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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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I've just noticed they've put the away allocations taken for the next few away games on the tickets page. This is something that I asked about on here recently and whether it's as a direct result of that I don't know. Either way, cheers!

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You say that the new top will be great looking, but I would rather have a new top without any sponser on it, how about making some with, and some without, as a spanking new Nike kit with the horrible 32 red logo on it would just cheapen the product.

Got to envy the academy teams who get the kits with no sponsor. I have run the line in an Aston Villa U16 academy game and they had the white kit without sponsor because it is illegal as they are under 18. Looks SOOO much better

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After John Carew joined us his parent club in Norway, Lorenskog IF is due some money from our club after UEFA rules, as he spent his youth years there.

This rule was introduced in 2002.

After what I have heard in Norway Aston Villa should have payed them before last week, as the rule id you should pay them within 30 days.

Why have we not done this?

I for one don't think this is good PR for the club.

As our new board have done an excellent job to date, I hope this could be a reminder for you General and the rest of the board, so we don't get any negative PR in Norway.

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Only in norwegian, but its called solidarity money i think. 5 % of the value of the transfer shall be parted between the clubs the player was in between he was 12 and 23 years.

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General Krulak here:

1. I concur that Universities are great places to start "growing"new Villa fans. We will be looking for "Ambassadors" to help in that area. At the same time, we have not been sitting on our hands...we have had our ticketing folks at several Uni's to try to drum up support.

2. Youth soccer at the new training ground might be doable...the only issue is that the turf will not be ready for play. We may be able to put them on the "old" fields.

3. I am not too concerned about the print on the shirt....Nike knows how to do this better than almost anyone. I think that we will all be happy with the quality. I certainly do not have the money to throw at a shirt that doesn't keep the lettering.

4. Re. 32 Red. I think I have mentioned before that I do not believe that Randy would ever break a contract with a partner who did not want the contract broken...it is just not his style. There is always reputational risk when you start "picking and choosing" what contract to honor. Not Randy's style.

5. stato: away allocation...you made it happen.

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Seeing all the photos of the ground as it was General, made me wonder if you'd ever managed to pass on the "photography Idea". I know it was a silly one, and the CEO had begger fish to fry, but I could see fromt he thread the photogeny of a football ground, and hell, people even mooted the idea of "paying more" for a ticket with some ability to use a camera.

Especially with the media rights thing announced a couple of days ago, it might be the time to make it doable?

Cheers for all the hard work, and dont let the travel get you down sir!

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Clubs wait for transfer money from Carew deal

Three Norwegian first-division clubs are still awaiting compensation from French Ligue 1 club Lyon, money owed to them after the transfer of John Carew to the French club from Spanish La Liga club Valencia.

Carew played for Norwegian clubs Rosenborg, Valerenga and Lorenskog between the ages of 13 and 23. The clubs are entitled to five percent of the transfer fee every time he moves on to a new club. Lyon signed the striker for EUR 7.6 million last summer, but none of the clubs have received any money from the deal. Lorenskog is entitled to 2.5 percent and Valerenga and Valencia to 1.25 percent.

The clubs have tried to put pressure on Lyon independently, but to no avail. ?We are not used to this kind of behaviour,? said Rosenborg director Nils Skutle. ?I spoke to the director of Lyon when I was in Geneva for a UEFA meeting a few weeks ago. I raised the subject and he was surprised that the money hadn't been sent and he said that he would resolve the issue. They asked us to send an invoice but they are so slow. I meet the Lyon director regularly and if he hasn't paid the next time we meet then there will be problems.?

Rosenborg have asked a debt recuperation company to help them secure the funds while Valerenga has appointed a lawyer and Lorenskog are working with the Norwegian Football Federation.

Source: 2006-2007 © euFootball.BIZ

Taken from euFootball.biz

And the same now also holds for Aston Villa.

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2.Training compensation for young players

As noted, one of the benefits of the current transfer system is to re-distribute income to the "grass roots". This allows smaller clubs and associations to continue with their training and development efforts. The football bodies have designed a "training and education package", which is intended to reward clubs investing in the training of young players. This package includes a financial "solidarity" element, which is also a characteristic of the current transfer system. The detailed content of this package has been outlined. It is envisaged that training compensation be paid on every transfer of a player up to the completion of his training (at the age of 23). For the sake of clarity, it should be mentioned that training compensation would also be paid when a player under the age of 23 moves at the end of his contract. Such a possibility was envisaged by Advocate General Lenz in his Opinion in the Bosman case. Training compensation would be paid by the new club but would also be partly financed by certain "solidarity" mechanisms, including a levy on transfer fees and a solidarity fund financed, inter alia, by income derived from the central marketing of television rights.

Taken from http://www.dirittosuweb.com

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General Krulak here:

1. I concur that Universities are great places to start "growing"new Villa fans. We will be looking for "Ambassadors" to help in that area. At the same time, we have not been sitting on our hands...we have had our ticketing folks at several Uni's to try to drum up support.

That's good to hear and it's always great to have someone listen to what we're saying.

