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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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I have been asked to post this for The General.

During his short time at Villa, he has said a lot of things that have got us excited, and a few things that have made a lot of sense.

This, beats all of them.

General Krulak here:

Thankfully, I am not privy to all of the "politics" that have surrounded web-sites and supporter groups. I can only talk to the past couple of months so let me share with some facts with you:

1. Every web site I have visited has been professional. YES, there have been some arrows shot at certain people...and yes, sometimes we may get a bit too passionate BUT, these sites are very valuable and need to continue.

2. Interesingly, I have been assisted in moving from site to site by the very "Administrators" that people feel are fighting each other. Quite the contrary, I have found all of them EXTREMELY helpful and absolutely willing to work with the Aston Villa FC to make the communications easy and valuable...to everyone. Let's face it, they have a tough job....one that is bound to make some enemies. We should applaud them for their willingness to take on this responsibility. I sure do! Again, each site has cooperated willingly with the other sites....there has been no rancor when it comes to working together to open lines of communications with our Fans and our Club. We need to understand that each site brings it's own personality to the table...we gain NOTHING by downplaying another site.

3. Cooperation is really key if we are going to be successful in reaching out and touching as many fans as possible. We ALL want the same thing...a great team, a great Fan experience, a responsive Club leadership and a future that is bright, not constantly dimming. We will not be successful in reaching this vision if the very Fans we count on are at each other's throats.

4. Today is the first day of the rest of our lives! Let's all pull on the oars together.

Semper Fidelis, General Krulak

I have today, in private, tried to 'heal' wounds and put an end to this silly bickering and letting things get in the way of what is important.

If VT has ever upset, or disappointed people in the past, then I truely apologise to them. We are not expecting to be best friends. We just want to be in a state where people can co-operate, as General Krulak points out.

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If VT has ever upset, or disappointed people in the past, then I truely apologise to them. We are not expecting to be best friends. We just want to be in a state where people can co-operate, as General Krulak points out.

Amen to that.

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If VT has ever upset, or disappointed people in the past, then I truely apologise to them. We are not expecting to be best friends. We just want to be in a state where people can co-operate, as General Krulak points out.

Except Doug Ellis I presume. ;)


Even him.

Aston Villa are entering into a new era - we need to leave behind these things now. We are lucky to have people such as the General involved in this football club. Let's celebrate that, and help them to build us into the team that Martin O'Neill can.

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If VT has ever upset, or disappointed people in the past, then I truely apologise to them. We are not expecting to be best friends. We just want to be in a state where people can co-operate, as General Krulak points out.

And therein lies the reason for your staggering hypocrisy, musn't upset the new owners yet anybody who objects to some of the disgusting comments made about our previous Chairman (who, incidentally i'm no fan of and indeed have never been a fan of) either finds themselves given the 'if you don't like it etc' is accused of being an Ellis lover, a muppet, gay , given a yellow card, red card, strange shade of beige card etc or the thread is locked.

I know, i know... i'm off, delete it .....NOW!

sorry but the only disgusting comments I feel that may offend and need retracting could be those wishing for Ellis to die, however, if you remember it was his terms. "I'll only leave in a box" and "They'll carry me out feet first" being two quotes.

But as the General says that is all done and dusted, I for one, hope the President Emiritus sees us win something, for as much as I believe he held us back for one hell of a long time he likes AVFC and is a fan and therefore now he is just that he is wished all the best

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Lets keep this out of the thread dedicated for the General ay boys.

Edited by Mod to save having to post a new one: Posts have been deleted, as we are trying to keep this on topic. THis is a genuine chance to turn over a new leaf. Please, lets leave the past in the past.

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Hi General, just a small comment i'd like to make,

I have a ST in the North stand and my seat is right next to the sponsors seats, now I know that people in these seats are likely to support the away teams sometimes but on many occasions there has been trouble, now I'm not sure what can be done about this but I think something should be said.

Sometimes they can be quite abusive, for instance against West ham last year a West Ham 'fan' was so vocal and abusive it caused a Villa fan to get into an argument. and it was the Villa fan that got kicked out.

Like I say, I'm not sure what if anything can be done, but I just wanted to voice my concern as next season I'll be attending with my 4yr old ( we met you and Randy before the Spurs game not long back) and I don't think its the best thing for kids to see/hear.


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General, just a passing comment but I was wondering why some of the turnstiles in the Witton lane stand were shut on Saturday which caused quite a few queues around. Not really important but I just thought I'd ask to see if there was a reason.

It might not (alright, definitely isn't) my place to say this, but what the hell...

Stuff like the question (which is a good one), in time, if not now, ought really to be something that should be addressed perhaps to someone at the club who is actually directly responsible for (in this case) turnstile admission.

It's tremendous that General K posts and more importantly reads, the interweb, but my view is that it ought not to be just down to him to do that, as welcome as it is.

Ideally perhaps people in other roles within the club ought to do similar (maybe they do), or alternatively (and better) there should be a way of contacting people regarding turnstile issues, Holte suite issues, kit issues, shop issues etc...etc... directly.

