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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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and General, thats all we need to hear .....

I did go to Villa Park today for tickets and walked in the shop looking at the gear available and for football fans I would say there was everything there we would need, my complaint is the way it is presented. As you know presentation is the key, if the content and quality is there without the presentation then you have nothing and on the other hand pbrilliant presntation of shoddy gear can and does work.

The excample is the Hummel kit, the fiurst year we had bad experience with the kit, the sponsors logo fell off, the quality is poort, but looking today nad having brought three training tops and the shirt, I have to say it is good stuff but people now don't believe it.

thei sis the perception of the club as an whole that needs and is being I feel turned around but it will take time.

the ebenfits hopefully will be seen ion 12 months rather than 12 weeks.

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Good to hear from you again General.

With all due respect to the rest of the board, when I first saw the names and backgrounds of our new directors it was Bob Kain that really stood out as someone who could take this club to a marketing/sponsorship level that I previously thought unachievable. I have complete faith that Bob will succeed in taking us to that level and that we wont need to 'sell our soul to the devil' to achieve it.

Are you aware that we had (still have?) a link up with a club in Copenhagen? I dont think any good became of it whatsoever but I feel such link ups, with proper set up and marketing especially in American and Asian markets could be very successful, not that for one moment am I telling you how to suck eggs :winkold: :P

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I went to the Charlton game with an American client from Washington DC and he wanted the Champions of Europe top but we only had long sleeve so he got a training top at half the price, and we weren't able to get programmes in the Holte Upper! All in all £20 we missed out on as a club and who knows when my client will return but he is a Villa fan now General!

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Have to say that the Women's wear at Villa Village is very disappointing this season - there seems to be much less of it than previous seasons. Also, next season, could we go back to having one catalogue to last all season (with just a Christmas supplement) - this season, there are four issues of the catalogue which just look like little leaflets - last season, was a good, quite thick catalogue which was great. Oh, and one other thing, could we possibly have a changing cubicle again? You see General, us ladies like to try our clothes on before we buy them if possible - to see if our bums look big in them or if they make us look fat! Thanks - Hev :P

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General, as I mentioned in my previous post I belive presentation and comunication is the key so here is an idea.

Probably a good 50% of our fans are not internet connected so miss out on a lot of the stuff we hear from you.

In the programme, porabbaly against Man utd. would it be possible to have a personal message from the board on the developments in the club, the hopes (as you have eloquently put on here and the other sites) and a personal message so it reaches the wider fan base.

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General Krulak here:

Black Sabbath...ahhh yes! Let me look into that one. A little insider info....Randy is a brilliant musician...a guitarist that plays with some of the best ever. I mean it, he is hugely talented.


I applaud the Black Sabbath idea, the music the players run out to at the moment is pretty much suitable for any team in the league to run out to, we need a 'signature' and have needed one for ages. Ozzy Osbourne was born and bred in Aston and I think Sabbath are all Villa supporters. Who better to provide our 'anthem'?

I would nominate 'The Wizard' as the perfect track for the players to run out to. Instead of that stupid '5-4-3-2-1' thing we have at the moment you just play that haunting harmonica to let everyone know it's time, then the heavy stuff starts....perfect 8)

Very appropriate too, considering Martin O'Neill is a magician, or at least appears to be!

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General Krulak here:

Black Sabbath...ahhh yes! Let me look into that one. A little insider info....Randy is a brilliant musician...a guitarist that plays with some of the best ever. I mean it, he is hugely talented.

Bob Kain has a marketing background second to none. I don't want to get into his "play pen" but I do know that he is looking to expand our Brand into multiple countries and markets. He sees opportunities to link AV with the Browns in a unique way that benefits followers of each team. He is looking hard at sponsorship...in a holistic way...not just for a kit or a name on the front of a shirt. At the tactical level, just straightening out our own store...making our gear more accessible to the fan...have more variety. Someone wrote about women's panties...only thongs available. Well, after we all get a chuckle, we need to realize that this is a good suggestion. How many women like to sit on a cold seat at Villa Park wearing a thong??? I haven't taken a poll on this but....I would venture to say that not many would sign up for that adventure!!! The point is simply this: We need to be smart about how we go about marketing this wonderful brand called Aston Villa Football Club.

