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General Krulak owes us an apology


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I for one miss him. It was interesting reading and even if at times I thought "WHAT!", I genuinely feel thankful that he took the time to respond to questions on a daily basis. It may have been ugly at times and may well have been a PR machine but I valued that we were unique in that we had a route through to the club directly. You just needed to see beyond the "machine" to see a few glimpses of inspiration (which I think he brought to us on a few occasions).

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TBH I hated reading his bollocks as after it was realised that the press might use his words against him and club his answers were non committal on everything. ZZzzzzzzzzzzzz

As for owing us an apology, not imo life is too short and I guess he believed what he wrote even though it was a crock.

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I enjoyed the General's thread. In the end though it passed it's sell by date, and GK was left trying to defend the indefendable.

Football fans are reactive by nature, up one minute and down the next. We're an honest opinionated bunch of loudmouths, and so we should be, but that meant that events at AVFC slowly eroded the working relationship between GK and the fans. It was an interesting experiment but was inevitably going to end in tears.

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i for one would have him back. For those he helped, you realised what a unique position it was to have access to someone at his level at villa. Unfortunately it could never work in the long term as we would never be able to get past peppering him with questions about transfers randys running of the club.

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(alert, the following post is a blatant attempt to curry favor and future ITK content)

Dear General, the thread title and all those posting negative things here are foolish. Thanks for your efforts to be engaged and the practical help you gave to many fans. I am delighted to have you in the other Birmingham with me. Congratulations on your presitgious award from the Army and the clear progress of BSC. GO PANTHERS ! I would be delighted to host you at Dreamland or any local establishment of your choice (Coach Goldfarb or Coach Vinson can give you my contact info... or you can PM me).

(blatant ingratiation over)

Actually, come to think of it... I think I meant every word of that.

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I met Paul Faulkner after the press conference. Among the things we said, I asked him how the General is. He told me the General is still involved with the club even though he is busy with his college role as president. From what PF said, I don't think the General did a runner now. PF did not know if the General would return to the forums.

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I still can't get my head round this Alex Ferguson recommendation thing. Surely anyone with any common sense knows that whatever Fergie does or says is first and foremost in the interest of looking after Manchester United, not Aston Villa.

'fraid so, he's a past master at it.

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I met Paul Faulkner after the press conference. Among the things we said, I asked him how the General is. He told me the General is still involved with the club even though he is busy with his college role as president. From what PF said, I don't think the General did a runner now. PF did not know if the General would return to the forums.

I hope he doesn't

not being bitchy, just think everyone has their place.

wouldn't like it if players came on here,spouting their worth/opinion.

its there job of work....its our passion, lets leave it at that.

Ps During my time supporting the Villa, i had an opportunity to get close to the players, due to my close friendship with one of them at the time....trust me it can get dissappointing when you know too much.like it much better not knowing any of them right now.

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Talked a load of spin, claimed he wasn't a coward then ran off into the sunset when the going got tough!

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Or alternatively, communicated with supporters, helped people out numerous times, is the opposite of a coward (as a decorated US Marine) and then got another job.

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