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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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I'm sure the vast majority of fans understand how hard all you guys are working behind the scenes and massively appreciate it, those who are getting twitchy about the transfer window/players in etc are used to numerous false dawns in our previous era but they will come round. Its great to have passionate and innovative people in charge of the club. :cheers:

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In Randy, The General & Martin we trust.

This is the new Villa not the old one. This new team deserve time to put right what needs to be corrected and have already started to do so off the pitch. It might take longer to compete with the likes of Chelsea & Manchester United on the pitch, but these guys are winners and we are lucky and proud to have them on board. I can wait a little longer for glory, I have seen it before and I'm sure it's on it's way back!

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It's not the 'be all and end all' General but it is VERY important that we get players in now as we cannot allow the R word to become part of our vocabulary and we need - I mean NEED -- new blood in to enable us to have a decent 2nd half to the season....

I think that the only way to calm nerves is if MON can get some quality players to put pen to paper before the end of the month.

MON by reputation knows we're in a minor crisis but the big picture will always take precedence with him as throughout his career, a couple of wins etc. Short term pain long term gain.

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I am not sure how much I can "calm nerves." My sense is that, in some folks minds, this month's Transfer Window is the be all and end all of our Club. For those folks, I am not sure that anything I say will help unless I tell them that we have 7 players "on the hook", another 5 in the queue, etc. etc. .

You are very right general. Just carry on with the excellent work you are doing. You will realise after a few of these "mad" windows have passed that its the same every time.

Patience is key in my opinion

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Patience is key in my opinion

Patience may be your key PB new players and several of them is mine.

Too true malc.

They also say laughter is the best medicine, well if you're diabetic then insulin is probably a better bet.

We need players to save this season............

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I think Malc's partly right. Even a couple of very good players would make all the difference right now. A bit of pace up and a right winger maybe, and if I'm being greedy a decent right back.

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Hi General,

I was wondering if you could describe how a transfer really works from the club's position. Without mentiong other clubs/fees/agents names/players etc.

I think it would be great for the fans to actually see the long drawn process, which I think it is.

For Example.


We faxed our interest X club for X player.


Club X replied and said the player X was not for sale at any price. THE END



Club X replied and said the player X was available


Club decided that club X overpriced the player.

Thursday - Monday

Clubs agree on a price and inform player's agent

Tuesday - Club meet player's agent


Would be brilliant if you inform us of the process, I am not looking for a script for every interest we have made or as such, just one would do.

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Great to see that the club are following through on one of your projects and have today started to canvas supporter opinion re: a new club crest to reflect the new era.

I say that despite having painted the current crest on my sons bedroom wall only a year ago!

Are there other ideas in the pipeline as a result of the SCG meetings and when are the results of the meetings to date going to be revealed?

I have noticed that at the beginning of the 2nd half the club has started playing ghost riders in the sky, my choice as entrance song, but the version played is terrible, barely recognisable (the PA system doesn't help). Can we have the Johnny Cash version please?



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Dear General Krulak,

Let me first say how refreshing it is that you post on here. Being able to consult with a board member is not only very modern idea, but shows us you care. Secondly, great idea on the club crest consultation, fantastic idea. I hope that the fans veiws can help create a badge that really is one we want. Thirdly, since you have given the fans the choice to have a say on the badge, would there be any chance we could have a say on the kit? Kind Regards.

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Patience may be your key PB new players and several of them is mine.

So, you wouldn't agree, then, that our current squad should be good enough for a tilt at Europe and the addition of "a few" players during this window and the summer would be enough to be in the European places "all season, without much trouble"?

Because I could swear that's what you said on the "MON targets Europe" thread.

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Hi General,

I was wondering if you could describe how a transfer really works from the club's position. Without mentiong other clubs/fees/agents names/players etc.

I think it would be great for the fans to actually see the long drawn process, which I think it is.

For Example.


We faxed our interest X club for X player.


Club X replied and said the player X was not for sale at any price. THE END

I think I can help here.

A walk-through of a typical transfer goes something like this:

Nov/Dec: Manager of Team A draws up list of possible targets, by position and order of preference, identifying first-, second-, and third-choice options. Early calls are put in to players' agents to see if they might consider moving on. Every agent replies with a "Yes" in an attempt to maximise bidding for their clients and their own commission.

Jan 1: Manager of Team A calls manager of Team B, to enquire about availability of player X. Manager of team B asks what kind of offer team A thinks would be fair. Manager of team A says "We were thinking of something in the region of £5m". Manager of team B scoffs at figure and says "Nothing doing."

Jan 2: Manager of team B, worried that team A are going to make another bid for player X, decides he needs to have a contingency plan in place and calls team C to enquire about availability of player Y. Manager of team C asks what kind of offer team B thinks would be fair. Manager of team B says "We were thinking of something in the region of £3m". Manager of team C says "Add three million and we might be able to do something."

