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Aston Villa players in Birmingham nightclub brawl


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This culture has been allowed to grow and fester

The Champneys incident was supposed to be Collins last chance I thought ?

Or has something changed

The sooner he leaves for Sunderland the better

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Immature prats, but then again, who cares? Footballers aren't paid to behave like saints. Loads of players do this sort of thing all the time. The only difference here is that this particular incident happens to have been caught on video.
...at a time when the club are in danger of relegation.

what difference does that make? seriously?

they're **** club employees, not slaves. christ. if you're working for a company and thing arent going well, do you stay indoors, never go out if you're off the next day etc? my **** you do

like it or not, footballers' jobs are to play football. it's their job. their work. the thing they do to pay the bills between their own free time. just coz someone is a footballer there seems to be this idea that if their club isnt doing well they have to be depressed all the time.

newsflash - the average player doesn't give any more of a **** than joe bloggs working in an office cares about the company's bottom line. they do their job, they get paid for it, they live their lives

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Why is there no mention anywhere at all about the incident which started this whole sorry episode? Or the major parts Collins and Hutton (yes Alan Hutton) played in this?

Get them both out, they are rotten to the core and an embarrassment to the club....

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Why is there no mention anywhere at all about the incident which started this whole sorry episode? Or the major parts Collins and Hutton (yes Alan Hutton) played in this?

enlighten us so wise one

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It wouldn't even be mentioned in a newspaper if they weren't footballers. Similar things happen hundreds of times a night in this country. A case of handbags if I ever saw one.

So it's socially acceptable then?

Did I say it was?

I said it wasn't newsworthy, it was an absolutely nothing incident outside a nightclub. I see shit like that every day

Most of the things that the Royal family do is not newsworthy either but it never the less makes the front pages of newspapers.

They are high profile premiership football stars and as such are going to be fair game for the media so it was more than a nothing incident outside a nightclub if you take into consideration their position within society.

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The only thing that makes this story significant in any way is the state the club is in. The players just shouldn't be going out in public late at night imo, even if they don't kick in any nightclub doors.
AW, come on, CPF, we've had Kiwivillan telling us this is just a regular night out for a red-blooded Aussie lad...:winkold:

(Not wishing to stir up antiopdean disharmony or anything.)

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I wasn't too far from there on that night.. Had I known it was going down I'd have helped the bouncers out and been much more heavy handed than they were. Those three are a disgrace they really are.. If we weren't in the shit as a club I'd suggest all three get dropped from the first team for our remaining games but we just can't afford it luckily for them.

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It will be interesting to see if MON wants them at Sunderland as he bought them.
Strictly speaking, I don't think we "bought" the main door-kicker-in. Didn't we just sign him on trainee terms? And it was always held authoritatively on this site that MON had no involvement or interest in the Academy.
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To be fair, if these players were playing well and we were winning games I wouldn't give a shit...but were not and they are words removed.

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Oh this whole fair game for the media thing is utter crap, any mere mortal doing this and it would never even be in the paper, why the hell should footballers be any different? Where does it say that footballers are some sort of paragons of virtue? The ultimate in role models? They are young blokes with way too much cash, this shit is bound to happen to a certain percentage of them on a night out (5 days before a game I might add - that usually is acceptable). How does any of us know what went on beforehand? All you can see is a bit of a kerfuffle outside the club, what went on inside to cause this?

Some young blokes got a bit leary on a night out because... well we don't know do we. Looking at a snapshot of an incident and deciding guilt is a just a tad daft, come on, who knows what the provocation was?

I slated Collins and Dunne for the Champneys incident, that was totally wrong, this however is just a whole bunch of well... nothing quite frankly, if we knew more about the incident, we might be able to judge but we just don't.

The media will make mountains out of molehills but those of you that see mountains need to take the blinkers off your glasses really.

Some young bloke kicked a nightclub door after something went on inside, we don't know what but he sure was angry. That is it folks, that's all that happened, Someone kicked a door! Hold the front page...

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Meh. Works shit at the moment, my boss is a ginger word removed and ive got the day off tomorrow, why not go out on the lash?

I have been ejected from the same building on multiple occasions, its not something im proud of but have you seen the prices in there!? You have to be completely trollied before you get in or you'll need a footballers salary to help with the dent to the bank account! :D

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Sorry, not buying it

These individuals are the face of Aston Villa

Collins has previous, is older and should know better

The two youngsters need to take a step back and asses themselves cos right now I'd say they are not PL standard and drinking midweek isn't going to help

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Some young bloke kicked a nightclub door after something went on inside, we don't know what but he sure was angry. That is it folks, that's all that happened, Someone kicked a door! Hold the front page...

I think this is where you go wrong, in my mind. This wasn't just "some young bloke". It's a professional, highly paid football player in what's called the most competitive league in the world. Playing for a team fighting relegation. And, two others were there as well, of which one is known to have caused alcohol fuelled shit before. I do not understand at all why this is acceptable. Any top player or athlete in any other sport, or football players in other top leagues, and fans would understand that this is indeed not acceptable. Not in football in the UK, though. But hey, let's accept mediocre attitudes from the players earning money you pay them and then blame the manager (whether it's MON, GH or the current idiot) when the same players do not match the players of teams that in fact act as TOP ATHLETES.

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Some young bloke kicked a nightclub door after something went on inside, we don't know what but he sure was angry. That is it folks, that's all that happened, Someone kicked a door! Hold the front page...

I think this is where you go wrong, in mind. This wasn't just "some young bloke". It's a professional, highly paid football player in what's called the most competitive league in the world. Playing for a team fighting relegation. And, two others were there as well, of which one is known to have caused alcohol fuelled shit before. I do not understand at all why this is acceptable. Any top player or athlete in any other sport, or football players in other top leagues, and fans would understand that this is indeed not acceptable. Not in football in the UK, though. But hey, let's accept mediocre attitudes from the players earning money you pay them and then blame the manager (whether it's MON, GH or the current idiot) when the same players do not match the players of teams that in fact act as TOP ATHLETES.

This idea that players have to act as complete and utter angels because they play football or earn lots of money is wrong. People should be well behave at all times no matter who they are, what they do, or how much they earn but I shit you not, if everyone was like that life would be incredibly dull. This idea that TOP ATHLETES don't drink is also wrong, I'm off out in a minute with a olympic bronze medal winning athlete, he drank and partied when he was an athlete. I think the accepted order of the day is no late nights or drinking, 3 days before a match, this was outside that.

Seriously, moral outrage is completely over rated.

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I'm off out in a minute with a olympic bronze medal winning athlete, he drank and partied when he was an athlete.

So Bicks hiow many 'incidents' like this was he involved in?

What incident are you talking about Denis, the fact that someone has kicked a door?

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