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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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I would like to know if the land deal is still live. Seen no more on BScL and no planning app for then at the site. I was always suspicous of the deal and it is due to be completed next month do they have the funds seen no confirmation of large grants.

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I would like to know if the land deal is still live. Seen no more on BScL and no planning app for then at the site. I was always suspicous of the deal and it is due to be completed next month do they have the funds seen no confirmation of large grants.

Perhaps we could ask of of their directors at half time on Saturday when he does the announcing? :)

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Can I echo what everyone else has said, this is fantastic, welcome General and Randy and thank you all for listening to us. I have 3 ideas:

1) I do not want to wear a dark blue Villa coat, it means nothing. I might as well be a Milton Keynes fan. Please can we have some claret and blue raincoats before I go and hand over £30 to Regatta for a nearly claret one.

2) Can we have either the original or a copy of the mural which used to proudly view Villa park for nearly 100 years from the top of the old Trinity Road stand. I am sure when the criminal act was committed and it was demolished, we were promised it would be saved and re-erected somewhere else but no doubt it was chucked in a skip

3) I have only ever purchased 2 Villa tops (one for each recent league Cup Final) as I object to paying huge sums of money for something made for 4p in China out of the cheapest, nastiest material which mankind can make. I would however happily pay out a larger sum of money for a genuine player shirt. Am I alone in this dilemma?

General, thank you one again for listening to us.

next time I post I will tell you an amusing story about how by brother (former Royal Navy officer) once reduced 2 US marines to jelly (Jello) in a bar

ps he claims all US marines say their nickname is Trigger...is this true?

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General Krulak here:

We are looking into the kit manufacturer as has already been discussed. We recognize that the current kit leaves something to be desired from the Fan point of view. We are looking into this.

Parking is a big issue and we recognize that fact. I am not really able to discuss our plans in that regard as they are "sensitive" at this point....involving more than one group/organization.

Semper Fidelis, CCK

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General Krulak here:

We are looking into the kit manufacturer as has already been discussed. We recognize that the current kit leaves something to be desired from the Fan point of view. We are looking into this.

Parking is a big issue and we recognize that fact. I am not really able to discuss our plans in that regard as they are "sensitive" at this point....involving more than one group/organization.

Semper Fidelis, CCK

God, what a relief to see.

Reebock make the Browns' so I guess there's a dual deal to be done here -- far better buying power now though...and a more in tune board.

Carparking at VP is both costly and extremel;y poor as we all know -- eg the Serpentine is soooo s-l-o-w to get off it's untrue.

Good to see that the new owners see what the fans see and don't ignore it either -- how completely refreshing.

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A new Question (I think)

In the last few weeks of the last board they sold off the Car Park on what was the old ASDA store site , although it is still being used as a match day car park this could be short lived.

Car parking around Villa Park is always a problem area and as street parking is being reduced by the council this could cause a major problem.

When the Holt End stand planning proposal went though there were some laid down rules made by the council which I believe have not been carried out.

If we are going to apply for further developments we may run into trouble from planning, also the supporters will not appreciate walking even further.

The question is what are the boards plans for local parking at Villa Park especially if we have to stop using the ASDA.

Maybe buy up Birmingham CF ,flatten it, make it into a car park for park and ride.

My understanding of the sale of land to the Villa Leisure Centre owners was that in the event of the club being sold prior to December 2006 (when payment was due) the deal would be null and void. If anyone has the original EGM notes they can hopefully confirm that this was a condition of the deal.

Maybe the General can confirm this, but I apreciate that it may also be a commercially sensitive point and that he cannot comment.

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Mike, I don't have it any more, but I am sure there was no condition sas to change of ownership.

However by December BCSL had to have the money and searching on google no grants have been made to them and they have to find £7m. However if e still wanted the land I believe the buyout was £500k, but I would not dare to suggest this deal was very shady ....

oh no .....

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Just found it now

The Board of Aston Villa Plc ("Aston Villa" or the "Company") has today conditionally agreed to dispose of an area of non-core land and property (the "Serpentine Property"), for a gross consideration of £7.31 million in cash to Birmingham Community Sports Limited (the "Disposal").

The Serpentine Property comprises land and buildings lying between Serpentine Road to the north and Aston Hall Road to the south in Aston, Birmingham. The use of the property by the Company is limited to match day car parking adjacent to Aston Villa Football Club.

In the year ended 31 May 2005, the Serpentine Property generated income before tax of £27,684. The cost of the assets of the Serpentine Property as at 30 November 2005 amounted to approximately £0.1 million.

The net book value of the Serpentine Property at 30 November 2005 amounted to approximately £0.1 million. The net proceeds from the Disposal will allow the Company to reduce debt within the group and will also be used for general corporate purposes.

