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I despise facebook

only time I have ever used it is when my flatmate had a 2 month holiday in vietnam and that was just in case there was a small emergancy that I needed to speak with him about

within minutes of re-activating my old account (which has been dormant since 2010) I had 4 friend requests - 1 message on my wall - and 2 text messages from people asking if ''I had re-activated facebook''

I removed every friend I had on there apart from me flatmate.

All I have ever seen facebook do is cause trouble and for some strange reason take over peoples lives

Not being funny, but this doesn't make facebook shit, it just makes you a grumpy bastard :)

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some horrible photo of a beaten child which you have to 'like', because it stops child abuse if you do


But I like to keep some contact with some people that I knew years ago, and may only see once a year or so.

Many of my friends live all over the country, or abroad, so I can't just phone them to go for a pint.

And I don't have Skype. Actually I also hate using telephones, so I prefer messaging anyway!

It's also great for things like the running club. If I want to ask if somebody can give me a lift to a race, say, posting on the club FB page is easily the best way to do it.

Hence why I do what I do - keep my account existent, but hardly touch it.

But that kind of negates its usefulness. If one of your friends wants to contact you via FB, it's no good if you only log on once a month.

Unlike some people - who seem to have to post their every move to FB via their phones, satnavs, etc. - I rarely update my status, but I do keep a FB window open most of the time, in case somebody wants to contact me - and they do, my wife and kids especially. It's more convenient than email, but doesn't involve (ugh) phones.

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I find it very useful for photo-sharing and arranging things with big groups of friends. I coulnd't be without it personally.

As for whether it's ever going to make money though, I don't know. If they start charging it'll be the death of them, and if they start taking the piss with adverts due to shareholder pressure, it'll only take one entrepreneurial sod to setup a Facebook type jobby with an 'import all photos/contacts/messages' option to kill it off completely. Given that Zuckerberg has made more money than it's possible to spend, and that he still has a controlling stake in the company, he'll be more concerned with keeping it on top of its game rather than pandering to shareholders and slamming it full of adverts. For that reason, I can see its value dipping massively, but keeping its userbase.

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I'm fairly sure Facebook's bubble will burst, eventually. Probably not any time soon, but it will go.

I'm not convinced that it's advertising model works, and I think, increasingly, the companies it's selling the advertising angle to will work that out, at which point Facebook needs to start moving towards other ways of making money.

Social media itself is here to stay, it's become a new string to our social bow and will become increasingly ingrained into our everyday life. I do wonder what form it will eventually take though - I don't think any of them can survive indefinitely on advertising revenue.

Facebook for me is... well it's a tool, really. At university it was an easy way of keeping track of societies and those friends you sometimes ent for a drink with but then wouldn't see for a month, and also my friends scattered about the country. Since leaving it's become a way to keep in touch with some friends, and simply keep a possible line of communication open with others. I don't spend a lot of time on there, I update my status a couple of times a week on a busy week, and other times won't update it once in a month. I don't spend hours on there, because a lot of what addicts people to Facebook, the games and the apps, hold no appeal for me, and I don't tend to chat to people aimlessly for hours (my friends would tell you I rarely keep in constant dialogue with anyone outside of meeting up - I don't ring people, I only text when bored or when something important requires it).

I think the numbers of people who use it in that manner, will only grow. It's not in Facebooks interests for that to happen really, which will only compound it's troubles. The 'advertising not working' thing is already happening, General Motors recently abandoned it. In terms of revenue from GM, Facebook won't be overly harmed by losing their custom, but it suggests other companies will consider just how much their getting from their buck from Facebook adverts.

I also think we're probably nearing saturation for social media. Everyone who wants to use Facebook, probably already does, imo. It's got near a billion users. Facebook is probably terrified that it's growth is going to start slowing, and when that happens it'll start to really shake the foundations it's made.

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some horrible photo of a beaten child which you have to 'like', because it stops child abuse if you do


But I like to keep some contact with some people that I knew years ago, and may only see once a year or so.

Many of my friends live all over the country, or abroad, so I can't just phone them to go for a pint.

And I don't have Skype. Actually I also hate using telephones, so I prefer messaging anyway!

It's also great for things like the running club. If I want to ask if somebody can give me a lift to a race, say, posting on the club FB page is easily the best way to do it.

Hence why I do what I do - keep my account existent, but hardly touch it.

But that kind of negates its usefulness. If one of your friends wants to contact you via FB, it's no good if you only log on once a month.

Unlike some people - who seem to have to post their every move to FB via their phones, satnavs, etc. - I rarely update my status, but I do keep a FB window open most of the time, in case somebody wants to contact me - and they do, my wife and kids especially. It's more convenient than email, but doesn't involve (ugh) phones.

Nah, usually the other way round, if I want to find someone I haven't seen in a long time I go on Facebook and type in a forced "hi"

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some horrible photo of a beaten child which you have to 'like', because it stops child abuse if you do


But I like to keep some contact with some people that I knew years ago, and may only see once a year or so.

