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Julie, could you please spell atheist with a small A. I don't believe in fairies. Does that make me an Afairyist?

Oh really... well I see it spelt with a capital A lots of times... such as in Mike's post above.

There is no Father of Atheism.

There is no atheist church.

There is no atheist credo.

Atheists only have as much in common with each other as people who do not believe in the tooth fairy.

Somehow when I spell it with an A not an a though ... it must seem so much more wrong ...wouldn't you say??!!

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Julie...The God of the bible is the most wicked character ever known.

How can you not see that the genocide of an entire planet is evil.

It's beyond mental.

Don't you see, the only victims of the planetary genocide will be SINNERS: People who doubt the truth of the Bible, blaspheme, have sex outside marriage, eat meat on Fridays, stuff like that.

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1 Timothy 2:9-15

11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man, she must be quiet.

The Apostle Paul was speaking about within the congregation Brumerican. A woman shouldn't be a teacher within that arrangement only a man.

So quoting that scripture is completely futile.

What's the matter .... is me being asked questions & then answering them bothering you?

Would you rather I didn't post... or would then I be accused of throwing in mumbo jumbo grenades and then running away.... unable to defend my faith like the other day?

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I had lotes of questions about a God.....I thought if there was a God why does he permit wickedness?

Permit it ?

He full on endorses it .

Genocide , rape , slavery , sexism , homophobia etc etc .

I also thought that no God of Love would expect a person to go to war and kill another human being.

So why does he blatantly order wars in the OT then ?

To me if there is no intelligence behind matters coming into existence by chance,

But you have no qualms whatsoever with your God just coming into existence by chance ????

Quite the hypocrite.

then how can there be a purpose to anything. We're here because we exist. To me a Universe without fundamental laws that governs it's functions would not be ordered - it would descend into chaos.

Our universe is heading towards chaos. We exist in the sweet spot of its existence.

How is being a slave a purpose ?

Worship of a creator is not the only purpose in existence - if you beleive in God that is loving and good then where does all the evil in the world come from?.

From the evil prick who sets the example maybe ?

God has enemies - these are the rebellious Demons headed up by an angel who sought glory for himself and lied to Eve,,,... him & they are working fundamentally to stop God's purpose for the Earth taking place. The demons have been influencing mankind to do wicked things from day one..... If they can't rule it...then they'll ruin it.

How will they ruin it ? A global flood perhaps that drowns innocent babies ?

The devil lied to Eve but I don't recall him murdering babies and advocating rape, sexism, homophobia and slavery ?

Sounds like you are backing the wrong horse.

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Friday Friday, gotta eat fish on friday. Everybody's looking forward to the rapture?

Is that really the best you can do?

Has the debate descended into childish throwaway comments.

As you well know nowhere is the rapture taught in the Bible - and the Fish on Friday thing goes back to the worship of Dagon the Fish God of the Philistines. Which is where the Bishops get their mitre hats from to this day.

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1 Timothy 2:9-15

11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man, she must be quiet.

The Apostle Paul was speaking about within the congregation Brumerican. A woman shouldn't be a teacher within that arrangement only a man.

So quoting that scripture is completely futile.

What's the matter .... is me being asked questions & then answering them bothering you?

Would you rather I didn't post... or would then I be accused of throwing in mumbo jumbo grenades and then running away.... unable to defend my faith like the other day?

I have no problems with you saying anything . It's a free country. It's your holy book that wants you to shut up .

Do you wear jewellry or braided hair or mens clothes at all ? Because that would be an abomination.

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Friday Friday, gotta eat fish on friday. Everybody's looking forward to the rapture?

Is that really the best you can do?

Has the debate descended into childish throwaway comments.

As you well know nowhere is the rapture taught in the Bible - and the Fish on Friday thing goes back to the worship of Dagon the Fish God of the Philistines. Which is where the Bishops get their mitre hats from to this day.

What debate?

We just have you regurgitating complete and utter rubbish and misunderstanding everything with no desire to actually correct your lack of knowledge and understanding.

Every time you're challenged on something you ignore it. You cherry pick the stuff to reply to (usually the stuff you have cut and paste answers to) and just ignore anything that actually challenges your views, happy to stay ignorant of even the most basic scientific principles.

In that situation the only thing to do is to bastardise some Rebecca Black.

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1 Timothy 2:9-15

11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man, she must be quiet.

The Apostle Paul was speaking about within the congregation Brumerican. A woman shouldn't be a teacher within that arrangement only a man.

So quoting that scripture is completely futile.

What's the matter .... is me being asked questions & then answering them bothering you?

Would you rather I didn't post... or would then I be accused of throwing in mumbo jumbo grenades and then running away.... unable to defend my faith like the other day?

