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All-Purpose Religion Thread


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36 minutes ago, Rugeley Villa said:

We don’t need to practise it anymore because Jesus put an end to all that when he climbed up on our cross . Many Roman guards converted to Christianity after watching our lord get crucified.  Jesus was and is a peaceful man I’ve told you this before. Those quotes you are misinterpreting them. You can’t even admit Jesus was peaceful because it strikes you with fear for believing that. 

But Jesus said that he came not to change the law (of Moses) but to uphold it and not a jot or tittle would be changed until the world ends.

34 minutes ago, Rugeley Villa said:

There’s no arrogance like arrogance to deny God 

I agree. That's why I question. I don't deny god, I've just seen adequate evidence to consider him a possibility.

22 minutes ago, Rugeley Villa said:

If anyone of you were stood before God/Jesus would you deny him ? Serious question 

No, because that would be stupid. That would be evidence that he exists. I'd not worship him though and I'd like a word about the monstrous evil that he has done and has been done in his name.

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16 minutes ago, Designer1 said:

Still saddens me that the human race hasn't completely moved past all that mumbo jumbo and childish, weak minded bullshit yet.

We're getting there slowly, but it's a shame I won't be around to see it's malevolent hold completely eradicated. 

That would be a great day.

One step at a time. Let's separate church and state first so that we don't have people in charge because they believe in exactly the correct kind of religion.

British Humanist Association: https://humanists.uk/

(With many religious members because it's not good having the state religion telling you that everything but CofE is inferior and going to hell.)

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13 hours ago, Rugeley Villa said:

It’s said by many that Jesus would be appalled at the state many churches we see today. 

I'm with them tbh ruge, not as relevant perhaps up here in rural Wales where, at least during business hours, the doors to the main ones are at least open for people to walk in, take refuge etc. In Cardiff however I always found it quite jarring in an anti-christian teaching kinda way to find them locked up with bars on the windows and the homeless people being asked to move on out of the locked up doorways. I am not a learned man in the ways of the teachings, so maybe it's my perception of what Jesus would have wanted that is wrong, but I always thought it had something to do with being charitable and welcoming to the needy. A place for respite if you will.

To be fair, round here there are loads of tiny old chapels that are often the oldest standing buildings that pre-date the towns and villages around them and AFAIK the doors are never locked. Our own resident Grave Rubber (I suppose photographs don't really fall into this description but it isn't hilariously one letter away from theft!) would have a field day checking out the headstones at some of these fwiw.

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4 minutes ago, VILLAMARV said:

I'm with them tbh ruge, not as relevant perhaps up here in rural Wales where, at least during business hours, the doors to the main ones are at least open for people to walk in, take refuge etc. In Cardiff however I always found it quite jarring in an anti-christian teaching kinda way to find them locked up with bars on the windows and the homeless people being asked to move on out of the locked up doorways. I am not a learned man in the ways of the teachings, so maybe it's my perception of what Jesus would have wanted that is wrong, but I always thought it had something to do with being charitable and welcoming to the needy. A place for respite if you will.

To be fair, round here there are loads of tiny old chapels that are often the oldest standing buildings that pre-date the towns and villages around them and AFAIK the doors are never locked. Our own resident Grave Rubber (I suppose photographs don't really fall into this description but it isn't hilariously one letter away from theft!) would have a field day checking out the headstones at some of these fwiw.

There are bad sides to religion but I’m firmly in the good side with Jesus . The peace and serenity of just being present in the presence is a wonderful feeling and not a feeling I’m going to get whilst typing away on a football forum, but yeah opening yourself up fully to god is a wonderful way to live life and I should practise what I preach a bit more in life.  I was praying twice a day and handing over my life to god but then my wife stole all my money and it threw me off path but forgiveness and acceptance is key. 

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The dislike of Christianity so vehemently expressed on VT, suggests that those who hate Christianity, are really expressing their repressed resentment towards association football, which has its origins in Christianity and has created so much misery and frustration in their lives.

It seems to be no coincidence that those most often found in this thread, are seldom found in the football threads, as they struggle to justify their apostasy.

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2 minutes ago, MakemineVanilla said:

The dislike of Christianity so vehemently expressed on VT, suggests that those who hate Christianity, are really expressing their repressed resentment towards association football, which has its origins in Christianity and has created so much misery and frustration in their lives.

It seems to be no coincidence that those most often found in this thread, are seldom found in the football threads, as they struggle to justify their apostasy.

Christianity / football / chocolate Venn diagram required.

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17 hours ago, Rugeley Villa said:

It was a bit tongue in cheek from me but I’ll give it a go . It’s complicated isn’t it because if you believe that god made man as the picture of himself then made a woman to keep man company and reproduce then why do we have people born massively disabled ? Why do we have cancer ? Etc etc etc . Did god make every living creature ? It says he did but did he really make every living thing from say an elephant to a tiny microscopic bug ?  I believe in a higher power(God)  I think there are other worlds or realms outside the physical world we live in . People say well where are they we can’t see them we can’t feel them etc. It would all be so easy if all these type of questions could be answered and proven but I believe some things are not for us to see whilst we live in this world and some of our questions will be answered when we pass and move on to our next journey.  

I generally believe there are good and bad forces in this world and  believe in the power of Jesus Christ. I’m pretty convinced when we die it isn’t the end and our spirit form continues. Many things happen for a reason. I’m by no means educated on religion or god  but I don’t feel like I need to be. I just believe and have faith .  Some of the things I’ve said might sound like a cop out, but as I said wouldn’t it all be so easy if we knew all the answers. There’s so much more going on in this universe and beyond that we just aren’t meant to know what how or when.  God is all around us if you want him to be.  I think having faith is a gift and a wonderful thing if practised correctly but there are plenty of wolfs in sheep’s clothing as we got warned. 

