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E3 2012


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Sony just unveiled a complete car crash - the Wonderbook. AR books using Move tech. They've also chucked enough money at Rowling to get her to sign up to it.

It's hideous. Terrible. Absolutely vile.

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Watch Dogs

Honestly, watch that. Even if the concept does nothing for you, it's just beautiful looking. Fantastic. If that can manage to have things like the traffic light switching to catch the guy in a car crash be more fluid and less like a set piece... well... incredible.

See, new IP and people love it!

That looks great. Looks like a twist on the Hitman games which is more than welcome.

BTW, the QR code on the guys hat went here: https://dotconnexion.ubi.com/

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Pretty pleased with the Vita announcements to be honest, although it should really have been able to play PS1 games out of the box. I'm hoping that at some point in the future they will allow us to play PS2 games on the handheld, as it is more than capable of running them.

Happy with the AC game being confirmed and with around 60 games due between now and the end of the year, it's certainly looking up for the Vita. I'm still enjoying Virtua Tennis, Fifa and Super Stardust Delta on mine. Really looking forward to MGS and Gravity Rush in the near future. Good line-up ahead for the system anyway, although I still get the feeling that it deserves far more attention. Fantastic bit of gaming technology.

When it comes to the PS3 both Beyond and The Last Of Us look fantastic. I'm quite intrigued by both of them at this stage.

Watch Dogs looks fantastic too. Things certainly picked up after the Microsoft section anyway...

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I expected more Vita stuff from Sony to be honest.

The Sony conference wasn't as good as many hoped imo. The new David Cage thing had people actively laughing in the audience, and thats not a good sign for a game maker as want to do pretentious twaddle as Cage. God of War, again, tired franchise doing nothing, nothing new at all. The Super Smash Brothers rip off looks like exactly what you'd get if you took SSB, and photocopied it, took all the charm out, and pasted in tired Sony characters nobody gives a **** about.

The AC3 section... well, I've seen AC3 now, and that wasn't a good section of that game, new or not. And the Far Cry 3 thing looked rough as hell.

Wonderbook stuff I genuinely had to wonder if anyone at any point, sat down and said 'Wait... this is **** shit, forget this'. Because thats exactly what they should have done - Move is deader than dead, and this thing is just painful bollocks.

The Last of Us saved them a little, looked incredible and looked, ultimately, just different. A little.

Nintendo don't even need to knock it out of the park today to blow everyone away, even Ubisoft with all their interesting stuff is a fairly easy beat imo. Interestingly apparently Nintendo are doing 2 conferences this week, one traditional conference and one with a complete game focus, so the could hit it out of the park twice. I'm still not convinced by the Wii U so I'll watch with interest.

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I recommend checking out Star Wars 1313. I don't give a damn about Star Wars so the setting isn't swaying me here... but it looks amazing. Unfortunately it also appears to be Uncharted Star Wars Edition but you can't have everything I guess. Running on high end PC for the demo, which explains how pretty it all is, again I'd be tempted to say that the 360 cannot handle that level of detail whatsoever.

Thats a game with some production values. It's got production value all over it. Nice.

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Nintendo in 15 minutes. Likely to be a highlight of the show either for pure quality or pure failure. I'm really intrigued to see what the Wii U is actually capable of, the smart money seems to suggest it being a little ahead of the current gen but not some generational leap forward.

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Straight in with Pimin. Using it to demonstrate how the Wii U makes gaming better, really.

It's quite pretty but the Nintendo art style makes it hard to judge the actually oomph behind it.

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Hmm... This is quite a confident showing but a lot of it is not good. They've shown some of the third party stuff the Wii U is getting (Mass Effect 3 for instance) and a more heavy look at Arkham City... and Arkham, dunno if it was just me, looked worse than the 360 version and the Wii U additions were gimmicky as ****.

New New Super Mario Bros game is coming. Looked alright if thats your thing.

3DS has got given 3 minutes to show off its own new New Mario Bros game ('It's completely different to the others!'. No it isn't. No it isn't at all). The Luigis Mansion game we knew about already and a new Paper Mario.

Nintendo need to blow it out of the park, fast. This just isn't exciting me.

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If this minigame compilation is what they're ending with, they've **** up big time. They've spent 7 minutes explaining a completely unamazing Nintendo minigame collection.

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That controller could turn out to be a fairly effective tombstone for the Nintendo we know today.

Nintendo needed to blow people away here. They needed incredible proof that this thing is what the gamer community wanted but also could bring the casuals that stopped buying Wiis, back.

And it does neither. Casuals won't buy that. They got the Wii, they played Wii Sports and maybe a dance game and it comes out for Christmas. And the hardcore audience got nothing to sell the console to them.

Nope... Nintendo has made a huge mistake there.

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