Semper Fidelis, General Krulak

Don't tell me you wouldn't love to take that poll General... :winkold:

Thank you for taking the time to answer my post on marketing and commercialism. It is an area I am genuinely excited about, anticipating what we are going to do to advance our club in these areas because we have stood still and done little here for so long.

On Randy playing the guitar. I work in the mainstream UK music industry (and occasionally in the US) so contact me if Randy ever wants to play some gigs here! A night of guitar with Randy and Steven Stride, also an accomplished guitarist! Do you play anything General? We may have a band here... :lol:

Mark Jones

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General Krulak here:

Black Sabbath...ahhh yes! Let me look into that one. A little insider info....Randy is a brilliant musician...a guitarist that plays with some of the best ever. I mean it, he is hugely talented.

Bob Kain has a marketing background second to none. I don't want to get into his "play pen" but I do know that he is looking to expand our Brand into multiple countries and markets. He sees opportunities to link AV with the Browns in a unique way that benefits followers of each team. He is looking hard at sponsorship...in a holistic way...not just for a kit or a name on the front of a shirt. At the tactical level, just straightening out our own store...making our gear more accessible to the fan...have more variety. Someone wrote about women's panties...only thongs available. Well, after we all get a chuckle, we need to realize that this is a good suggestion. How many women like to sit on a cold seat at Villa Park wearing a thong??? I haven't taken a poll on this but....I would venture to say that not many would sign up for that adventure!!! The point is simply this: We need to be smart about how we go about marketing this wonderful brand called Aston Villa Football Club.

Semper Fidelis, General Krulak

You know what Sir.

Bob, Randy and yourself... and the rest of the directors are doing a remarkable job.. and im sure i speak for most the fans but how can we repay you all! Well most of the locals could goto the games... but fans like myself.. im from australia.. but its just awesome to see the club going so well.. on and off the pitch.. you 'yanks' have really lifted the spirit and the fans of this club and i hope you guys succeed financially and trophy wise for the club and yourselves.

I will make a visit to Villa Park in May next year. Hoping to make the Sheffield United game. Fingers crossed.

Just awesome to have you on here and keeping us posted on whats going on at VP unlike the previous 'board'.

Thanks again, General.

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Hello all

I am new to this site and like so many others this is one of the most exciting times I can remember having supported Villa through the ups and downs for many years. Its great to see everyone so positive and great vibes around the club and I would like to thank Randy, The General and MON for giving us the platform for what is set to be exciting times ahead.

Bring it on!!! :D

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I went into the Tourist Information Centre in the city centre at the weekend, to get some information on an event being held at Aston Hall, and noticed they had a display of souveniers and merchandise from our local rivals but nothing at all from Villa.

I don't know whether that's down to council bias or just that it was an opportunity missed by the previous regieme but as this is, obviously, somewhere that visiters to our city are likely to go, it's a valuable chance missed to introduce them to Aston Villa and showing them the best the city has to offer.

The information centre does sell tickets for theatres and concert venues, would it be possible to have them sell tickets for Villa also, or at least have leaflets etc that would let them know about the club and the location of the Villa shop and ticket office in the Pavilions?

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General Krulak here:

We are currently looking at a way to compile all of the great suggestions we have received and lay them out on a timeline to see how/when we can get many of them accomplished. Likewise we are exploring ways to get a "voting machine" in place for the fans to register their "votes" on such suggestions as songs, tickets, kit, etc. Obviously Randy is the owner and there are some things that he will initiate because he believes they are "right" for the Club...but there are others that we feel need to have the input from a large number of fans. This "voting machine" will allow us to make this happen. Let's face it, not everyone will be happy with every decision but if the fans get to weigh in on many of them, then the angst will not be as great. We will be holding our first meeting of a small group of folks to talk seriously about fan communications within the next two weeks. I will be in attendence.