Thanks for the thoughful reply btw, I don't think it's a cop-out at all, especially if we're discussing belief, and in this instance specifically your belief. The fact that you're willing to withstand a barrage of pelters from us unbelievers is worth something imho, especially in light of my previous post in here about closed doors.

I suppose, the only bit I'm left still wondering is whether people who believe that God made' 'man and woman' (Not just specifically you ruge as I said before I'm not singling you out intentionally) also believe that god made the 40+ different biological categorisations that make up all the humans or just the biologically categorised 'males' and 'females'

I have a family member in my wider family who falls into one of those categories biologically and I'll perhaps go and make a post in the newly started intersex thread (thanks olympics!) to perhaps explain my interest a little better, without making it al about God. I've had some pretty depressing interactions with a Tate-ified younger relative about such things and it's where/why I'm trying to establish a line of thoughton the matter, not that they are particularly religeous though so it would be going massively off topic.

I'm also uneducated in what the non-Christians religeons believe around this. Is the God made man and woman bit also a part or central tenet of Bhuddist, Sikh, Muslim, Hindi teachings (or any of the others)? And if so how do those followers of those faith's think about all the different non binary humans?

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1 hour ago, bickster said:

Deny him what?

I'd pretty much ignore him, like I ignore members of the SWP or any other dickhead that tries to sell me a philosophy on the street

In my limited experience the South Wales Police don't like being ignored when they approach you in the street.

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33 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

TBH, I'm inclined to give @Rugeley Villa a bit of a pass on this one. He's been through (and is still going through) a whole load of shit. Precisely the type of circumstances where some people can find comfort and strength in religion. It's easy for someone like me to put up the arguments that it's all nonsense, but maybe that's missing the point. I still think the world would be a lot better without religion, but we seem to be stuck with it for the foreseeable. For all its many, many negative aspects, it can sometimes be a force for good.The angels-on-the-head-of-a-pin wrangling ultimately runs up against the buffers of 'I just believe it because I have faith'. That is not susceptible to rational debate. 

well said mooney I wholeheartedly agree :thumb:

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1 minute ago, MakemineVanilla said:

So who gets to go in the chocolate circle - Rowntree or Cadbury?

Quakers generally, all those hot chocolate shops opened on working class High Streets to try and offer the masses something other than beer and gin.

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34 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

TBH, I'm inclined to give @Rugeley Villa a bit of a pass on this one. He's been through (and is still going through) a whole load of shit. Precisely the type of circumstances where some people can find comfort and strength in religion. It's easy for someone like me to put up the arguments that it's all nonsense, but maybe that's missing the point. I still think the world would be a lot better without religion, but we seem to be stuck with it for the foreseeable. For all its many, many negative aspects, it can sometimes be a force for good.The angels-on-the-head-of-a-pin wrangling ultimately runs up against the buffers of 'I just believe it because I have faith'. That is not susceptible to rational debate. 


Just now, VILLAMARV said:

well said mooney I wholeheartedly agree :thumb:

Hmmm, prepared to give a more tolerant approach to those that can express themselves and their story.

Buttoned up prots not sharing their story due to generations of nurture and culture, maybe not so much tolerance.

That feels a little, off.

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11 minutes ago, VILLAMARV said:

In my limited experience the South Wales Police don't like being ignored when they approach you in the street.

What were they selling you?

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7 minutes ago, bickster said:

What were they selling you?

I'd be inclined to label them as somewhat anti-Peelian principles, although to be fair they were offered free of charge :D (in either sense fwiw)

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29 minutes ago, VILLAMARV said:

Thanks for the thoughful reply btw, I don't think it's a cop-out at all, especially if we're discussing belief, and in this instance specifically your belief. The fact that you're willing to withstand a barrage of pelters from us unbelievers is worth something imho, especially in light of my previous post in here about closed doors.

I suppose, the only bit I'm left still wondering is whether people who believe that God made' 'man and woman' (Not just specifically you ruge as I said before I'm not singling you out intentionally) also believe that god made the 40+ different biological categorisations that make up all the humans or just the biologically categorised 'males' and 'females'

I have a family member in my wider family who falls into one of those categories biologically and I'll perhaps go and make a post in the newly started intersex thread (thanks olympics!) to perhaps explain my interest a little better, without making it al about God. I've had some pretty depressing interactions with a Tate-ified younger relative about such things and it's where/why I'm trying to establish a line of thoughton the matter, not that they are particularly religeous though so it would be going massively off topic.

I'm also uneducated in what the non-Christians religeons believe around this. Is the God made man and woman bit also a part or central tenet of Bhuddist, Sikh, Muslim, Hindi teachings (or any of the others)? And if so how do those followers of those faith's think about all the different non binary humans?

God made Male and female and nothing in between but those are my beliefs

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8 minutes ago, bickster said:

What were they selling you?

In my personal experience, South Wales Police dealt in access to coal. The ‘docks’ police or British Transport Division, dealt largely in coal but also dabbled in eggs, general cargos of perishable goods, and access to a day’s peaceful fishing.

The fishing license was usually either an on the spot charge, or some of your packed lunch. Coal and food was always a nominal cash sum.

I have sat in the back of a police van containing coal in that brief early 1980’s period (pre 84) when they were brazen enough to even offer a delivery service.

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