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Gay Marriage


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My misgivings (note: not actual "objections") to adoption would be based on two parts paedo danger to one part bullying.

It's all very well to say that gays are no more likely to be child abusers than straight people, in fact that is almost certainly true, but:

As much as Chrisp says domestic sexual abuse is most often committed by blood relatives, my feeling is that step-parents are, percentage-wise, the most frequent culprits. (Though obviously MOST step-parents are perfectly well-behaved.) Simply put, I believe that placing children in a house without the moderating and observing influences of blood-related parents and maternal instinct is more likely to result in abuse being committed.

The point that society should be able to get over its hangups and treat children raised by single-sex parents equally is definitely also a valid one, but personally I lean towards the view that, since the child generally doesn't really have the choice a lot of the time, it's probably not fair to them, and therefore not right.

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I'd be interested in some actual real studies re: step kids, to be honest, I'm a stepson, I'm a stepdad and my son is a stepdad. three generations without a trace of anything untoward, only love and care. You may be onto something but I'm not at all certain

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...and in other news, Romney called to account for teenage gaybashing and holding a young long haired guy down while his bigoted buds cut his hair off.

teenage hijinks or gaybashing bullying?

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Can't see the point in marriage at all, no matter who it is but if people want to go through with this archaic ritual to feel more secure, it's up to them I guess. On the gays adopting children question, I really haven't got a problem with that at all.

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I'm surprised people would be against allowing children to live in a safe and loving environment because they may be 'teased' at school. You can be 'teased' at school for wearing the wrong trainers.

The alternative is to keep children in care, which I think most would agree is a less than ideal scenario.

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Ive not read the whole thread, because i cant be arsed and slightly drunk.

Im bi-sexual (as a few of you...well, rob) knows. I feel that the civil partnership allows gay/bi men to be together, but is actually not marriage so it annoys me when it is called so. it is not marriage because, for me it is not in the traditional sense of the word, asin a man and woman in a legal document, a civil partnership is still legally binding but is NOT a marriage. Adopting? Who cares aslong as the child is given a loving caring family (read - 2 parents)...one thing that annoys me is when giving blood, gay men are not meant to give blood due to the mis-conception that they ALL have aids, compared to a slut from small heath who shags her dad.

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please explain the adoptin? ^^

I think families should consist of mum+dad not dad+dad or mum+mum.

It makes it easier for the kids involved IMO. When I was at school one of the lads in our year lived with his mum who had decided to be lesbian so he had 2 mums. He got bullied really badly every day and eneded up self harming and having a real bad time. Guess thats stayed with me and makes me feel uncomfortable with it.

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What gives anyone the right to disallow someone happiness? Using the bible to prevent two people in love to stop them from getting married is so idiotic. There is so many terrible bible verses so the bible clearly shouldn't even be considered in this argument or I'll go around killing people working on sunday and go purchase some slaves. I don't care if you think being gay is weird or it makes you uncomfortable. That is not a reason to ruin someone's life. Get over it and give everyone equality. I am a straight male and I fully believe gays should have the same rights cause they are people.

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I think that gay people should be allowed the same legal benefits to marriage that straight people get.

I'm surprised at the amount of people that say male gay couple or gay couples should not adopt/have kids. If two people want to raise a child and can prove to the appropriate groups that it will be a safe environment I say go for it. There are plenty of nuclear families that treat their kids like shit or mess them up for life, there is nothing to suggest that gay couples would be worse.

In regard to the sexual abuse, people who do that aren't right in the head. It is a messed up thing to do. But there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that gay couples would abuse their children more.

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Gays married in civil ceremony, sure, why not? In a church, no, for the obvious reason that homosexuality is contrary to the teachings of all the Abrahamic religions.

Gay people should be made to have kids.


Lifestyles, gender roles etc may have evolved but reproductive biology hasn't. If a gay couple/family unit were supposed to act as vehicle for child rearing then nature would make that possible.

Yes people can throw in the argument about IVF but that is simply an attempt to give a turbo boost to the natural process of conception. Likewise adoption by a hetrosexual couple is a replication of the family unit as defined by the natural world, adoption by a homosexual couple is not.

The argument made about the increased chance of sexual abuse in cases of same sex adoption is highly offensive and utterly wrong, the proper argument against imo is that it runs entirely contrary to nature's blueprint, i.e. the nuclear family as the model for child rearing. Before anyone throws it in I've got nothing against single parents (my mother was one for a number of years) but the child will at least have a connection to the remaining parent, be they mother or father.

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Would not the easiest and best solution be to strike marriage out of the legal framework altogether. Just think of all the complications we would avoid... not to mention divorces.

Those hellbent on a life of eternal ignorance, such as the Crazy Christians and Moronic Muslims could go through their ceremonies in any crackpot church or mad mosque that they fancied... for the true exhibitionists we could have public matings during the ceremony... that might even get me into a mosque.

Gay people could marry in single sex gay bars, or single sex churches, if they preferred... not mosques of course, as all Muslims are heterosexual.

Straight people could make their own arrangements, in or out of church, with gays being strictly prohibited.

... and here comes the best bit (apart from never having to disccuss this idiotic topic again)... anyone fancying a bit of poligamy could get married as often as they liked.

Everything would be entirely up to the individual. The whole marriage institution is so screwed up already, why not bury it... could anything possibly be better?

I think the LIb Dems should put this in their next manifesto.

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