in Steve's mouth but my sense is that he looked at where AVFC has been, where we are now, and where we are going and figured that after 30+ years of service, he was comfortable to step aside and move to the side-lines. Let's face it, he has been a part of some great times and some not so great times...and has kept the boat from rocking too much. I will miss him...he is a friend and a good man. Thankfully, he will be coming to all the games so I won't be left to try and figure out this game alone.

2. Kit changes. You make a good point....I will look into it. My point was simply this...that we know that a change every year is NOT Fan friendly and we do not want to do it. There may be a period where that is difficult. You may have identified one...but let me check.

link added by blandy

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just to add them in here as well, heres the post....

General Krulak here:

I think that the news release on Steve was pretty darn accurate.

First and foremost, Steve did a fine job for AVFC over many years...he's given over 30 years to the Club...which is a career in anyone's book. He really helped us all out during the transition...in fact, he has been the institutional memory for us since our arrival. He has been very kind to me and he and his wife are absolutely lovely people. He has been invited to all games...and has not gone out under a cloud. An example of his help is the fact that he was instrumental in getting Ron Saunders to come back to Villa Park. Bottom line: Steve was not booted.

Obviously I am not Steve and would never claim to speak for him, but I believe that Steve, upon reflection, might have felt that he had come to a point in his Villa life where he could look at the past, the present and the future and say with a clear conscience that he had done his best and it was time to step down and watch from the side lines. He's had a magnificent career...was at Villa for some of the good times and helped during some of the not so good times. Again, I can't speak for Steve but he probably felt the timing was right.

What I will say without any qualms is that I have nothing but respect for Steve and what he did for AVFC. I like him...I look forward to seeing him next week and in the future...and I look forward to seeing him and his sweet wife at the upcoming games. It is fun for a Yank to sit next to a man who knows the game so well.

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I know you can't read every single thing on these sites but can I please draw your attention to a post I placed on the Villa Forum titled "Where have all our real songs gone"...

The point is that Villa used to sing some of the best chants I have heard, but for many reasons these have dies out... we need to bring them back to get the atmosphere back again....

I won't bore you with it now, please take a look, every person who has replied is in agreement with me and there are some suggestions on there on how we can do it...

Might be worth getting Mr Strides' thoughts on this before he goes - he can sing them to you !!!!


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I don't know about anyone else but I genuinly don't mind if we change the kit every season if that is going to benefit the club. In fact I quite like seeing the new designs each year and I don't feel obliged to purchase the kit EVERY season. Also, if there is a kit that people don't like they would have to wait 2/3 seasons for it to change which abviously isn't ideal.

At the end of the day I don't see this particular issue as anti-fan if it is pro-club.

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I don't know about anyone else but I genuinly don't mind if we change the kit every season if that is going to benefit the club. In fact I quite like seeing the new designs each year and I don't feel obliged to purchase the kit EVERY season. Also, if there is a kit that people don't like they would have to wait 2/3 seasons for it to change which abviously isn't ideal.

At the end of the day I don't see this particular issue as anti-fan if it is pro-club.

Seconded. I like a new shirt every season. Makes Xmas easy

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Hello General -

I've just had my details through today about the new Aston Villa credit card. I don't know if you or Randy have any influence over the card, but i have a little idea, which I think could help promote it.

You have 3 months at 0% on card purchases after the card has been opened. Would it be possible to have say 12 months at 0% purely for obtaining a season ticket ? Many people want a season ticket, and I can see a huge rise next year. Thing is, its a lot of money to find in one go, but the cost-spreading schemes drastically increase the price. If you was to do this,I'm sure that you / Aston Villa / the credit card company (MBNA ???) would reap the benefits in the long run ie the ongoing finance repayments and the guaranteed attendance increases.

I believe Barclaycard offer a similiar scheme for season tickets ?

I'm not sure of how the repayment is calculated seperately from any other outstanding finance, but surely there must be a way ? Worth a thought from yourselves ?

Well done on your great start at making our club great again. Keep up the good work !



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Regarding season tickets will villa be adopting a easy payment direct debit scheme,that caters for all fans regardless of their credit history,as ome people may not be able to get a credit card /loan.

Maybe a 6 month easy payment scheme where the tickets are sent out as payments are received.

Keep up he good work GK and we will go far together collectively.

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