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E3 2012


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starts tuesday, the early stuff is coming through already, konami had their conference last night showing off a new trailer for MGR:R

i use gamespot and game trailers but i know others will recommend others, will be the 1st year that i'll be using twitter to follow it too, if any good ones come up i'll post their links

already announced which i like is lego LOTR, dead space 3, GoW judgement, castlevania 2, a new star wars FPS

the main conferences are MS, sony, EA and ubisoft on the 4th, nintendo on the 5th

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EA have announced the next NFS game, they'll be showing that, and good news is that Criterion will be making it, so high hopes as Hot Pursuit was really good.


Hopefully we'll see some more of GTA. I'd also like to see another Killzone as my PS3 is gathering dust.

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Microsoft are live streaming their conference over Live - theres an app you can download that they'll be streaming through.

However, the smart money is on Microsoft's conference being even worse that last years complete car crash so you may not find it worth bothering with. One of the big things they are apparently showing off behind closed doors is called 'Xbox Smart Glass', which appears to be either a more versatile 'Xbox app' for smartphones and things, or could well be a complete tablet device. If it exists, all the word coming out about it says they're showing it to a select few partners and won't reveal it to the masses, though. The conference itself will just be more Kinect bollocks, more Live 'content' that will mean bugger all for everyone outside of the US, and a token look at Halo 4, and maybe the new cash-in, sorry, Gears game.

Nintendo will probably have the most interesting conference, new console they need to really show off and bring some big hitters to the table. They need to convince people that the Wii U will be great. I suspect they'll get people interested but not totally sold on it. Could do with a different name too. 3DS remodel was everyones bet till a few months ago but word has gotten round that Nintendo is basically not in the position to release a new model right now, despite the console probably (definitely, in my view) being in the position to benefit from a new model. There'll be a few more big hitter titles announced for the handheld, a new Zelda is a banker imo.

Sony'll need to bring Vita stuff to the fore, it's really, really struggling and needs pushing, and they'll do just that, their conference will absolutely hurl Vita stuff at the audience. Other than that it's being heavily, heavily rumoured that Sony have made a deal with a 'streaming' company (think OnLive, cloud gaming) and will offer PS3 owners a way of backwards compability on the console through that - basically playing PS1 and PS2 games over the net without actually owning the disc. Which'd be interesting. I don't expect Sony to have anything that earth shattering for the PS3 to be announced, otherwise.

EA will have some biggies up their sleeve, and they'll reveal what type of year it is for FIFA (every year FIFA improves 1 aspect of the game over everything else, and then after about 4 years of doing it, they make a completely fresh build. Last year was a defence year, for example). Expect lots and lots of numbers from EA, they're worse than Ninty for stats and figures.

And Ubisoft's conference is always mental. Nothing can outdo the prick that hosted it last year, mind. New Rayman is being announced, with Wii U tablet features - a video leaked a few months back that showed the new game and ended with a 'proof of concept' idea at the end for using the Wii U tablet like the Skylanders figures worked, put a plastic heart toy on the tablet and loads of health appeared in the game. More flogging the dead Tom Clancy shaped horse is a given, too. They apparently have a big new title to announce but no-one seems quite sure what it is.

In other words, don't expect a lot.

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GTA V is all I'm interested in of the stuff we already know about.

Isn't there already a NFS Most Wanted on the current crop of consoles? Shouldn't this be Most Wanted 2?

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Right, well... that was kinda interesting.

It was basically half an hour of Iwata showing off what the Wii U hardware is, along with a lot of stuff to do with it's capabilities.

He revealed that the controller (officially the Wii U GamePad - They spent a couple of minutes explaining how it got the name... sigh) has changed a bit from the prototypes shown last year - it has proper analogues that can click in as opposed to the 3DS style Circle Pads it had last year, they've also moulded the back and shifted the button/stick layout a little for comfort.

It also has NFC read and write capability, which everyone already had guessed, and strangely can work as a universal remote for your telly, which is an odd but I guess welcome feature.

It can stream games to the pad's screen allowing the TV to do something else, though he was slightly ambiguous about it - he suggested not every game would do it and directly called out simpler games perhaps suiting it better, but also claimed this was a lagless feature.

And as everyone already knew, touchscreen, accelerometers, motion sensors. And it works in conjunction with the Wii remote, the Nunchuck and the balance board. Which was also already known.

They also revealed that they would be releasing a more traditional controller, the Wii U Pro controller, which looks so much like a 360 pad it's almost funny. Imagine a slightly less rounded 360 pad with the right stick and buttons switched around so the sticks are on the same level on each side of the pad, and with the usual Nintendo Home buttons in place of the 360 guide.

They then moved onto some other features of the Wii U with the most hideous, hideous advert/concept video imaginable. It featured a hipster geek playing some zombie game and talking to himself, before getting stuck on a boss... he then turned to his controller and goes into a kind... semi-Twitter like app where he whacked up a comment saying 'Oh I can't beat the boss' and got a load of comments back, eventually getting a hint on how to do it. He **** that up, and then uses the controller to have a video chat with the guy who gave him the advice about exactly what he needed to do. This entire video clip was painful viewing.

It ended with a reveal of a load of Mii's. Iwata then revealed that this was 'MiiVerse' or something, basically you'll be able to have a kind of friends list/region lobby with Miis.

There was also a lot of talk of this social media style thing they've come up with expanding into PCs, mobile internet devices, 3DS, etc etc.

The GamePad is coming with a net browser and will allow you to do that Apple TV thing of flicking content from the tablet up to the TV.

There was very little to show off exactly what the power behind the device was (the only gameplay shown was video they revealed last year, and they specifically said they weren't using this opportunity to show off any games, they're saving that for Tuesday) and theres still a few questions about the whole thing, but it was interesting. I guess. Tuesday should be revealing, they need to show exactly what this thing can bring to the games people want to play, it's all well and good having these big ideas and a desire to be unique (something Iwata was at pains to point out as Nintendo's driving philosophy in this video) but you need to sell to an audience that wants big blockbuster titles.

EDIT - The Pro controller


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Halo 4, with more than a little of the Metroid Prime about it. I really don't give much of a shit about Halo. At least they got it out of the way.

Splinter Cell Blacklist, looking dull, dull dull. That series is dead.

FIFA - made worse with Kinect!

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I love how the Kinect is increasingly just becoming a glorified mic - everything EA just showed off could be done with a headset - the PS2 could do it!

Oh look, Gears. With a great song.

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Forza Horizon needs to have gameplay shown before anyone is going to be sure about it. Done right, and with less of the hipster edge, could be great. But I bet they, instead, make into the franchise killer for the series.

And heres the media shit.

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