Perhaps any new facility set up under the new initiative should list clear points of contact regarding ticketing and all the other main subjects.

The openness and communication from the new team has been exemplary so far, but there's a better way which I'm confident they are looking at formalising, without removing the level of accessibility and personal touch which is just great.

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Have just been on the official site for soccerex and I am glad to see that Villa have delegates out there as previously confirmed by the General.

Hopefully our delegates will get a real insight into the industry from the exhibition.

Question for the General:

Asuming that you have been to the exhibition what would you say were the three most important things that you know now that you didn't know before the exhibition?



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General, just a passing comment but I was wondering why some of the turnstiles in the Witton lane stand were shut on Saturday which caused quite a few queues around. Not really important but I just thought I'd ask to see if there was a reason.

It might not (alright, definitely isn't) my place to say this, but what the hell...

Stuff like the question (which is a good one), in time, if not now, ought really to be something that should be addressed perhaps to someone at the club who is actually directly responsible for (in this case) turnstile admission.

It's tremendous that General K posts and more importantly reads, the interweb, but my view is that it ought not to be just down to him to do that, as welcome as it is.

Ideally perhaps people in other roles within the club ought to do similar (maybe they do), or alternatively (and better) there should be a way of contacting people regarding turnstile issues, Holte suite issues, kit issues, shop issues etc...etc... directly.

Perhaps any new facility set up under the new initiative should list clear points of contact regarding ticketing and all the other main subjects.

The openness and communication from the new team has been exemplary so far, but there's a better way which I'm confident they are looking at formalising, without removing the level of accessibility and personal touch which is just great.

This is a good idea, when I worked for my last company they had an internal website which had a facility to ask certain people questions, very similar to how we have have this thread for yourself general. It was an open forum and for the Villa it would include all directors or senior managers covering the business. So there would be a thread to 'Ask the General', a thread to 'Ask the CFO', a thread to 'Ask Marketing', 'Ask Stadium/Facilities'......you get the general idea and there was about 5 or 6 links and within each thread would be topics because obviously people would have similar questions. Then somebody with authority (generally board members) would answer valid questions or would take points away to discuss at board level. It was an open forum so anybody that joined the website could view the responses and it was controlled like JC and limpid do this site and although there were a few abusive/idiotic comments, 99% of the time it worked great especially when our company went through a bad financial time........Just an idea.

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Hi General, just a small comment i'd like to make,

I have a ST in the North stand and my seat is right next to the sponsors seats, now I know that people in these seats are likely to support the away teams sometimes but on many occasions there has been trouble, now I'm not sure what can be done about this but I think something should be said.

Sometimes they can be quite abusive, for instance against West ham last year a West Ham 'fan' was so vocal and abusive it caused a Villa fan to get into an argument. and it was the Villa fan that got kicked out.

Like I say, I'm not sure what if anything can be done, but I just wanted to voice my concern as next season I'll be attending with my 4yr old ( we met you and Randy before the Spurs game not long back) and I don't think its the best thing for kids to see/hear.


That villa fan was me .

Luckily for me i was allowed to move to another part of the stand.

At the time i was told that away fans sitting in that area are guests of the club so nothing could be done , what a joke !

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General, spot on people should put aside their disagreements for the cause of Aston Villa.

I'd imagine you welcome constructive criticism and I hope through the mechanism that can be set up this is possible and will happen, I have no doubt it will.

I's also imagine as you may re-read this thread see the vast amount of positive praise Randy and yourselves have recieved and I hope you have been made to feel part of the Villa family within the few short months you have been with us.

Once a Villan General, that's it for life !!!

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Wise words as usual re: site politics, it is time for everyone to pull in the same direction.

A couple of questions

1.How is the new CFO settling in? I assume you will get feedback this week whilst over here.

2.You dangled a carrot to us re: new sponsorship a little while back, any further news that you can provide?

3.Can you let us know who is on MON's list to end all the speculation on here? :winkold:


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General Krulak here:

1. The new CFO, Robin Russell, is doing great. He is doing a top to bottom review of the Club's financial plan and is working on a projection for the future. Randy and I have known Robin for years and he is really top notch. He is smart, personable, and cares a great deal about his profession. He is well-known in financial circles and we were blessed to get him to come join us. He has had a big hand in setting up the Supporter's meeting tomorrow.

2. Sponsorship. This is in the capable hands of Bob Kain and our new CEO. I would not want to get out in front of them. Like all clubs, this is an on-going issue...sponsorship at multiple levels.

3. Randy and Martin will be meeting this week and discussing all manner of things. Again, I know that anything mentioned on the web is strictly "top secret" and would never get out but...discretion is the better part of valor.

4. Randy and I jump on the plane tonight...see you all tomorrow.

Semper Fidelis, General Krulak

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How many other clubs get this sort of feedback from a high level board member? Cant be many. Thanks General, for the info. Please buy us some nice Christmas presents, albeit late ones. Defoe, Milner would do please.

On another note, I am coming up to VP with my two young 'uns tomorrow because I truly believe that we are on the verge of becoming great once again. I am not fickle, I just didn't like being treated badly by the old regime. General, you have my vote. Keep up the good work.

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