Many of my friends live all over the country, or abroad, so I can't just phone them to go for a pint.

And I don't have Skype. Actually I also hate using telephones, so I prefer messaging anyway!

It's also great for things like the running club. If I want to ask if somebody can give me a lift to a race, say, posting on the club FB page is easily the best way to do it.

Hence why I do what I do - keep my account existent, but hardly touch it.

But that kind of negates its usefulness. If one of your friends wants to contact you via FB, it's no good if you only log on once a month.

Unlike some people - who seem to have to post their every move to FB via their phones, satnavs, etc. - I rarely update my status, but I do keep a FB window open most of the time, in case somebody wants to contact me - and they do, my wife and kids especially. It's more convenient than email, but doesn't involve (ugh) phones.

Nah, usually the other way round, if I want to find someone I haven't seen in a long time I go on Facebook and type in a forced "hi"

Well that assumes that they check their messages frequently.

And to see if they've replied, you have to keep going and checking.

It's easier just to stay logged in.

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FB is fantastic, but i hate it as well.

It used to be good around 6 years ago, just simple to use, and not every man & his dog & the dog's family was on it.

But its not a fad, and inertia to move to a different social network is too great.

All your friends & family are on FB, so you have to stay on there, and so do they.

FB isn't going to die anytime soon, not in the next 10 years anyway.

oh, and i agree that the developers of FB are kids with ADHD. JUST LEAVE IT ALONE!

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I don't think its essential to the internet.. Just like Myspace wasn't.. Things come and go..facebook will be around for a while yet.

i don't think anyone is saying its essential.

In the early days it was 'fun', now its 'useful'.

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I don't think its essential to the internet.. Just like Myspace wasn't.. Things come and go..facebook will be around for a while yet.

i don't think anyone is saying its essential.

In the early days it was 'fun', now its 'useful'.

Yeah won't disagree with you there.

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i think its peaked in this country and id be surprised if twitter didnt have a healthier growth rate, will be interesting to see what they do next, invest the money they made elsewhere or just happily plod along picking up new countries

hard to say thats its a fad thats wont be about forever because how much of the world is behind us in terms of technology? or currently doesnt have facebook available to them? would also be interesting to see growth rates of internet users in india and china (afaik its blocked in china), id say at a guess thats what they care about, id lazily guess that for every one of us that gets bored of it here there are several users taking our place elsewhere in the world

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Twitter is totally different though. Ok not TOTALLY different, but you can't really use twitter in the same way.

Twitter won't really let you keep up to speed with family members and such in the same way as Facebook does. twitter is really a news source, with some social aspects thrown in.

Twitter surprises me with how popular it is. I honestly think that most of it's popularity is due to the fact you have a unique name on it. or at least in the beginning that's how (which is a reason I was surprised Google + didn't go down that route) and the fact you can be followed without being "friends" with someone (which you can now do on facebook and G+)

Because essentially, it's just Facebook status updates, but without everything else Facebook offers.

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Twitter is totally different though. Ok not TOTALLY different, but you can't really use twitter in the same way.

Twitter won't really let you keep up to speed with family members and such in the same way as Facebook does. twitter is really a news source, with some social aspects thrown in.

Twitter surprises me with how popular it is. I honestly think that most of it's popularity is due to the fact you have a unique name on it. or at least in the beginning that's how (which is a reason I was surprised Google + didn't go down that route) and the fact you can be followed without being "friends" with someone (which you can now do on facebook and G+)

Because essentially, it's just Facebook status updates, but without everything else Facebook offers.

Twitter is short sharp news. It is not that useful with keeping in touch with mates.

But follow the right people and it is very useful to knowing what is going on in the world.

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Twitter is not for me. I don't want "short, sharp news" interrupting me every five minutes.

The Ten O'Clock news on BBC1 is my source. If there's something really major, like a 9/11, I'll get to hear about it soon enough anyway.

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Twitter is not for me. I don't want "short, sharp news" interrupting me every five minutes.

The Ten O'Clock news on BBC1 is my source. If there's something really major, like a 9/11, I'll get to hear about it soon enough anyway.

Fair enough.

The only difference on the Ten O'CLock News is that you don't get to pick what subject the news is about. On Twitter you do by selecting the people/companies you are interested in.

Useful tool, but as I said I do understand why it is not for everyone.

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I think Twitter also beats Facebook for people who want to express themselves a little more often without the embarrassment of no one commenting on it.

That's not meant as a slight against Twitter users, it's just a more casual platform to share your thoughts.

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twitter IMO is the same as facebook but without your 2nd cousin letting you know she is taking a shit...

its people throwing rubbish out there on the net but unless they involve you a huge chunk of it bypasses you, which means you dont get stupid attention seeking comments, you dont get tons of baby pictures from someone you think you knew at school, no invitations to play a stupid farm game and you dont get sent unicorns from strangers, most importantly if a mate writes on your wall "fancy a pint" you dont get your mum replying "ooooh where you going? have a good time"

twitter has basically replaced texting between me and my mates

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