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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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This sounds crazy but i keep thinking "I wish all the Generals Posts were in one easy to find and update place" as they are such important posts. Saves me wondering if I´m missed something!

Or perhaps click on his profile and then go to the option, see all posts by C-Krulak!

That's what I do!

good lad

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3. What about a CEO? As you can imagine, that issue is one we are looking at. It was NOT our highest priority at the beginning because we knew we had to make our own evaluation of the Club before we made a decision re. a CEO. Like everything that we will do, we will think it through first. Randy has a very good mind and will weigh everything and then make a decision. My sense is that it will not be long. Again, like Martin, it is VERY important to make the right call. Rushing something just to say we have a CEO makes no sense.

Excellent answer, thank you.


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Allow me to be the first new recruit to congratulate Randy Lerner and General Krulak on their choice of club. As an American who has been clumsily trying to become a fan of an English team for several years (long story - chose Wednesday, followed them briefly, watched them go down, couldn't follow them in the lower divs from across the pond, chose Leeds, followed them briefly, watched them go down, couldn't follow them in the lower divs, wandered aimlessly unwilling to root for a big four team that buys championships or a lesser team with no shot at Europe, all the while thinking Villa would be ideal if only they weren't owned by such a hypocritical skinflint...), I'm thrilled to see this club taken over by such a well-connected, forward-thinking, sensible ownership group. Now I can be confident my third chance will be the charm!

Like several other posters, I'm late to this thread because I assumed it was about the ownership - that the good General would actually be posting never crossed my mind, even though I'm familiar with internet-savvy ownership via rooting for the Washington Capitals. It's wonderful to see you reaching out to connect with the supporters, exciting to see how well you recognize Villa's potential, and comfonting to realize that (unlike Capitals owner Ted Leonsis) you can discuss the future of the team with full confidence that your ambition can and will be matched with ample financial backing.

On the suggestions front, let me echo the request voiced earlier that you look into overseas broadcasting/webcasts. The Premier League is difficult to follow in the US even on extended cable or dish networks, let alone trying to get by on the internet as I do. Sadly, much of the time the best I can manage are unauthorized feeds from Asia (complete with Chinese language commentary). I'd happily pay to get streams of Villa matches from Villa directly (or Sky, etc.), and I don't think I'm alone in that sentiment, but such services seem to be off the radar screen when broadcast rights get negotiated in Europe. Anything the ownership can do to push the FA and broadcast partners to make subscription web streams available would be greatly appreciated.

Obviously my gratitude cannot match that of supporters who have followed this club through thick and thin over the previous ownership's tenure. Nonetheless, I'd like to offer my thanks for your timely acquisition of Aston Villa. Hopefully others in similar situations will see the light as you expand the club's marketing power and join the family.

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(long story - chose Wednesday, followed them briefly, watched them go down, couldn't follow them in the lower divs from across the pond, chose Leeds, followed them briefly, watched them go down, couldn't follow them in the lower divs, wandered aimlessly unwilling to root for a big four team that buys championships or a lesser team with no shot at Europe, all the while thinking Villa would be ideal if only they weren't owned by such a hypocritical skinflint...)

Welcome aboard but with a history like that can you please change your team to birmingham city (only joking) :mrgreen:

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General Krulak here:

1. Witton Station...to Villa Park Station or something like that. We are already in conversation to see what it will take to make this happen. Ha! We are ahead of you all on one point!

2. I drive a tank (M1-A2) vice a Hummer.

3. Re. help for those coming to VP to see a game from overseas....we will look into what we can do. The family from Norway certainly made us aware that something is needed in that area.

Semper Fidelis, General Krulak

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General Krulak here:

1. Witton Station...to Villa Park Station or something like that. We are already in conversation to see what it will take to make this happen. Ha! We are ahead of you all on one point!

Currently Birminghams main train station New Street is in discussions to be redeveloped, Villa definetly need a presence there.

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Going back to the potential US tour. Can you please keep in mind that Birmingham schoolkids break for summer around July 26th next year, so a pre-season tour would potentially allow families to watch the team while on their holidays (as well as boosting US tourism!). I will be in Michigan, so I have my fingers crossed.

Back to your car. If you ever drive an MV-22, can I have a ride? I can make New River at very short notice! (Sorry guys, but my title does say it all!)

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General Krulak here:

1. Witton Station...to Villa Park Station or something like that. We are already in conversation to see what it will take to make this happen. Ha! We are ahead of you all on one point!

Semper Fidelis, General Krulak

That's an excellent idea. It would put us on the map (literally)....

I always wondered why even Walsall had their own station, letting everyone know where they are. I mean, all Villa fans know VP is in Witton, but for the travelling fan, it will make the journey much easier.

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General, I am a simple child with simple needs.

