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Mark Steel
The Most Remarkable Thing

One group of us is mad. Maybe it’s us or maybe it’s the others but one of us must be.

Yep. And then yesterday, the St. Paul's pantomime added the sky fairy madness into the equation.

Our elected leaders listening to a man in a dress asking them to ask the sky fairy to look after the inbred anachronisms.

Surreal, but people apparently take it seriously.


Yep. The whole thing does have a very surreal/bizzare aspect about it. I find the unquestioning acceptance/celebration of it by a great many quite puzzling too.

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Thank **** thats over. Looking forward to the Bank Holiday when the old parasite kicks the bucket. Street Party anyone ?

Thought that was reserved for The Thatch? :lol:

TBH I've got nothing against Lizzy as a person, and don't wish her dead.

I just wish the institution of the monarchy dead, as I detest everything it stands for.

It may be quaint. It may be 'beautiful'. It may contain pomp and ceremony. It may land people a day off work. But surely as an institution, as a method of 'rule', it lacks both legitimacy and morality.

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Not pro or anti Royal at all but never watched any of the celebrations. To be honest it was easily avoided, yet to listen to people here it would seem it has been forced down everyone's throats?

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Not pro or anti Royal at all but never watched any of the celebrations. To be honest it was easily avoided, yet to listen to people here it would seem it has been forced down everyone's throats?
Well, when you turn on the main news on a day when there is (for example) a major outbreak of legionnaires' disease in Edinburgh, the civil war in Syria is exploding. etc. - and get 20 minutes of Jubilee up front, I think something is out of kilter.

Having said that, I watched quite a lot of the coverage voluntarily!

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Well, when you turn on the main news on a day when there is (for example) a major outbreak of legionnaires' disease in Edinburgh, the civil war in Syria is exploding. etc. - and get 20 minutes of Jubilee up front, I think something is out of kilter.

True ..I mean who gives a F**K about something going on in Scotland anyway :-)

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to celebrate something/someone in whom they didn't really believe.


They are the sheep I was referring to.


selected editing of your post Jon , but one can only assume little M will be growing up without visits from Santa Clause then :winkold:

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Not pro or anti Royal at all but never watched any of the celebrations. To be honest it was easily avoided, yet to listen to people here it would seem it has been forced down everyone's throats?

Exactly and its one weekend of hopefully thousands of your life. I couldnt give two shits for any of it but if people enjoy themselves who cares. Just because someone decides to have a party it means they are some sort of sheep or mental pro royalist. No all it means is that some people just wanted to enjoy themselves, do something different and this was an excuse to do it.

I **** off to the pub but ask yourself this who are the more sad and deluded ones, those having a drink, possibly getting drunk, meeting new people, eating a large selection of probably free food, generally enjoying themselves whilst probably hardly even talking about the monarchy or those that are moaning they couldnt find anything else to watch on the tv.

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Not pro or anti Royal at all but never watched any of the celebrations. To be honest it was easily avoided, yet to listen to people here it would seem it has been forced down everyone's throats?

Exactly and its one weekend of hopefully thousands of your life. I couldnt give two shits for any of it but if people enjoy themselves who cares. Just because someone decides to have a party it means they are some sort of sheep or mental pro royalist. No all it means is that some people just wanted to enjoy themselves, do something different and this was an excuse to do it.

I **** off to the pub but ask yourself this who are the more sad and deluded ones, those having a drink, possibly getting drunk, meeting new people, eating a large selection of probably free food, generally enjoying themselves whilst probably hardly even talking about the monarchy or those that are moaning they couldnt find anything else to watch on the tv.

People just get a bit bitter when other people are enjoying themselves and they can't. It is pretty normal, I feel the same about Big Brother :P

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I was at the Hay Festival today and got given a free copy of the Telegraph.

Anybody that wants a bit more Queen related stuff (pages 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12.......16,17,18.......21,22) could do worse than get themselves a copy.

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Not pro or anti Royal at all but never watched any of the celebrations. To be honest it was easily avoided, yet to listen to people here it would seem it has been forced down everyone's throats?

Exactly and its one weekend of hopefully thousands of your life. I couldnt give two shits for any of it but if people enjoy themselves who cares. Just because someone decides to have a party it means they are some sort of sheep or mental pro royalist. No all it means is that some people just wanted to enjoy themselves, do something different and this was an excuse to do it.

I **** off to the pub but ask yourself this who are the more sad and deluded ones, those having a drink, possibly getting drunk, meeting new people, eating a large selection of probably free food, generally enjoying themselves whilst probably hardly even talking about the monarchy or those that are moaning they couldnt find anything else to watch on the tv.

If people want to have a party good luck to them.

I managed to avoid most of it by not watching the tv (no great hardship there), and turning off the radio whenever it came on (more often than I had imagined). The difficulty of escaping it completely was brought home to me when I woke at 3 this morning, couldn't get back to sleep, and turned the radio on. It was still on. Five days after it started, at 3 in the morning. This is just silly.