Having said that, to what extent has support been drummed up? I'm certainly not having a go, I'm just curious. I go to uni in Nottingham just an hour and a bit away from Brum on the train and I've not seen/heard anything.

Personally with all the new media rights and with Richard FitzGerald I'm excited to see if Villa are going to try to be innovative with future promotions, especially embracing the web. However, that's not really a question at all so I'll save it for another thread.

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1. I concur that Universities are great places to start "growing"new Villa fans. We will be looking for "Ambassadors" to help in that area. At the same time, we have not been sitting on our hands...we have had our ticketing folks at several Uni's to try to drum up support.

If by Ambassador you refer to normal fans who are at uni, id put my name forward being a post graduate at birmingham uni for another 2 and a half years (on top of the 4 already spent). But if thats not what you mean then fair enough!

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Having said that, to what extent has support been drummed up? I'm certainly not having a go, I'm just curious. I go to uni in Nottingham just an hour and a bit away from Brum on the train and I've not seen/heard anything.

I have to say I think that's casting the net a bit wide, with the amount of students we've got in Birmingham (University of Birmingham, Aston University, UCE, probably others I'm overlooking, there's plenty of technology colleges and stuff) I think going as far as Nottingham is a bit far for now. Also I think "neutrals" won't be willing to travel that distance. I could be wrong of course, we won't know if we don't try, but I think starting closer to home has to be the priority before spreading the net wider. I wouldn't for example expect to see Villa at an event in Leeds as there's not all that many of us stupid enough to travel to Villa Park from up t'north, not students anyway, away games perhaps... I digress. Leeds don't do anything to attract fans from the student population, but they should, they have so many empty seats, I know I'd go if the tickets were cheap enough, mainly for a laugh admittedly, as would my housemate who's a Leeds fan, but no, they want to charge us over £30 a ticket, no thanks. I know Sheffield Utd did students for a fiver against us back in December, I was going to go but was too ill, a few of my mates at Sheffield uni went and had a great time, they'd go back when the offer is repeated. It's certainly something worth looking at while the ground still isn't full, but lets start at the local unis, there must be a few hundred thousand students in Birmingham, If we could get even 1% of those to a game it would noticably boost the attendance.

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I don't want to take this thread off its natural course but I'll just respond to paddy. I agree, I think Nottingham is probably quite far. However, Villa are currently in a unique position where the nearest Premiership side to the South is Watford and Sheff Utd to the North, quite far really.

To try and drag this back to the point the General made, I was recently quite impressed to hear that the likes of Google and Apple having "ambassadors" link so that the club itself doesn't necessarily have to be active in the area. Rather, you're creating good will and hoping to generate interest and intrigue from people. It's a novel way of "casting the net" so to speak without having to actually get any VP representatives driving around like madmen.

But again I digress so no need to warn me mods :)

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Im a bricklayer, any chance you can get me a job working on the training ground or on the Holte hotel? ill pack my current job in and ill work for nothing.... Please?

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Having said that, to what extent has support been drummed up? I'm certainly not having a go, I'm just curious. I go to uni in Nottingham just an hour and a bit away from Brum on the train and I've not seen/heard anything.

I have to say I think that's casting the net a bit wide, with the amount of students we've got in Birmingham (University of Birmingham, Aston University, UCE, probably others I'm overlooking, there's plenty of technology colleges and stuff) I think going as far as Nottingham is a bit far for now. Also I think "neutrals" won't be willing to travel that distance. I could be wrong of course, we won't know if we don't try, but I think starting closer to home has to be the priority before spreading the net wider. I wouldn't for example expect to see Villa at an event in Leeds as there's not all that many of us stupid enough to travel to Villa Park from up t'north, not students anyway, away games perhaps... I digress. Leeds don't do anything to attract fans from the student population, but they should, they have so many empty seats, I know I'd go if the tickets were cheap enough, mainly for a laugh admittedly, as would my housemate who's a Leeds fan, but no, they want to charge us over £30 a ticket, no thanks. I know Sheffield Utd did students for a fiver against us back in December, I was going to go but was too ill, a few of my mates at Sheffield uni went and had a great time, they'd go back when the offer is repeated. It's certainly something worth looking at while the ground still isn't full, but lets start at the local unis, there must be a few hundred thousand students in Birmingham, If we could get even 1% of those to a game it would noticably boost the attendance.

Not so sure about that Paddy, I went to Nottingham Trent and started the day after we lost to the shit 3-0 at the sty and without it being planned in my group of 5 that day were two other Villa fans from Lincoln and Kettering. Met alot more Villa fans while I was there from Burton and places like Mansfield.

However I agree that may be a bit far away for any real impact but we should certainly target Brum, Aston, UCE, Wolverhampton, Warwick and Coventry Universities as we are the only Premier team for a long distance.

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Happy Birthday General, decent enough result today, considering that Fulham are good at home.. Now for three home wins on the trot, can you give the lads plenty of encouragement when you see them during the week!!!

Cheers!! :D

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