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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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I have been a season ticket holder for approx. 20 years and my 6 year old son for 2 years. It is my personal choice and I do not expect any reward for purchasing a season ticket. Each season I miss 2 or 3 games due to travel or other commitments which means financially I do not gain any benefit, however I continue to buy the ticket(s) because

1.I want to sit in the same seat every game

2.I dont want the hassle of having to organise tickets for individual games

3.I want priority for purchasing tickets for away games

4.I want to be guaranteed tickets for cup finals etc

5.I want to be guaranteed my seats when the masses return and are locked out.

I'm not crying because the christmas presents I bought are half price in the January sales. I dont care if you give 10000 free tickets away every game, I'd rather see the ground full and I expect so would MON and the team. I just want to see us win. Whatever it takes to fill that ground do it if it helps us win.

Keep up the incentives, the missing thousands will return, and with a bit of luck the trophies will follow.

Couldn't agree more with that.

I hope villa do what ever it takes to get the ground full, it makes it a much better time for me.

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Whilst out shopping in Sutton Coldfield this morning I bumped into Johnny Dixon who captained Villa to its 1957 FA Cup win. You may already have this covered, but it just struck me that when planning events for 2007, it would be good to honour the guys who won the Cup 50 years ago as well as the team that won the European Cup.

Thanks for everything you're doing - it's great to be a Villa fan again!

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Whilst out shopping in Sutton Coldfield this morning I bumped into Johnny Dixon who captained Villa to its 1957 FA Cup win. You may already have this covered, but it just struck me that when planning events for 2007, it would be good to honour the guys who won the Cup 50 years ago as well as the team that won the European Cup.

Thanks for everything you're doing - it's great to be a Villa fan again!

Can I just say I'm very impressed you recognised him, had you seen him recently or something?

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Whilst out shopping in Sutton Coldfield this morning I bumped into Johnny Dixon who captained Villa to its 1957 FA Cup win. You may already have this covered, but it just struck me that when planning events for 2007, it would be good to honour the guys who won the Cup 50 years ago as well as the team that won the European Cup.

Thanks for everything youI have a photographic memory and eagle eyes! No - he's lived in the area for many years so I've seen him a number of times over the years.

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I have been a season ticket holder for approx. 20 years and my 6 year old son for 2 years. It is my personal choice and I do not expect any reward for purchasing a season ticket. Each season I miss 2 or 3 games due to travel or other commitments which means financially I do not gain any benefit, however I continue to buy the ticket(s) because

1.I want to sit in the same seat every game

2.I dont want the hassle of having to organise tickets for individual games

3.I want priority for purchasing tickets for away games

4.I want to be guaranteed tickets for cup finals etc

5.I want to be guaranteed my seats when the masses return and are locked out.

I'm not crying because the christmas presents I bought are half price in the January sales. I dont care if you give 10000 free tickets away every game, I'd rather see the ground full and I expect so would MON and the team. I just want to see us win. Whatever it takes to fill that ground do it if it helps us win.

Keep up the incentives, the missing thousands will return, and with a bit of luck the trophies will follow.

Couldn't agree more with that.

I hope villa do what ever it takes to get the ground full, it makes it a much better time for me.

I would like to add my 100% support to the above comments. I choose to be a season ticket holder because of the pleasure and excitement it gives me and I don't want to be subsidised. Spend the money on the team General, and by all means pursue ticket promotions to fill the stadium because a full Villa Park further enhances my matchday experience.
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Can I just say that while I'm very happy with all the improvements so far General, if we don't get at least two to three very good players into the team this January, we could be watching Championship football next season, and having a tarted up train station isn't going to improve that experience.

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We are not going to be watching European Football either, not that I was expecting it.

We should however not do the error of misjudging the situation. We are in trouble, we need to start winning very soon to avoid the extra pressure. I don't think our biggest targets are flattered by the situation we are in right now.

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We are not going to be watching Championship Football next season

We are not going to be watching European Football either

But, we will be watching a lot better team playing in claret & blue next season and I back you General along with Randy and Martin, to do what is needed to make this happen over this and the next window. We have waited years for a board with ambition, we can wait longer than a few months to see that ambition making a significant difference on the pitch!

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General, if we don't get at least two to three very good players into the team this January, we could be watching Championship football next season

General Krulak here:

We are not going to be watching Championship Football next season.

So lets all shut up and wait shall we!..... to me this means we WILL get the players we need

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General first time I have posted on this thread. I would just like to apologise for some of the over the top negativity that has suddenly swamped Villatalk over the past month or so. Where some of these recent members have been hiding is anyones guess but they have obviously been waiting for a sticky patch so they can mouth off. I doubt wether some of these posters are indeed Villa fans but rest assured General that 99.99% of Villa fans are right behind Randy, Mon and the rest of the board and have every faith that the vision that they have for Aston Villa will ultimately, given time, be achieved. We had the right men for the job back in August and we still have the right men leading us now.

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Mark - I agree with the majority of your post. However. lambasting people for not being fans is to me wide of the mark. They come to this (and other) website to voice an opinion, be what may that it is, they are entitled to that opninion.

This season was always going to be one of transition ( and yes we've been hearing that for too long) BUT we cannot undo the good number of years (sorry too drunk to work it out) but it's NOT all of Doug's tenure in a few months.

The General has constantly pointed out that this (and therfore the board's view) is that this is a journey that may take some time to get to it's destination but we WILL get there.

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Nobody has been waiting for a bad patch to "mouth off" but we're in a similar vein of form to last year when we avoided relegation by the skin of our teeth. The current crop of players have shown that they're NOT good enough (promising kids excluded) so the only way out of it is to replace them. I realise that it can be difficult in January, but going into the remainder of the season without strengthening is just unthinkable.

Randy, MON and the General still have my full support, being a bit worried at the moment doesn't stop that.

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WHY? would the general come out and make a statement like this? There must be things going on we dont know about for him to come out and say this

Because he is not willing to even consider the possibility of Championship Football. We have a board and manager who will improve the club and want to be positive rather than negative.

Drunkenbushman, there are things going on that we don't know about and we will know about it when it has happened rather than before, as it might not. This board will not wave a sheet of paper with big names on it that never come to the club at a press conference but in time they will give us a team sheet with names like those on it.

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General K,

Can I be the first serviceman to thank you wholeheartedly for your input on the ticket discount for the armed forces. I hope this has a knock on effect for the whole of football ,, allowing our armed forces to enjoy our short time at home for less expense.

I only found out this morning and it almost brought a tear to my eye to know that my club ,, my villa ,, are right at the front of fan relations and that the people at the top are actually listening to fans and putting requests into action. I only asked you about this a couple of months ago and here it is happening,, for real.

Sir, I thank you and salute you.

Serving member of The Royal Navy Submarine Service

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Because he is not willing to even consider the possibility of Championship Football. We have a board and manager who will improve the club and want to be positive rather than negative.

Even if we have that they still dont make the results on the pitch. A club is seldom better than its position in the table...however I do believe that we have top management and top board now...this is the reason why we are impatient about that we have low quality players on our hands. Some players are skillful and good quality, but as a squad we are mediocre. This is why the team has such a big problems winning games...we have to struggle against any team. We can lose to any team, but Villa of today is not capable of winning against any team.

I have faith in the new board and in Martin O´Neill...but we are fans that desperately needs result...not only talk. Action shows ambition...talk shows intention...

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