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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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General Krulak here:

Waiting for a signature on a piece of paper is always tough...but so far there are no impediments...just takes time.

MON and Randy continue to work well together...and Fitz and Bob Kain are doing some very good work too. Lots going on and everyone is fully focused. We just need to remember that our goal is a very ambitious one and it will take time...it is not an "overnight" thing. At the same time, NO ONE wants to relax!! We have a "must win" game coming up with more must wins in the following weeks. We need to get back up the table.

Well done General! Glad that the Holte Upper gets to Pilot the new tickets system as well because whatever people say that is where the heart of Aston Villa really is! You wouldn't want to go to war without us!

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General, just to remind you of this request.

Hi General,

I just remmeber that a few days ago the land sale of the 'Serpertine Property' was supposed to be completed as per the extract from the official press release.

On satisfaction of the condition precedent, the Disposal Agreement provides for completion of the Disposal of the Serpentine Property on or before 7 December 2006. On completion, the sale consideration will be payable.

On searching on the Net I can see no confirmation of this from BCSL and now we are not a PLC Villa do not need to release one.

Can you confirm as per the statement above whether this deal has been concluded and the moneis paid to us from BCSL ?



Hi General,

Just to remind you of this question I posted just before xmas.

I fully understand if for commercial or legal reasons that you may not be able to comment fully on this, but I would appreciate if you have managed to get an answer to the question.



ps. having the lights on in the Holte Pub before and after the match is a good touch and reminds people of ho it could look.

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General Krulak here:

I thought I had answered the question but if I didn't, I am sorry. The answer is that the terms of the agreement were met...but about 3 days after the stated deadline. No issues.

thanks General, I may have missed that

so I can presume then that with the Serpertine land sold, we will be £7m richer and needing to find some area for car parking to replace what will be a significant amount of car parking

and as promised, I will say an excellent deal by Doug Ellis to sell that land for £7m, way more than I would have thought it was worth.

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Hi General, think its great you are on here but i got to have a moan about something.

I took my God Son down to the game today as a B'day present, he was six last saturday, it was his first ever football match.

His mother gave me 20 of his b'day money to get him a hat and a gloves etc. So i took him to the Villa Village before the game and there wasnt much choice in fact no kids gloves and only one type of hat which wasnt the best. So as kids do they say i want "that" in this case was a black goal keepers top.

So i found his size JS and he wanted it, but when i looked at the price i was shocked £30 for a six year olds top which is out of date in 5 months, now i understand this is how it is all over the uk but it is a rip off, and subsequently i like many others may avoid the shop in future.

Actually just had an after tought the Adult retro 82 tracky top is £30 the same price I paid for the kids goal keepers top.

Anyway Up The Villa

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General Krulak here;

1. Parking is a key issue for all of us. We are working on that with both the community and with other potential individuals that can help in this area. Aston Hall has stepped up to help in the future and we are working with them to see what can be possible. Obviously we want to be a good neighbor to them and we need to see how best we can coordinate our activities. Regarding the purchase money...it is obviously a great thing...but like all businesses, that was "banked" in the business plan last year. It is not as though the money came in unexpected...it had been put against requirements for last year, not this one.

2. Thank you for bringing your God Son to Villa Park...I am convinced that the future of our Club depends, to a large extent, in developing a future generation of fans. 30 pounds for a top for a 6 year old sounds pretty stiff. I am definitely aware of the prices since I have 5 grandchildren who all wanted a Villa Kit...and that 30 pounds equals $60.00+ dollars in our currency. I am not sure what the answer is to pricing...but I promise I will look into what makes the pricing what it is.

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Hi General, I'm posting this to say thanks to Sheila in the ticket enquiries office for her sterling work on my behalf yesterday. A few days ago my eldest son broke two metatarsal bones and on friday night my youngest son shattered his collarbone playing floodlit football. Even though they were both in considerable discomfort they were desperate to get to the match.

I phoned VP on saturday morning and explained the situation and after three phonecalls from the very friendly and efficient Sheila we had swapped their season ticket seats for one disabled seat and a wheelchair (provided by Villa) on the half way line. We were also given a car parking space next to the players car park which was a great help.

My sons would like to express their thanks to Sheila for making yesterday possible for them, they were at the Everton away game on nov 11 th when we won our last match and would have been desperately disappointed to have missed seeing us get back to winning ways against Watford. (One of my sons was popping wheelies in his wheelchair when we scored with 4 minutes left!)

Yesterday demonstrated to me what great people we have helping to run the club, and I would be grateful General if next time you are in the ticket office you could tell Sheila and her colleagues how much their friendly and polite assistance is appreciated , especially when as on this occasion it is well over and above the call of duty.

