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US Presidential Election 2012


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Im no expert on US politics

Am i right in thinking the democrats are like Labour and the Republicans are like Conservatives?

The Democrats are the equivalent of Labour and the Republicans are all for the haves and **** the have nots so yes the equivelant of the Tories.

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They aren't exactly the equivalent, they are similar. But the democrats policies are actually, and have typically being, slightly right of centre. New Labour are slightly left of centre. The Republicans are further right of centre than the Tory party.

At least measuring by international standards.

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Im no expert on US politics

Am i right in thinking the democrats are like Labour and the Republicans are like Conservatives?

The Democrats are like the Ken Clakre Conservatives, the Republicans are towards the other end of the Conservatives.

In fairness, party politics in the US is fairly weak. Its all candidate centred since Nixon and CREEP in the 60/70s.

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I've just been watching some clips of Biden decapitating Ryan in their debate. Nice.


Really? I thought Biden was arrogant, patronising and extremely rude. Not the performance you'd expect from someone who actually holds high office. I suspect that after Obama got his arse handed to him by Romney in their debate Biden was briefed to "attack, attack, attack!" The result was Biden looking like a totally un-vice-presidential chod, imo.

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Romney lied his ass off in that debate, no way does that constitute beating Obama.

I only saw snippets of the debate to be honest, but if Romney was telling whoppers it seems odd that he hasn't been totally slammed for it? Conversely many of the fully paid up US and European Obama supporting media were generating some very worried sound bites after the debate. My question is if Romney was lying then why haven't they strung him up for it, rather than spin that the result didn't matter because Obama is ace?

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Sorry but how can you conclude that Romney beat Obama without watching the debate, it kind of undermines any argument you have there.

Romney was routinely slammed by the more astute observers who have actually studied things like economics and statistics, rather than your typical bubbled headed journalists. People like Brad De Long and Paul Krugman did a good job of immediately fact checking some of the things Romney said. I don't always agree with those two but in this case they did a good job.

Obama's performance was poor mainly because he often fails to command economic issues and in that particular debate he looked and sounded jet lagged lol. Romney 'sounded' better but sounding good whilst lying doesn't = debate won in my eyes, as I said, it may wow the bubble heads but I don't care what they think.

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but if Romney was telling whoppers it seems odd that he hasn't been totally slammed for it?

Romney's (and Obama's) lies/half-truths have been pointed out by various factcheckers, here is a good summary. He blatantly mislead the American public, but he did it with gusto and that is what matters to that lot.

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Sorry but how can you conclude that Romney beat Obama without watching the debate, it kind of undermines any argument you have there.

the bounce for Romney in the polls after the debate was just a coincidence then ?

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Really? I thought Biden was arrogant, patronising and extremely rude. Not the performance you'd expect from someone who actually holds high office. I suspect that after Obama got his arse handed to him by Romney in their debate Biden was briefed to "attack, attack, attack!" The result was Biden looking like a totally un-vice-presidential chod, imo.

To a certain extent part of the job of being Veep is to be the attack dog for the administration...

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the bounce for Romney in the polls after the debate was just a coincidence then ?

the bounce for Romney in the polls after the debate was just a coincidence then ?

Yes because that bounce reflects the opinion of a number of people who presumably watched the debate unlike AWOL who didn't yet claims Obama got his ass handed to him.

Incidentally, the funniest thing about that debate was that Romney started to embrace his inner-Keynes, it must have been a shock to many in his party, I'm sure of that.

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Sorry but how can you conclude that Romney beat Obama without watching the debate, it kind of undermines any argument you have there.

I don't watch every piece of political theatre globally from beginning to end. Sad as it may be I do try to watch as much as possible when I feel it will be of interest, then read a variety of news sources and form opinions from there. Thanks to Youtube I caught about 30 minutes of the debate in total and read various reports from different media sources. If my slack approach disqualifies me from forming that opinion then I humbly apologise, Dr.

To a certain extent part of the job of being Veep is to be the attack dog for the administration...

In light of my dressing down from the good Dr, I confess to not having watched this debate from beginning to end either. Please strike my views from the record.

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