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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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General an Idea for you.

There is a certain amount of unease at the season ticket stuff, myself I think it is unjustified

However a good will gesture would be to offer exisiting ST for this season say in March and offer say £30 off for those who renew before the end of May

This to me seems a good idea which will take advantage of the good will at the moment.

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General, I've got to admit that when Randy's takeover was first announced I was a bit sceptical. Some unknown yank coming in to buy OUR club? I was imagining another Man Utd scenario, or being used as a business opportunity.

Now after admitting my original disloyalty, I'd just like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you, Randy and all the background staff have done for the club, not to mention Martin O'Neill. All my doubts have been put to ease, and I'm more passionate than I have been in years. There's finally the belief that the club is going places, and not only that, but the fans matter.

I wasn't even born until a good few years after Villa won the European Cup, and all I've really watched is the slow demise of the club. I genuinly belive that the players, the manager and the staff can and will lead us back to the heights of '82, and I'm so glad that I'll be around to see it this time.

I probably rambled a bit there, but hopefully you've got my point. I'd send a Hallmark, but I don't think they make saying "Thank you for buying Villa."

Going to stop rambling now.

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General, IGeneral,

Do you see what you have done! TS is now commited to the club. What fun this is, I have said this before and I will probably say it again, business is about people not about business. Mr Learner is indeed a people man, they make you get up in the morning they never fail to surprise you and when they are empowerd they turn out to be the biggest surprise.

I have a feeling that this is going to be a great ride and I and my eldest son are along for the ride, BIG TIME

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General Krulak,

I noticed a few posts back that you mentioned something about being stuck in the U.S. watching the match on the internet.

If you or Randy ever find yourself in that unfortunate predicament in the future and yearn for a bit more than a spotty internet broadcast, please feel free to come join the New York Villans, an AVSC, at Nevada Smiths in the East Village. We are out in force for all the fixtures and are quite possibly one of the most loyal, passionate group of fans you are likely to meet.

I know it's a long shot/big ask, but hey, if you don't ask......

Not to mention funny, charming, smart, sophisticated and devistatingly handsome!


Would love to see you in our next team photo General ;)

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Hi General,

As American business men are well known to be rather competitive, do you think the Liverpool take-0ver will be good for Aston Villa in the long-term ?

I mean this in the sense of the chairmen of each club trying to go that extra mile to be top dog, American owner in the UK.

Personally, i think that in the future, there could well be a battle of ego's at Liverpool between the 2 new owners there, but of course i do not wish to draw you on that potential issue !

That makes me greatful that Randy is the sole owner of our great, football club.

Carry on with the great work, us older fans have known a lot of heartache over the years and the new optimism from the club and yourself, really puts a spring in my step !

Kind Regards,


( Chair, Clarrie Blue Supporters Club, Bournemouth. )

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Great work with the Nike announcement.

Credit to Richard FitzGerald and his team. The local media and to a lesser extent the fans are looking for somebody to be the public face of Randy's Villa. Will Richard be becoming more visible in the coming months ?

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I stand up and applaud you and everyone working with Villa because of the recent deals for Aston Villa FC. First we have a successful january window where we invest smart in good quality...and now...in early february...you yet again impress us all with getting a deal with Nike as our new shirt sponsor. This is top quality business and I´m getting more and more proud of you all!

I hope that you, Randy Lerner, Martin O´Neill and everyone working with Aston Villa FC, feel that the fans are with you in every step you take! I just love it! Thank you!

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General I would like to again take the opportunity to thank you, Randy and all those involved in the Nike deal!

It is truly amazing to think of all that has been done over the last few months. Things that we know there wasn't a cat in hells chance of getting before the takeover.

It still sometimes feels slightly unreal - but still bloody amazing!


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Further to my previous questions about the use of Villa Park for the 2012 Olympics, the official website confirms VP will be used,see here, but doesn't give any further details.

If you could enlighten me, and any other curious VT'ers, with any more information it would be much appreciated.