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30 pounds for a top for a 6 year old sounds pretty stiff. I am definitely aware of the prices since I have 5 grandchildren who all wanted a Villa Kit.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, underlines why we have the best board in England.

We have a man, who through his career, will be extremely wealthy, yet fully understands what it takes to earn a £ and to spend a £, and what it means to us.

Carry on the good work.

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Hi General,

Not sure if this has been asked before or not, but I was just reading the new kit thread and it got me thinking. There are a number of quite good looking kits on there and one thing that has struck me is just how so much better the kits look without sponsorship.

I haven't bought this years shirt on the simple fact that I cannot stand the sponser on the shirt. Its massive, unattractive and takes away the fact it is a Villa shirt and instead makes it look like a 32red.com are sponsered by Villa.

Now obviously this is not yours, Lerner's or anybody's fault under the new regime and is something I'm sure will change from season with the likelihood of a new sponsor.

But I was thinking, do we really need a sponsor for the shirt? I mean, ok the finances of the club are not unlimited, but are we really in need of the sponsor money, for that is the only reason to have the sponsorship. Can we instead have no shirt sponsor a la Barcalona? Especially with the increase in TV revenue next year, I can imagine a few clubs doing this. And since it will make the shirt look nicer, surely that would increase sales of the shirts, surely offsetting the sponsor money?

Anyway, keep up the already fine work you and the rest of the board are doing.

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Would never normally use the official coaches to travel to away games as I enjoy a bit of drinking time. (7am starts are the way forward!)

However, for the Newcastle game, which I'm sure you're aware is a Wednesday night kick off, I have decided to use the official travel as train prices are ridiculous and I would be unable to get a train back after the game.

Using the official travel bares a problem for me though, as I live in Solihull which is the other side of Birmingham to Villa Park. As I do not drive I will be forced to get a taxi.

Would it be possible to arrange a system by where a minority of coaches pick up at different areas/towns rather than just Villa Park? I'm sure a Solihull/south Birmingham coach would prove very popular.

I wouldn't expect the club to get this sorted immediately, but hopefully this may be possible for next season?

Many thanks, and keep up the fantastic work!

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Id rather get the revenue in and have a shirt that doesn't look really plain thanks

i think some people need to remember that in order to progress we need to make money, i've seen a lot of talk for instance of lowering tickets prices and now not having a sponsership

wheres the money going to come from if we keep cancelling out the clubs income?

theres nothing wrong with having a sponsor on the shirt, yes our current one is quite big, but atleast it doesn't make the shirt look plain.

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Shirley Villa, I usually go on the official coaches to away games and, whilst not meaning to sound miserable, lots of people absolutely HATE it when the coach on the way back, first of all, has to go into the City Centre to drop maybe three people off, before returning to Villa Park - where everyone managed to get to to start the journey! I've no objection in principle to the coaches dropping off in Town or anywhere else really but maybe they could do it AFTER they have dropped the majority of people off back at VP or, possibly, your suggestion would be better - ie when people book the coach, if they want picking up or dropping off at somewhere other than Villa Park, then maybe those people could all be put together on one or two coaches, with the rest going straight back to VP ?

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General Krulak here:

1. Thank you very much on the feedback re. Sheila...that was kind of you to bring her to our attention. She works in one of our hardest sorking areas. Ticketing has come under lots of pressure lately...to "think outside the box"...to come up with new plans to bring fans into Villa Park but to do so without hurting the Season Ticket holders...to determine what we can do to make our Season Ticket holders more "special"...etc. etc. Nicola Keye and her folks are superb.

2. Kit Sponsor. As most people know, there are contracts in place that are there to ensure fairness in dealings. We need to be honorable people...known for having our word be our bond. We are continually looking at improvements to all sponsorship opportunities at the Club but we need to be cautious re. our reputations. This is one of those areas where I am going to ask the fans to trust Randy and their Club.

3. We are looking into the coach issue...so good pros but also some cons.

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I have to admire how you can come on here and respond to those 3 points, without reference to all the speculation that is flying around today. Just shows how important the off-field stuff is to the board as well as the playing aspect.

Your point re sponsors, and ensuring that AVFC's board are well known for being honourable and straight-talking, is refreshing to hear. The goodwill that this will engender is invaluable, I'm delighted that you can see that as well.

How refreshing this is.. And we'll forgive you leaving the "u" out of honourable :)

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What is the general mood like behind the scenes. From playing staff to admin staff right up to the directors such as yourself. Personally, if I am to believe what I am reading then this is a very exciting step in the new regimes reign. Whatever happens, the future looks bright and for that, I thank you.


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