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Aston Villa players in Birmingham nightclub brawl


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Since James Collins and Richard Dunne joined the club there appears to have been a breakdown in club morals, etiquette and behaviour standards.


Thanks for fixing this for me. I had completely forgot that Lerner only owned the club and that it was actually Dunne and Collins that wrote all the club rules, policies etc. and were responsible for the public perception of the club.

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It's dawned on me all season the players couldn't give a flying **** about the club

Week in week out half arsed performances knowing the manager will take the flak not them

Bunch of rocket polishers a lot of them, not all, but quite a few

Relegation wouldn't mean they lose any sleep whatsoever merely look for a move

In a nutshell most of the Senior players feel like that . Petrov is an exception but the majority do not have Villa's interests at heart no different to last season

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Since Lerner took control there appears to have been a breakdown in club morals, etiquette and behaviour standards.

Oh dear

A breakdown in morals which includes being the first club in Premier League history to pick creating awareness for a charity over money.

But yes, let's slag off Lerner because he hasn't created mind-control yet.

So everyone that gives some money to charity is automatically at the highest pinnacle of moral awareness and therefore exempt from any criticism at any future point.

Point to note, we haven't had 'Acorns' on our shirts this season and won't be next season. Looks like money wins over charity again.

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So everyone that gives some money to charity is automatically at the highest pinnacle of moral awareness and therefore exempt from any criticism at any future point.

Did I say that? :?

Your logic that Lerner is at fault for a few individuals having too much to drink is laughable. Or do you feel he should've invented mind control at this point?

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So everyone that gives some money to charity is automatically at the highest pinnacle of moral awareness and therefore exempt from any criticism at any future point.

Did I say that? :?

Your logic that Lerner is at fault for a few individuals having too much to drink is laughable. Or do you feel he should've invented mind control at this point?

No, your logic that concluded that I blamed Lerner for a few individuals having too much to drink (and there is no proof of that just your assumption) is totally wrong.

It goes deeper than this latest incident and to the root of the club.

Perhaps you should read and analyse postings before making ridiculous replies (if that is not too much to ask of someone who, it would seem, prefers to spout off at other posters without thinking about it first).

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2 of the 3 from this incident where his buys
But the person who is apparently the main culprit has been brought on in the past couple of years, as have other young players who are now the subject of stories about regular heavy drinking. True, MON bought Delph and Collins but he didn't create the situation in which his squad has been effectively dismantled and the players seemingly don't give a **** any more.

You have to look to his clueless managerial successors and the board to take responsibilty for all that.

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Funny how everyone is to blame but MON. For the record, I think everyone is to blame, including Saint Martin himself.

Where was Marin in that video then?

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Having seen the video and read this thread I am amazed at how people can leap to the support of three drunken yobs kicking off in public like this. That would be the case if they were unknows just on a night out.

They are not, they are supposedly PROFESSIONAL SPORTSMEN. They know only too well that at any given opportunity the public/press will leap on any out of order matters they get involved in.

Now I am sorry but no matter what was said, done or happened justifys these actions by anyone. If there was, as some pretend, a racist remark or some such we live in a supposedly modern forward thinking democratic law abiding society so make use of that and report it. Surely given what has happened recently this would be taken extremely seriously by the powers that be.

If it was just a matter of them being ejected or refused entry then like any one else they should have walked away, NO EXCUSES!

The club have acted swiftly and no doubt as hard as they can giv n the disgraceful protection the PFA give to their members by limiting the amount players can be fined.

I am speechless that anyone can try and justify these actions on here. Yes we have probably all been pissed but that is not an excuse for thuggish behaviour - suppose it will feature on Brit Cops next week with all the other drunken trash they show on there.

Everyone deserves a second chance so Herd and Delph can work towards that - Taxi for Mr.Collins - transfer list and get rid!

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I am ashamed to be a fan of this once great club right now.

The rest of this country is sat back laughing at us and I know that a lot of people would be delighted to see us go down.

These 3 players should all be **** off ASAP. In a season where the manager, the board and the players have put in about 30%, to go out and heap even more shame onto themselves, the fans and the club is totally unacceptable. It may be 'something of nothing' but if these 3 idiots don't realize how much scrutiny a modern day 'professional (I use the term very loosely) footballer' come under in every aspect of their life's, then they need to grow up and take accountability.

I hope none of these 3 have kids?

What a **** shambles.

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It wouldn't even be mentioned in a newspaper if they weren't footballers. Similar things happen hundreds of times a night in this country. A case of handbags if I ever saw one.

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It wouldn't even be mentioned in a newspaper if they weren't footballers. Similar things happen hundreds of times a night in this country. A case of handbags if I ever saw one.

So it's socially acceptable then?

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It wouldn't even be mentioned in a newspaper if they weren't footballers. Similar things happen hundreds of times a night in this country. A case of handbags if I ever saw one.

So it's socially acceptable then?

Did I say it was?

I said it wasn't newsworthy, it was an absolutely nothing incident outside a nightclub. I see shit like that every day

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Blaming MON for this?

Has this season been so shit and made us so angry that we need to proportion blame to somebody who left the club 2 years ago?

I saw a dog take a shit against the Villa Park gates in 1992. I'm convinced the smell is intoxicating the players brains to this day and making them act like neanderthals.

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