I have no problems with you saying anything . It's a free country. It's your holy book that wants you to shut up .

Do you wear jewellry or braided hair or mens clothes at all ? Because that would be an abomination.

Don't forget wearing two different types of fabric!

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So along with hypocrite and liar can I now add coward ?

Not that I necessarily agree with the labels as applied to the person in question, but hypocrites, liars and cowards? Meh. Every internet forum has them, they spice things up a bit. What really gets me down is people who are impervious to common sense, no matter how plainly and how frequently it is shown to them.

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If someone is hypocritical, lying or ducking tough qusetions then it isn't labelling as such. It's merely pointing out the obvious . It may seem harsh but then again isn't drowning innocent babies pretty harsh ? yet some would villify me and exalt the baby killer. It's not the nicest way to go but there is a method to my debating style . I try to highlight the cognitive dissonance in the theist by showing the double standards in their arguments . It's more direct than copy and paste tediousness.

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Julie - do you not realise how bad your beliefs make your God seem??

You believe that Satan, an angel who rebelled against God, is responsible for all the evil doings of men and all of the suffering that exists on Earth - 'if he can't rule it he'll ruin it'.

Yet, you don't seem to have considered the fact that your God must have designed that angel (he is the sole designer of all things, after all) in the first place.

God, by definition, is all knowing, all powerful etc. He knows all things and sees all things present, past and future, he must do this in order to be God. He must also be infallible.

Now, if God can see and know all things, that means he knew in advance that the angel he created would rebel against him. He knew in advance that this angel would become the demon Satan. He knew in advance that, in an effort to overthrow him, Satan would corrupt the rest of creation in order to turn man against God. He knew in advance that man would be corrupted and that, as a result, disease and death would enter the world.

He knew all of this in advance, and yet he STILL created that damn angel!

Do you not realise how stupid this makes God look??

And before you harp on about free will, there can be no such thing if God truly is omniscient and infallible. If we have free will that means we are free to make decisions that God has not forseen, which means that he isn't omniscient or infallible at all.

And if we can't make decisions that God can't predict, then we don't have free will and are simply actors reading lines from the foul script of Jehovah.

This is why it's so frustrating debating you on this topic - you spend so much time discussing the fine, insignificant details that you don't seem to have realised that the very cornerstone, the very foundation of your beliefs is built on logical inconsistency and total nonsense.

If evil exists, it is because God - by either design or by mistake - has allowed it to exist. Your God is either foolish or wicked.

There is of course a third option. One that makes complete sense and does away with all of these logical conundrums - your God is imaginary. And the stories and fables you base your life around are nothing more than the feeble, hysterical imaginings of iron age men who didn't even realise America existed.

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Jesus Christ.

People forget their manners in these religious threads.

However misguided you may feel Julie is, she obviously isn't a coward.

Lying to yourself because the truth scares you is very cowardly IMO.

Deliberately avoiding pertinent issues is cowardly IMO.

Subservience to authority is cowardly , imaginary or otherwise IMO.

It applies to the majority of theists and the religious but unfortunately Julie bears the brunt as she is the one posting .

It is not my intention to hurt feelings or be "mean". It is to highlight that a huge part of theistic belief is based upon fear .

Fear of death. Fear of the unknown. Fear of having no purpose.

Religion thrives on the weak , fearful and cowardly . It is an emotional crutch fo those not strong minded enough to deal with the cold reality of existence.

By calling Julie a coward I am actually calling them all cowards . It isn't personal and has nothing to do with manners.

To say that she/they are not cowards would be ignoring one of the major foundations of religious belief. If they weren't intellectual cowards they would be reverting back to their default atheist position by the millions.

If pinpointing the cowardice of one christian is deemed bad manners then so be it . I can live with that . It's not like I am condemning someone to an eternity of torture and revelling in it.

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Julie, could you please spell atheist with a small A. I don't believe in fairies. Does that make me an Afairyist?

Oh really... well I see it spelt with a capital A lots of times... such as in Mike's post above.

There is no Father of Atheism.

There is no atheist church.

There is no atheist credo.

Atheists only have as much in common with each other as people who do not believe in the tooth fairy.

Somehow when I spell it with an A not an a though ... it must seem so much more wrong ...wouldn't you say??!!

Read it carefully. In the first line I used the capital 'A' because I was (parodically) quoting the earlier reference to Tony Flew being 'the' 'Father of Atheism', as if it were some sort of honorific title.

Thereafter I reverted to the more correct lower case 'a'.

BTW, unlike some atheists, I am quite happy to capitalise 'God' (when referring to the Abrahamic deity) and 'Bible'. Simple literary convention, not deferential respect.

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