Semper Fidelis, General Krulak

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General Krulak here:

We are currently looking at a way to compile all of the great suggestions we have received and lay them out on a timeline to see how/when we can get many of them accomplished. Likewise we are exploring ways to get a "voting machine" in place for the fans to register their "votes" on such suggestions as songs, tickets, kit, etc. Obviously Randy is the owner and there are some things that he will initiate because he believes they are "right" for the Club...but there are others that we feel need to have the input from a large number of fans. This "voting machine" will allow us to make this happen. Let's face it, not everyone will be happy with every decision but if the fans get to weigh in on many of them, then the angst will not be as great. We will be holding our first meeting of a small group of folks to talk seriously about fan communications within the next two weeks. I will be in attendence.

Semper Fidelis, General Krulak

Good idea to get the fans involved on decisions over the PA etc. Like many on here I would like to see Black Sabbath on the entrance theme.

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good news General and this is what is needed, we don't want conttrol of decsions but input into what may be decided. It is not our money that controls the clubs but the heart and soul of the club is ours and I totally believe you and Randy are in 100% aggreement of this.

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General Krulak here:

We are currently looking at a way to compile all of the great suggestions we have received and lay them out on a timeline to see how/when we can get many of them accomplished. Likewise we are exploring ways to get a "voting machine" in place for the fans to register their "votes" on such suggestions as songs, tickets, kit, etc. Obviously Randy is the owner and there are some things that he will initiate because he believes they are "right" for the Club...but there are others that we feel need to have the input from a large number of fans. This "voting machine" will allow us to make this happen. Let's face it, not everyone will be happy with every decision but if the fans get to weigh in on many of them, then the angst will not be as great. We will be holding our first meeting of a small group of folks to talk seriously about fan communications within the next two weeks. I will be in attendence.

Semper Fidelis, General Krulak

Hi General......... a little humble request. Would you be able to include on the "voting machine" a question about the re-introduction of safe-standing areas or terracing just to gauge the fans opinion?

I'm aware the FA have made safe-standing a difficult thing to implement but if there was large support from the fanbase maybe it would be worth approaching the FA later on down the line with a view to relaxing the regulations.

Thanks once again for taking time out to talk to "us lot".


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about the re-introduction of safe-standing areas or terracing just to gauge the fans opinion?

oh god no :roll:

we need to move with times, terracing was last century, most big clubs are moving with the times and having futuristic stadiums which look excellent.

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we need to move with times, terracing was last century, most big clubs are moving with the times and having futuristic stadiums which look excellent.

But have zero atmosphere and are utterly soul less.

As has been said before "big clubs" across the continent don't seem to have a problem with terracing.

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just because your standing up it doesn't mean you suddenly gain a voice, if you want to sing with your pals whatever why don't you buy seats with them?

there probably is, but i haven't seen many outside germany, if liverpool or arsenals new ground or wembley had terracing, it would be ridiculous, it drops the standard of the ground a lot.

and theres many kids etc in the lower holte who wouldn't be able to see the game, because of everyone standing up, i personally like going to the game knowing that i'm guarenteed to see the game, rather than hoping i might be able to see the game if i go on my tiptoes, because knwoone has a designated seat.

its the 21st century now, the future is all seater stadiums

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its the 21st century now, the future is all seater stadiums

No, I would say the future is choice.

Nobody is forcing you to stand, you may choose a seated part of the stadium to watch games from. However, if you prefer to pay a little less to get in the ground and prefer to stand to watch, and I believe many do, then you currently have no option.

It seems this thread has become a sounding board for the General to assess the fans opinions, wants and needs, and I applaud him for doing that. It all seems to do with doing whats right by the fans for the fans. Whats so wrong with offering the fans options when attending matches?

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