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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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welcome general

i think i love you...................in a manly way of course

did you ever have much interest in football before you came here?

and if you are redeveloping the holte end will this mean knocking it down?

if so, please make it a single tier. the noise level would increase dramatically.

at the moment the upper and lower holte keep getting out of sync and so seem to give up a bit

all the best and up the villa

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Just back from San Diego and my father wishes all the Villa Fans a cheerio!!!

A couple of points:

1. Several mentions of a place for "children"...I can assure you that Randy and the Board believe that "families" are key to future success of Villa. We encourage the bringing of young lads and lasses to the games and we realize that we need to make Villa Park a good experience for youth as well as adults. There needs to be something for everyone...without spoiling the experience for anyone. As we work on the Holte End of Villa Park...starting with the Holte Inn, you will see an attempt to include places for families as well as the "hard core" fan.

2. I want to reiterate a point made earlier re transfers. Randy and the Directors will follow Martin's lead and counsel on this point. There is absolutely no need to spend money on a player that Martin does not want or does not think will contribute...now or in the future. There will be some "big names" out there and we will all have our ideas as to who we should get BUT, only one person's view is what is critical...Martin's. He is our Manager and we need to believe that he knows what our Team needs.

Semper Fidelis, General Krulak

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2. I want to reiterate a point made earlier re transfers. Randy and the Directors will follow Martin's lead and counsel on this point. There is absolutely no need to spend money on a player that Martin does not want or does not think will contribute...now or in the future. There will be some "big names" out there and we will all have our ideas as to who we should get BUT, only one person's view is what is critical...Martin's. He is our Manager and we need to believe that he knows what our Team needs.

A manager, backed and fully trusted by a board of directors who have a plan.


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Spot on again General, excellent news that the board are promoting family values, they are the future, and will let Martin manage as he sees fit.

I hope you enjoyed your trip, great to hear that you are the spreading the gospel of Aston Villa far and wide. How did the Vegas pre season planning go? The wife is not too keen on spending our 10th wedding anniversary with 'the lads' but she will get over it!!

Only one question, when are you guys over here again?

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This greeting is coming from Finland and if you ever come to Finland or Sweden, get in touch and a pint you shall have!

A warm welcome to you, MON and Randy! We were all seeing relegation looming, so now it feels like being saved on the brink.

And to see a member of the Board communicating with fans on forums like this, well, it must be unheard of! Very, very impressive!

The one thing I'm noticing when visiting Birmingham is that the city centre Villa shop is in the basement under that Virigin store with few signs telling it is there. The range of products on the shelves aren't very extensive either.

Of course our shop should be with a window to new street and visible to every one passing by!

And surely we would want to see Villa tops in all major sports shops. Not only in the UK, but also other parts of the world. I guess you are looking into these issues already

Up the Villa!!

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2. I want to reiterate a point made earlier re transfers. Randy and the Directors will follow Martin's lead and counsel on this point. There is absolutely no need to spend money on a player that Martin does not want or does not think will contribute...now or in the future. There will be some "big names" out there and we will all have our ideas as to who we should get BUT, only one person's view is what is critical...Martin's. He is our Manager and we need to believe that he knows what our Team needs.

A manager, backed and fully trusted by a board of directors who have a plan.


amen to that....

i think we are being rewarded for having to put up with the previous regime for so long...

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Re. "big names"...I didn't mean anyone in particular. My point was simply that there will probably be some quality players up for grabs BUT, if they don't fit into the needs of the Team as seen through the eyes of the Manager, we will go with Martin! This is an important fact for all of us to understand. Martin is going to come to us with recommendations...not visa versa. He is the Manager and there is not a single Director who believes he knows more than Martin.

The comment about the AV store in Birmingham. It is a great city but.....ugh on the store. We will do better.

Semper Fidelis, General Krulak

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General give our best wishes to your Dad as well !!!

The comment about players is so refreshing to hear after years of what we saw as interference and points to a very bright future.

On the topic of families, the problem I believe is simply of cost. Whilst we are the cheapest club to see, Brummies love to see value for money and if the product on the pitch is seen to be good value they will come. An idea for next season maybe family season tickets (say two adults, two kids) for around £500 and the tickets can be interchangeable so at different times different members of families can come to Villa.

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As the good general says, it is upto MON.

If we have the opportunity to sign Ronaldihno and O'Neill didnt want him we have to respect that as what he needs for the team.

For starters Aimar would be poor in the prem imo, this aint Football manager, but thats another issue.

If MON cannot find anyone for the team in Jan then we won't sign anyone, i trust him in that respect. No point in signing people just for the sake of it, no point at all.


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Dear General,

I've read this thread with absolute disbelief - I've supported this team since I was 5 years old and there has never been the kind of communication, integrity and joined up thinking that we're hearing about and seeing now. I'm very grateful to you and Mr Lerner, thank you.

I've got a 6 year old lad (his middle name is Aston!) and he's desperate to go to his first game at Villa Park, up until now I seriously wondered whether I'd take him to one - I was seriously that disillusioned. But I'm pleased to say that we'll be travelling up from London as soon as we can for the first of many trips to Villa Park.

Thanks again.


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General give our best wishes to your Dad as well !!!

The comment about players is so refreshing to hear after years of what we saw as interference and points to a very bright future.

On the topic of families, the problem I believe is simply of cost. Whilst we are the cheapest club to see, Brummies love to see value for money and if the product on the pitch is seen to be good value they will come. An idea for next season maybe family season tickets (say two adults, two kids) for around £500 and the tickets can be interchangeable so at different times different members of families can come to Villa.

This is a seriously good suggestion - best of the thread so far for me!

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Re. "big names"...I didn't mean anyone in particular. My point was simply that there will probably be some quality players up for grabs BUT, if they don't fit into the needs of the Team as seen through the eyes of the Manager, we will go with Martin! This is an important fact for all of us to understand. Martin is going to come to us with recommendations...not visa versa. He is the Manager and there is not a single Director who believes he knows more than Martin.

The comment about the AV store in Birmingham. It is a great city but.....ugh on the store. We will do better.

Semper Fidelis, General Krulak

Don't worry General my previous post was a poor attempt at a joke based upon the guys name being BIG.

With regards the shop, it should really be in a prime site in the Bull Ring. The current shop is so out of the way that my dad didn't know where it was, when looking for a present for me earlier this year! And this is a man who regularly attends games! I doubt that there is much impulse buying going on at the current store and the footfall is probably really low too.

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Good idea re the "family tickets" but I'm sorry at £500 for 2 adults and 2 kids you are having a laugh.

Two adults on their own are about £900! I would suggest that about £1000 for 2 adults and 2 kids would be nearer the mark.

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Making the entire stadium non smoking would be a great idea in my opinion, the concourses are awful at half time.

Yeah i second that. Its great that the stands are no smoking but when you go downstairs at half time you hit a wall of smoke!

£500 for what is basically 4 season tickets, that isnt going to happen, double it and that is realistic.

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