A couple of pictures from the Guardian, which perhaps show the utter stupidity of the whole thing better than words can do.

Yet another portrait of the queen, bigger than ever. Does she never get tired of seeing them? Did it never strike her that the decoration in the room is, well, perhaps a little too opulent?


We have laid real grass in York Minster, as part of the celebrations. Why, god only knows. What possible sensible purpose can it serve? It seems a collective lunacy has taken hold of swathes of the country.


Queenie entertains a torturer, who has recently been busy maiming and killing his countrymen. But hey, it's a party, let's not dwell on that!


One of the survivors of the attentions of queenie's new best mate. Many weren't so lucky.


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Not pro or anti Royal at all but never watched any of the celebrations. To be honest it was easily avoided, yet to listen to people here it would seem it has been forced down everyone's throats?
Well, when you turn on the main news on a day when there is (for example) a major outbreak of legionnaires' disease in Edinburgh, the civil war in Syria is exploding. etc. - and get 20 minutes of Jubilee up front, I think something is out of kilter.

Having said that, I watched quite a lot of the coverage voluntarily!

Let's face it Mike you just like having something to whinge about. ..I had noticed :winkold:

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Everyone to their own but although I initially never planned to watch it I found the whole thing brilliant, proud and emotional!

Actually great to see the Union Flag prominent everywhere and seeing the good of Britain on the front page for a change. Think we should celebrate our British heratige every year!

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to celebrate something/someone in whom they didn't really believe.


They are the sheep I was referring to.


selected editing of your post Jon , but one can only assume little M will be growing up without visits from Santa Clause then :winkold:


You mean Father Christmas DOESN'T exist?! Well, I have to say I'm gutted to learn that after 38 years on this planet. I feel deceived ... :mrgreen: :winkold:

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Just for the record, for anyone not readily understanding some of the posts from myself and others in here, I didn't sit in front of the TV (or radio) moaning about the coverage (well, not much anyway).

I spent the 4 day weekend enjoying myself, largely Monarchy and pageantry free.

I am just very pleased that the media jizz fest is now over, and the 'news' and TV and media coverage can get back to something akin to normal.

Problems only really occur IMO when you're with someone or a group who ARE very interested in said jizz fest. Then you've got a problem .... sit and 'suffer', or do one.

Thankfully, I did not really have to make such a decision.

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Not pro or anti Royal at all but never watched any of the celebrations. To be honest it was easily avoided, yet to listen to people here it would seem it has been forced down everyone's throats?
Well, when you turn on the main news on a day when there is (for example) a major outbreak of legionnaires' disease in Edinburgh, the civil war in Syria is exploding. etc. - and get 20 minutes of Jubilee up front, I think something is out of kilter.

Having said that, I watched quite a lot of the coverage voluntarily!

Let's face it Mike you just like having something to whinge about. ..I had noticed :winkold:

:lol: Yeah, you're probably right.

Seriously though, my reaction to this one was somewhat ambivalent. Left to my own devices I would have avoided it. But the missus was fascinated by it, so I dutifully joined in. Some of it was mildly entertaining (even though there were other things I would have much rather watched/done).

It looked to me that the Queen didn't enjoy it one bit, either. Probably because her old man was ill, but I expect she's just tired of it all by now, and would rather have been in Balmoral with her feet up

But I didn't find it inspiring, or uplifting, and my views on the monarchy remain the same. The only time I got really irritated was when they kept wheeling out the flag waving drones in the crowd to bang on about how great the royals are. Gor blimey guv'nor, God bless 'er, I know my place, not like some.

It did occur to me too late, that there was a fantastic drinking game in there - every time the commentator mentioned the weather and said "But this won't dampen anyone's spirits" (or words to that effect) have a drink. You'd have been legless within an hour.

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The royal family are nothing more than figureheads now a days that we pay alot of money for people bark on about them bringing in money to the economy e.t.c but there are some members of the royal family who contribute sweet f.a but earn a considerable amount because they are a *royal*

Its not like the old times with the Empire when we owned half the world

Now were America's puppet and they call the shots quite pathetic really

Im not a supporter of the royals at all but my Brother who serves in the army swore an oath to the queen and is very much into his god save the queen stuff if he heard me bad mouthing her he'd probably break my neck and accuse me of treason

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The royal family are nothing more than figureheads now a days that we pay alot of money for people bark on about them bringing in money to the economy e.t.c but there are some members of the royal family who contribute sweet f.a but earn a considerable amount because they are a *royal*

Its not like the old times with the commonwealth when we owned half the world.

Well the Commonwealth still exists, so I assume you mean the Empire. But the royals were already figureheads by then anyway.

They haven't had any real say in national policy since 1688, i.e. just about the time we started collecting colonies - a process led by venture capitalists, not by the monarchy.

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