Jan 3: Manager of team C, rubbing hands with glee at possibility of offloading dodgy left-back for bumper fee, calls manager of team D to register firm interest in striker Z. "We have £6m coming in from sale of player Y and we want to spend it all on Z". Manager of team D says that Z is only available for a minimum of £7.5m. Manager of team C says "You're having a laugh." Manager of team D says, "That's my final word on the matter." Call ends abruptly, with manager of team C in foul mood.

Jan 4: Manager of team A calls agent of player X and explains that team A is willing to pay up to £6m for X, but will go no further, and asks whether he can persuade X to file a transfer request with manager of team B. Agent of player X says he'll have a go. - but only if wages for player X are doubled from present level of £25k/week. Manager of team A swallows false teeth in shock.

Jan 5: Manager of team C calls manager of team B to ask whether he is going to firm up interest in player Y at £7.5m. Manager of team B says "Hang on a minute - you said we could have him for £6m." Manager of team C lies and says that player Y is subject of bidding war involving two unnamed clubs. Manager of team B says £5m is as high as they will go.

Jan 6: Having received assurances of a 50% pay increase from team A, player X goes to manager of team B, hands in transfer request and says he understands that team A is interested in buying him. Manager of team B - accepting that player X is almost certain to leave - immediately gets on phone to manager of team C and reiterates interest in player Y: "We'll go up to £6m," he says.

Jan 7: Manager of team C faxes firm offer of £6m for striker Z to manager of team D. Manager of team D receives fax, says "I told that joker we'd do business at £7.5m and no lower." Fax is screwed into a ball and lobbed at bin on other side of room. "If this goes in," thinks manager of team D to himself, "we're going to win the FA Cup." Fax bounces off rim and falls to floor. "Best of three," says manager of team D.

Jan 8: Agent of player X calls manager of team A to say that X has handed in transfer request and that manager of team B is ready to listen to offers. Manager of team B faxes firm offer of £6.5m for player Y to manager of team C. Manager of team C calls manager of team D to say that he is ready to pay £6.5m for striker Z. Manager of team D relents, having heard that foreign team E is looking to off-load striker 1 for similar sum. "Put it in writing and you have a deal," he tells manager of team C.

Jan 9: Manager of team C calls manager of team B to say that he'll accept the £6.5m for player Y. Manager of team B calls manager of team A to say that he'll accept the £6.5m for player X. Manager of team A says he has just signed washed-up international 2 instead and deals for players X, Y and Z all collapse instantly.

Jan 10: Repeat above steps until sick.

And that's how a transfer works.

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In relation to the 'crest consultation' that is going on at the moment, could you please pass this design on to Richard Fitzgerald or whoever it may concern.


It is very popular on this board (designed by a VT member (pablopicasso)) and I would be interested to know what other people though of it.

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General Krulak here:

1. The SCG meetings have been and will continue to be VERY important. You all can see how important by the amount of consultation is on-going...the Crest is just one example. I wonder how many Clubs in the UK have this amount of fan participation? This is Randy sending the signal that the "FAN matters."

2. The PA system will be fixed!

3 Faust did a magnificent job...I am not sure I could do any better.

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What will be on Richard Fitzgeralds list of things to put right first? He must have known he was letting himself in for a big job but having now started is he shocked at just how big a role he has taken on and just how much behind the scenes needs putting right? The club was effectively left to get on with things for the past year or more and some very good staff left and were not replaced is this first on his "to do" list?

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Hi General,

Up to now I have not asked a question on here. I believe that at present if someone wants to have a name printed on their jersey in the Villa Village they are charged per letter. This obviously means names like Agbonlahor are less desireable for a parent to pay for than say Barry or Angel as it's 10 letters instead of 5.

I know for sure of at least 1 other Premiership club (Liverpool) who have picked a median price that is charged for name printing regardless of the amount of lettering. This way parents know what they're paying and kids get the name they want. Would Villa be looking at making the same move as it seems a fairer way of doing things - not to mention Gabby getting more exposure in the stands :)

Keep up the good work and I enjoy your contributions to our site.

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Hi General,

Up to now I have not asked a question on here. I believe that at present if someone wants to have a name printed on their jersey in the Villa Village they are charged per letter. This obviously means names like Agbonlahor are less desireable for a parent to pay for than say Barry or Angel as it's 10 letters instead of 5.

I know for sure of at least 1 other Premiership club (Liverpool) who have picked a median price that is charged for name printing regardless of the amount of lettering. This way parents know what they're paying and kids get the name they want. Would Villa be looking at making the same move as it seems a fairer way of doing things - not to mention Gabby getting more exposure in the stands :)

Keep up the good work and I enjoy your contributions to our site.

You could always get "Gabby" printed on the back :winkold:

But yeah good idea, I know JJB do printing which is a standard price for a name and number if they're a player at the team (ie. not your own name), so Agbonlahor 15 would be the same as Laursen 5. Which does seem fairer.

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