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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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Gen Krulak here:

1. I would not presume to speak for Richard but we have had many conversations and I would think that the first thing on his "to do" list would be to get around and meet the people at Villa Park. Understand their strengths and weaknesses and where we are world class and where we are not. He is probably looking at all the things we have been discussing...ticketing, catering, technology around the pitch, etc...and determining what is "low hanging fruit" and what will take more time. I also think that his "sales and marketing" mind is working overtime...looking at the possiblities. Bottom Line: He is very busy.

2. Price per letter vs price per name. Good thought...I will pass it on and see what happens.

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Someone i have met recently on these boards and myself are just 2 of the many London Villa fans. We are in the process of organizing a London supporters club, and as you may or may not know, these have been very hard to get off the ground in the past.

From what we understand from the club, there are over 2000 villa members and season ticket holders living in london. We are really putting a hell of a lot of effort now into setting this club set up.

Is there anything you could help us with in setting this up at all? Im not asking as a charity case or anything, but as this has been so hard setting up before, i was just seeking any help from the club we could in getting a lot of these 2000 to VP every week.

Train tickets are £40 a person from London to Birmingham, and National express is one of the most unpleasent feelings to be on, sometimes haveing someone next to you who speaks not a word of english, or loud on the phone, or.. well i think you et my drift here!

Any advice or procedure the club may be putting in place would be most helpful.


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symmouk, perhaps the club can help by putting you all in touch with each other, or helping you all find out about places like this, so that you can club together on driving or approach a coach company as a collective for reduced rates. It could be something as simple as establishing a mailing list for you of all the London based fans and allowing you to send a mail shot.

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Gen Krulak here:

2. Price per letter vs price per name. Good thought...I will pass it on and see what happens.

i think thats a great idea...

dont know of any club or sports company that do that...

would be unique to the villa...


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Gen Krulak here:

2. Price per letter vs price per name. Good thought...I will pass it on and see what happens.

i think thats a great idea...

dont know of any club or sports company that do that...

would be unique to the villa...


Like I say JJB do it, so not unique, but would be nice.

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Someone i have met recently on these boards and myself are just 2 of the many London Villa fans. We are in the process of organizing a London supporters club, and as you may or may not know, these have been very hard to get off the ground in the past.

From what we understand from the club, there are over 2000 villa members and season ticket holders living in london. We are really putting a hell of a lot of effort now into setting this club set up.

Is there anything you could help us with in setting this up at all? Im not asking as a charity case or anything, but as this has been so hard setting up before, i was just seeking any help from the club we could in getting a lot of these 2000 to VP every week.

Train tickets are £40 a person from London to Birmingham, and National express is one of the most unpleasent feelings to be on, sometimes haveing someone next to you who speaks not a word of english, or loud on the phone, or.. well i think you et my drift here!

Any advice or procedure the club may be putting in place would be most helpful.


Contact the club they'll put you in touch with Dan Meridith and hell give you all you need to know. It's not that difficult, just requires a little patience, best of luck!

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General krulak here:

Lots going on. Hang in there with us.

Well, General, if the rumours are true there are things going on that we like! As we say in these here parts, "Get in there, son!". Don't worry, if not everything works out, we'll still be hanging in. We're funny, paradoxical creatures, us Villans. Squawk like parrots at times but have the patience of crocodiles with the loyalty of dogs! That isn't a suggestion for a new club mascot. A scaled, four-legged, beaked creature that pisses up the corner flag would just leave us as an object of derision.

Keep up the good work, my man. We are all behind you.

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General even if this signing doesnt come off the fact we have slapped in a bid like this proves to the few doubters left that we truley are back in buisness!!

How about getting yourself and Randy on the pitch / walkabout in stadium to meet and greet some fans so we can show our appreciation?

Ive never bought a season ticket before, im normally a 4-5 games a season + a shirt type of fan...however i believe that after what you have done for our club you deserve more and not only am I now a nailed on season tickey holder next season, the watford game will be my sixth game already! More will follow as Im sure you know....wont be long till villa park is packed to the rafters!

Please pass our thanks to Randy, for being willing to put his hard earned cash into our beloved team..

And again thank you for taking the time to talk to us, the last few months have been like one long continous orgasm!!!

