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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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General Krulak here:

1. As I have indicated before, Mr. Lerner has spent a significant portion of his life in the UK, loves sports (especially football) and has a deep respect for Aston Villa, its ethos and traditions. I do not see him leaving the Club. Randy is a very good leader and a very capable business man. He has been successful in many ventures and he achieves this success by a) surrounding himself with good people, B) listening to what they have to say, and c) using his own clear sense of what is right and wrong to make final decisions. When it comes to contracts and players, he will seek input from the "experts". He will not attempt to get in other people's business but he will be an active owner from the standpoint of studying, learning and participating in all aspects of the club. Randy is very bright and multi-talented...he has been a success at everything he has done in life and will bring these same qualities to Aston Villa.

2. Lots of comments, pro and con, re. our Kit. We must not get wrapped around the axle over things that are not central to putting out a winning squad. I wear the shirt, Randy wears the shirt, my 3 month old grandson wears the kit.....we all are proud to wear the claret and blue! What really makes things "good" is the performance of our lads on the pitch. We've got a great Manager and a solid team...that is what counts.

3. I will look into the Claret and Blue and see what the situation is on that issue.

Semper Fidelis, General Krulak

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2. Lots of comments, pro and con, re. our Kit. We must not get wrapped around the axle over things that are not central to putting out a winning squad. I wear the shirt, Randy wears the shirt, my 3 month old grandson wears the kit.....we all are proud to wear the claret and blue! What really makes things "good" is the performance of our lads on the pitch. We've got a great Manager and a solid team...that is what counts.


Semper Fidelis, General Krulak

Sir as a grandfather myself (yes and I don't look that old either) I am pleased to say that my grandson also wears the shirt (signed by most of the players I may add - courtesy of one of the players). I get a real lump in the throat when I see him wearing it knowing that another generation of Villa fans is there for all to see. The fact that we no longer live near VP has no bearing on it as he will understand what this great club means and then I am confident he will be a proud Villa fan.

I hope you family will understand what it means to us to be a Villa fan, the pride in the claret and blue, the history of the club built over so many years.

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General Krulak here:

2. Lots of comments, pro and con, re. our Kit. We must not get wrapped around the axle over things that are not central to putting out a winning squad. I wear the shirt, Randy wears the shirt, my 3 month old grandson wears the kit.....we all are proud to wear the claret and blue! What really makes things "good" is the performance of our lads on the pitch. We've got a great Manager and a solid team...that is what counts.

Semper Fidelis, General Krulak


Brilliant answer General, its about time fans worried more about the performances on the pitch rather than the colour and style of the shirt in the shop

I'm always amazed how talk about shirts is always a guarantee to get a 50 page thread :)

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General, one point today, we went for a drink ion the Holte suite today and was barred as a function was on and only those who drunk there before the game were let in.

this is not right, we are first and foremost a football club, the Holte suite should be OURS, we are a football club first and foremost and we should get priority !!!

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thanks General, they said that because of a function part of the suite was partioned off and due to health and saftey had to limit mumbers, but it caused a lot of resentment outside to the doormen and left a sour taste and frankly lost the club in mine and my mates case about £40 which we spent elsewhere.

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General, one point today, we went for a drink ion the Holte suite today and was barred as a function was on and only those who drunk there before the game were let in.

this is not right, we are first and foremost a football club, the Holte suite should be OURS, we are a football club first and foremost and we should get priority !!!

General, I was going to post the same thing, and I bumped into Ian outside there too. This really cheeses a lot of fans off, some I know that don't post on the Internet have also said the same thing. We are told that if you are a season ticket you can gain access to the Holte Suite before and after a game. I only ever go after the game to be fair for a pnt with my mates after the match. Instead, we are told that there is a function on by the door staff. No other explanation.

What gets me is that it's only open for one hour after the match. More than enough time for evening functions to take place after.

I went for a pint in the Academy (Gordon Cowans suite) after and the place was empty. The kids had a knock around on the artificial pitch for a while, until they got turned off by another jobs worth.

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as I said Lee, I went back later and it should be OK for Man city but the major room had been fitted out for the function hence the reduced space.

I know with fixtures moving the issue of functions is difficult but we are first and foremost a football club and the supporters should be the first concern. No complaints about the door staff though, very professional in dealing with the complaints.

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as I said Lee, I went back later and it should be OK for Man city but the major room had been fitted out for the function hence the reduced space.

I know with fixtures moving the issue of functions is difficult but we are first and foremost a football club and the supporters should be the first concern. No complaints about the door staff though, very professional in dealing with the complaints.

So they let you after? Amazing.

There is a bar upstairs I'mled to believe that seems like its never used. All that money spent and the space is not utilised.

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We are told that if you are a season ticket you can gain access to the Holte Suite before and after a game

Just wondering do you have to have a season ticket in the holte to gain access or can any season ticket holder go in?

I'm told that after the match you have to be a season ticket holder. Prior to the match, you can pay in and retain a ticket for re-entry after. I believe that it is for St'ds only, but I'm not sure.

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General Krulak here:

As I indicated, I will see if I can get the "straight scoop" on the Holte Suite...who, what, when, and why. I will get back to you all.

Randy and I will be at the games this coming week. We NEED three points at home and three points away!! I will be on "walkabout" before, during and after game (after visiting locker room first)...if you see me, come up and say hello.

Semper Fidelis, General Krulak

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I just want to back up something mentioned earlier on that I´m sure the General etc are looking into. Went into the tourist office at the bottom of the ramp out of the Pallasades, in the city centre, yesterday and was actually quite disturbed to see Small Heath stuff and no villa stuff at all. I know if i arrived at a brand new city i´d take note of the local teams etc and if upon arrival at the tourist centre I just saw the one.. i´d assume they were the one and only, or at least the only of significance. We NEED serious presence in the city centre, airport, all the first point of contact places for visitors to the city.

And I´m sure it´s in progress and I won´t feel upset about this soon. Thanks General!

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General Krulak here:

1. Yes, we know the shop in Birmingham is not what it should be....and we will fix it.

2. I try to do "walk about" before, during and after each game. I make a huge effort to get to every stand...and normally succeed. If you spot me, please come up and say hello.

3. The meeting we are having with supporter groups was not/is not intended to exclude anyone. Since we knew no other way to get "things going", we just took the various supporter groups and web sites and sent out invitations. The whole reason we are having this meeting is to see how we can open up lines of communications to ALL our fans. There is NO question that we have a large number of fans who are not affiliated with any group or site...and we need to reach out to them. One way to do that is to get the more "formal" groups together and see if they have any ideas of how to expand our reach. This will NOT be a meeting where major issues are discussed....this is a meeting to figure out the best way to open communications with the vast majority of our Fans. No one should feel "left out" because this is NOT that kind of meeting. We can certainly publish minutes....not sure they will be of interest to a great deal of people because the discussions will surround "linking of sites", establishing a site that all can come to (either thru links or directly), establishing a polling methodolgy, etc. etc.

Semper Fidelis, General Krulak

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As ever great answers.

I have spoken to many fans of other clubs around Europe about this initiative you have shown talking to us through VT and they are amazed and totally in awe of what's being done. I think Villa are now showing others how things should be run, we still have a long way to go but are getting there. Many years ago we were the trailbalzers from "customised" floodlights, to letters in the seats and even the introduction of the V neck collar. We seemed to lose our way somewhat, but now the signs are all there that again we are a club that's both innovative and forward looking but not forgetting our roots and heritage.

Long may it continue



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