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General Krulak here:

1. Nike...a great sponsor!!! The signal this sends, world-wide, is huge. We are one of 3 Premiership Clubs and with some of the great Clubs in Europe. Nike does NOT "partner" with losers!!! They see what we all see...that Villa will be winners!!!

2. Gillett and Hicks: I know them slightly...both are good businessmen. I do not see them as a threat...nor does Randy. They will just be one more group we have to take on...just like anyone else. We aren't going to spend much time worrying about them...they better worry about us.

3. Villa Park will be a beautiful stadium when we are finished....one that all will be proud of. It is a beauty right now...we will just improve on it.

4. I have no "insider info" on the 2012 Olympics nor does anyone else at the Club.

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General Krulak here:

1. Nike...a great sponsor!!! The signal this sends, world-wide, is huge. We are one of 3 Premiership Clubs and with some of the great Clubs in Europe. Nike does NOT "partner" with losers!!! They see what we all see...that Villa will be winners!!!

2. Gillett and Hicks: I know them slightly...both are good businessmen. I do not see them as a threat...nor does Randy. They will just be one more group we have to take on...just like anyone else. We aren't going to spend much time worrying about them...they better worry about us.

3. Villa Park will be a beautiful stadium when we are finished....one that all will be proud of. It is a beauty right now...we will just improve on it.

4. I have no "insider info" on the 2012 Olympics nor does anyone else at the Club.

So happy with NIKE, have been praying for a big brand for years like eveyone else!

I'd love to get Cadbury as principal sponsor, especailly as they are local...

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3. Villa Park will be a beautiful stadium when we are finished....one that all will be proud of. It is a beauty right now...we will just improve on it.

Do you think we can expect an official anouncement from the club regarding this in the next couple of weeks, General sir? :)

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General Krulak

On top of any forthcoming stadium annocuements, could you also shed light on how the training ground is progressing perhaps with some pictures for us to check out here or on the official site?

Also, Mr Fitzgerald mentioned about the website contract, now I'm not a fan of the official one that we currently have and a new one sooner rather than later would be good perhaps involving the fans as to what they want to see on there etc. Any thoughts?

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General Krulak

On top of any forthcoming stadium annocuements, could you also shed light on how the training ground is progressing perhaps with some pictures for us to check out here or on the official site?

Pictures have been posted on a couple of occasions - For the training ground and Holte Hotel. Both now listed in the menu on the left of the main site with their own sections.

http://tinyurl.com/3x96h5 Is the link for the last TG pictures at end of Jan.

http://tinyurl.com/2kxhan Is the link for the last HH pictures taken Mid Jan (if interested).


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Hi General

First time I have posted in this thread. Just wanted to begin by saying thanks for what you, Randy, Martin and the rest have done. I can't even begin to list the things you have got right so far and I am more positive about the future than I can remember (I was only 6 in 1982!).

I am a season ticket holder in the Doug Ellis (hopefully it won't be called that for long) and my daughter attends with. It is great to see so many families there these days and it is good to hear you say that is the future. However, there are a couple of issues that put people off from taking their kids:

1. The language. I understand the chanting from the Holte is all part of the game, and I know kids are subject to language at school, on TV etc. However, some of the language (even in the Doug Ellis) is absolutely foul. For grown men to use the "C" word in front of a 6 year old is unacceptable.

2. The clouds of smoke in the concourses where we get food, buy programmes etc are disgusting. The stadium should be fully non-smoking.

Do you have any opinions on these issues?

Thanks for listening!

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you will never ever get rid of the language, i take my kids and my mother sometimes! i explained in advance what would happen, doesnt excuse it of course

Its true. If you've got kids and you don't want them to hear it then the "family section" or whatever its called is in the North Upper, never sat up there myself but I imagine the amount of bad language up there is lower (though not got rid of completely) than in the rest of the stadium.

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General Krulak here:

1. I am no prude...having spent 39 years in the Marine Corps. I have heard bad language. At the same time, I cannot condone bad language in front of children. Unfortunately, there is not much we can do about it. Trying to police language is not really a viable idea.

2. No smoking statute will solve smoking problem.

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