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General, just what I expected from Randy and MON, no shouting the odds until the deal is completed, excellent.

........erm, its not quite complete yet :?

Don't jinx it Ian - I remeber you celebrating the dawn of our new administration several times before it actually happened. :D

....and General, just incase you are in any doubt - we are all delighted that it happened - you saved the club!!!

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General Krulak here:

As I said, lots going on. I agree that "it ain't over 'til the fat lady sings" so no jinxing from me. But I hope that what you are seeing is the Plan we have been talking about...MON looking for players who can help now and in the future and Randy willing to support MON. Just please remember, we are in this for the long haul...no miracles...just hard work, concentrating on what is in front of us, doing what is necessary for success, and seeking support from the people who are most important to us...YOU, the Fans.

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Hi General,

Not only have the last few days shown that you as a board mean business to us fans, it has also shown to the rest of the world that we mean Business.. Most of the people I have talked to since the Young bid were generally shocked that Villa would bid so much for an individual. They were clearly impressed, as was I by the ambition that you and your fellow board members have shown!!

Fair play for showing the world that we are indeed a force to be reckoned with!!!

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I can only say that in the time you, the board, have been in charge we are starting to see significant changes. It is fantastic! You can tell that the board have taken the time to listen to the fans and YOU are doing something about it. Your words were correct, you are doing something about the club we all love and not just saying things the fans want to hear. The forum on the OS in regards to the badge is a fantastic idea, the hotel and training faciities are coming on leaps and bounds, and a ticket swipe system being introduced are all changes that the fans on various forums have requested.

You guys are really shaping this club to be something of an experience and I am indeed grateful, as with many of the other Villa fans to have the best board our club could wish for (and I've heard this said by other football fans)

Thanks for your hard work and and long may it continue!

PS If we won the Champions League cup say in the next 5 years would Randy see this as job done and consider selling the club?

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Hi General,

We really appreciate what you're doing for us here (I think you know that by now). One question...Is there any truth behind the rumour of Villa linking up with Colombus Crew over in the US?

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Spoke to somebody I know at the club today who told me that the view they have of the general,Randy etc is that they are very much for the fans before anything else. Whereby the old regime was more for the corporate guests etc this new regime are more for the man on the Holte End, only what i was told today but thought i would share the view of an "insider" as it were with you all.

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General Krulak here:

Waiting for a signature on a piece of paper is always tough...but so far there are no impediments...just takes time.

MON and Randy continue to work well together...and Fitz and Bob Kain are doing some very good work too. Lots going on and everyone is fully focused. We just need to remember that our goal is a very ambitious one and it will take time...it is not an "overnight" thing. At the same time, NO ONE wants to relax!! We have a "must win" game coming up with more must wins in the following weeks. We need to get back up the table.

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Hi General,

Although I've watched this forum for the past 6 months this is my first post and I thought you were the ideal person to direct it towards.

I've been following this thread (along with others) since the takeover and have decided I want to voice my opinion along with the other supporters on here now.

I'd just like to thank you for spending time on this forum. It's like a breath of fresh air. It means a lot to me to actually be able to communicate with someone who would normally be 'out of reach'.

Oh, and keep up the good work. I'm sure it'll come to fruitation soon.

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Hi General

Nice to see you all working late into the night! Great news on all coming out of Villa Park and just wanted to say thanks for the professional way in which the board are conducting themselves especially re: transfer dealings. It makes a change to be seen to be a professionally run club instead of the laughing stock we had become towards the end of last season. We also appreciate that the board and MON realise that we have been promised so much in the past and need comvincing that this time things are really going to change. I for one can only see things going in the right direction and can't thank you enough for everything you are trying to achieve for US the Villa faithful. It is nice to see you delivering on your promises and this bodes well for the future...and hopefully the remainder of the transfer window. Let's hope the previous stay away fans realise this too and get down to Villa Park to show their support for yourselves and the team.

Fingers crossed for a couple more signatures before the end of Jan...??

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I'm guessing you are still stateside so I hope you get to watch the match tomorrow, thanks for the regular updates and let's hope that a whole of people can be a lot less frustrated soon.

Three points will no doubt help with that.


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