I know we already have Villa Value games and such like, but I think we should do more to get the youngster interested. How about for home matches we invite one of the local schools to bring a couple of hundred children along for a nominal fee (say £2 each)? Lay them on coaches, a tour of the ground, perhaps a quick meet with one of the players?

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General Krulak here:

A couple of quick answers:

1. Re. Scandinavia: Several weeks ago I was at the Villa Park reception area and saw a family of 5...with a young lad in a wheelchair. The family was from Trondheim, Norway and were avid Villa Fans. They try to make the trip once a year and were just at the park early to let the children feel the atmosphere. The young lad in the wheelchair had never been on the pitch so we arranged for the whole family to go down onto the pitch...and after the game, took them in to see Martin and the Team. They all got autographs and by the time they were ready to leave, all of the family were in tears. The point here is not that the family was taken care of by YOUR Club but that this wonderful family, with handicapped child, loved Villa enough to come all the way from Norway to see a game. SO, when you read about someone from Scandinavia that is a Villa Fan, salute them!! Just like fans all over the world...they love YOUR Club and want to be a part of it. We are going to work very hard to make all our fans feel appreciated...because they are.


As a Norwegian, and a lifelong Villa fan, that makes me so proud to read. Im speechless.

Thank you sir!


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General, I am a simple child with simple needs.

I know we already have Villa Value games and such like, but I think we should do more to get the youngster interested. How about for home matches we invite one of the local schools to bring a couple of hundred children along for a nominal fee (say £2 each)? Lay them on coaches, a tour of the ground, perhaps a quick meet with one of the players?

like that idea a lot DDID, it is something I said to Mark ansell a long time back and is an easy win for all concerned especially at low attended games.

I guess the problem is maybe supervision issues

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General Krulak here:

1. Witton Station...to Villa Park Station or something like that. We are already in conversation to see what it will take to make this happen. Ha! We are ahead of you all on one point!

2. I drive a tank (M1-A2) vice a Hummer.

3. Re. help for those coming to VP to see a game from overseas....we will look into what we can do. The family from Norway certainly made us aware that something is needed in that area.

Semper Fidelis, General Krulak

That is brilliant. Thank you so much for the feedback.

I really like the idea of looking into the Witton Station as well. Keep up the excellent work you are doing, and Aston Villa will be one succesful football club.

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Welcome aboard General Krulak.

I have read this thread with a smile on my face. I would like to thank Randy for finally giving us hope. MON for getting the team playing with passion and yourself for joining the fans and allowing us to communicate with the club at last. I like your comments about keeping this channel open through thick and thin.

Everything you have mentioned in terms of plans that are in place are fantastic. I have a couple of questions for you if I may?

1) Parking around Villa Park - are there any plans to discuss with the council to look at easing the issue of parking around Villa Park on matchday? It was never an issue until they introduced the residents only parking on matchday. If as has been suggested the ground capacity is to be increased then this issue will only get worse.

2) Capacity increase & Stadium improvements - can you share with us any pof the plans that may be in place for increasing the capacity and improving the facilities? I know this may sound silly after we only got a gate of 30k on Sunday but if the improvements to date are anything to go by, the backing that MON will get from Randy then it wont be long before the Sell Out signs are up at Villa Park for every game.

Finally can you sign Beckham. I know MON would find him a more than useful addition to the squad and he would raise our profile no-end. The additional 10,000 women he would attract at Villa Park would not upset me either :D

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General, I am a simple child with simple needs.

I know we already have Villa Value games and such like, but I think we should do more to get the youngster interested. How about for home matches we invite one of the local schools to bring a couple of hundred children along for a nominal fee (say £2 each)? Lay them on coaches, a tour of the ground, perhaps a quick meet with one of the players?

When I was at Junior school in Birmingham in the early 90's we had some Villa coaches(guys who take the summer soccer schools) come to our school and take PE lessons and we got handed out copies of the team photo.Do they still do this?

Anything like this thats gets the clubs presence out there in the schools can only be a good thing

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General Krulak here:

1. School children. Randy has already tasked some of the good folks at VP to start looking at bringing kids to the Park...during games (cheaper tickets) as well as tours when we aren't playing. Also, more practices with kids invited.

2. Name a train engine after Villa. I know Richard Branson (as does Randy) and maybe we can twist his arm to help us out on this one. He is a good man but I don't know who he cheers for. Maybe we can make him a Villian!!

3. Got it...school break around the 26th of July.

4. The stadium. It would be premature to disclose all of our plans because they have not been finalized. I will say this much...we have been discussing this subject at length and we will be taking very positive action. We will have to be very smart as to how we do it so that we do not disrupt the season.

5. The training ground will be SUPERB and something that will be the envy of the league. Beautiful new building...state of the art from a training standpoint. An indoor pitch that will be fantastic. We will all be very proud of where our lads train.

Semper Fidelis, General Krulak

PS I have had a ride on the MV-22....what a magnificent bird.

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