As a result of a preliminary approach made to Aston Villa on 19 September 2005 (subsequently confirmed as being made by Aston Villa Investments Limited ("AVIL")) which might or might not lead to an offer for the Company, Aston Villa was placed into an offer period under the Takeover Code (the "Code"). Following the original approach from AVIL, discussions have also been held with a number of other interested parties. These discussions are on-going and the Board will provide you with further information as and when there is a material change to their status.

In such circumstances, Rule 21.1 of the Code restricts Aston Villa from entering into arrangements other than in the ordinary course of business without shareholder approval.

Shareholder approval for the Disposal will therefore be sought at an Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") to be held on 10 July 2006. The notice convening the EGM, along with further details on the Disposal, will be set out in a circular to be sent to shareholders shortly.

The EGM will be held solely to vote upon a resolution to approve the Disposal. No other matter will be considered. The Disposal will be approved if a simple majority of the shares voted in person at the EGM, or by proxy, are voted in favour of it.

The sale and purchase agreement in relation to the Disposal (the "Disposal Agreement") provides for shareholder approval to be obtained on or before 31 July 2006. In the event that shareholder approval is not so obtained, the Disposal Agreement may be terminated by Birmingham Community Sports Limited or the Company.

In the event that shareholder approval is so obtained, the Disposal Agreement becomes unconditional.

On satisfaction of the condition precedent, the Disposal Agreement provides for completion of the Disposal of the Serpentine Property on or before 7 December 2006. On completion, the sale consideration will be payable.

In order to give greater certainty that the Disposal will complete, the Company has obtained irrevocable undertakings from the Directors of Aston Villa to vote in favour of the resolution proposed at the EGM to approve the Disposal (the "Resolution"), in respect of 3,946,914 shares in aggregate, representing approximately 34.47 per cent. of the existing issued share capital of Aston Villa. In the event, that the Board is notified by a third party of an intention to make an offer for the share capital of the Company prior to approval of this Disposal at the EGM on 10 July 2006, these irrevocable undertakings will lapse.

The Board considers the Disposal to be in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders as a whole.

From OS

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As this is my first post I'd just like to wish our American friends a Happy Thanksgiving. On behalf of all Villa fans I'd like to add our Thanks for Giving us back our pride. We do not expect miracles and we know we have a long way to go, but I have never felt more positive about the future. I have seen the bad times and I've seen the good times, but I'm certain the best is yet to come.

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Guest RantinRob
As this is my first post I'd just like to wish our American friends a Happy Thanksgiving. On behalf of all Villa fans I'd like to add our Thanks for Giving us back our pride. We do not expect miracles and we know we have a long way to go, but I have never felt more positive about the future. I have seen the bad times and I've seen the good times, but I'm certain the best is yet to come.

Well said, and welcome to VT - the beers on you

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General Krulak here:

We are looking into the kit manufacturer as has already been discussed. We recognize that the current kit leaves something to be desired from the Fan point of view. We are looking into this.

Parking is a big issue and we recognize that fact. I am not really able to discuss our plans in that regard as they are "sensitive" at this point....involving more than one group/organization.

Semper Fidelis, CCK

God, what a relief to see.

Reebock make the Browns' so I guess there's a dual deal to be done here -- far better buying power now though...and a more in tune board.

Carparking at VP is both costly and extremel;y poor as we all know -- eg the Serpentine is soooo s-l-o-w to get off it's untrue.

Good to see that the new owners see what the fans see and don't ignore it either -- how completely refreshing.

general, I don't see what's wrong with the kit at the moment. it has claret & blue in the right places, mostly.

oh, and tim, reebok provide all nfl kits. nowt to do with Browns.

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Guest LennonVanVliet

General, do you think that Mr Learner will be at the club as long as the previous chairman and do you think will he be as involved (and after reading reports of Doug's farewell dinner as well liked) with the playing side. e.g contracts, transfer fees etc.? or will that be left to the new appointees (CEO, CFO)?

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I have to say the staff at the club did have respect for Ellis and i am sure they have the same respect for Lerner. The same way most people do have respect for their bosses you dont have to like them. Will the CEO and CFO be responsible for marketing and sales and is this the reason for Stuart Ryan leaving?

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Not a huge issue, but an irritating one for me. As part of the cost cutting measures of the previous regime, season ticket holders who were posted copies of the Claret and Blue magazine were told that from this season they would have to collect their copy from VP. This is impracticle for a lot of people, including myself, but esp for those who live a long way from VP. Will there be any attempts to post issues of C&B magazine to ST holders now?

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