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Overheard today- 'he should be allowed to play, it wasn't even real rape as he didn't hold her down'


Edited by DK82
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I did a fair bit of reading into this case yesterday (it was quiet at work, whaddya gonna do) and it seems depending on what you read there are quite a few grey areas. I think Evans will play for a club one day, Wigan seem to be l acking in any moral fibre so maybe them, but I dont think that is likely to happen in the near future dues to Evans belief he is innocent and therefore unlikely to apologise. 

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I did read the info on his website. If it is true then he deserves an appeal.


He has had an appeal already, it failed, he is now on his second appeal.


I would suggest his campaign website is perhaps not the most balanced representation of the case.

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Yes I think it would.

Not a chance. Messi probably wouldn't even have gone to jail, he'd have been able to afford solicitors to get him off.



That wasn't the question asked.


The question was if it were a better player that had convicted of rape would the reaction be the same.

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I did read the info on his website. If it is true then he deserves an appeal.


He has had an appeal already, it failed, he is now on his second appeal.


I would suggest his campaign website is perhaps not the most balanced representation of the case.


That's how I see it.


The website is convincing, but at the end of the day he's had his case heard, twice, and a jury has sat down both times and decided he's guilty.


Miscarriages of justice can happen, but that's pretty damning.

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The whole case makes me feel uncomfortable from both sides.




This article is pretty well balanced IMO.

What a load of old bollocks. 


If evidence wasn't used (by either side) in court it means one of four things. The evidence was 1) weak, 2) inadmissible 3) damaging to the case or 4) unreliable. There is always unused material in court cases, not because of grand conspiracy but because most of the time it simply isn't useful. 


To say that a transcript of the court proceedings doesn't represent "the truth" so we can "put it aside" is utter horseshit. Its also very convenient for that blogger to put that point of view across because if you disregard all the stuff that happened in court and look at what Evan's fiancee has said or the unused evidence then yes of course he is innocent. That like acquitting a murderer because you've ignored the fact that they've stabbed someone. 


The victims tweets were ill-advised but it doesn't make her guilty of making the whole thing up. You can't argue she fabricated the whole thing to extract compensation and in the same breath state she didn't claim she was raped or even press charges.


The whole blog is a nonsense as is Ched's website. 


He was convicted by Jury on the basis of the full facts..... and subsequently had that conviction upheld by 3 Higher Court Judges and his latest appeal will also fail. 


There is no miscarriage of justice in this case. There is a young man with a great deal of money at his disposable who is able to fund websites that victim blame in an attempt to resurrect a mediocre football career - whose supporters have incidentally, harassed his victim to the extent she has been forced to change her identity and address on FIVE separate occasions following his conviction. 


In any other career or walk of life Ched the Unrepentant Rapist would be wholly unemployable - but because he is a footballer who is available at a bargain price he will eventually be picked up by some club or other. My guess overseas in 2017 sometime after his licence has finished. 

Edited by Eames
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If Evans wanted to help his case without wanting to apologise and damage his chances of a successful appeal, one thing he could do is make a public statement to his supporters decrying their harassment of the victim and telling them to leave her alone. That he hasn't done such a thing speaks volumes about his character.

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As things stand he is convicted and had a failed appeal so I consider him a convicted rapist for ever unless the law of the land tells me otherwise.

On that basis I do not understand why any football club/manager would be so morally bankrupt as to want a rapist on there payroll. Unfortunately it seems it's only when the sponsors tell them they don't want there name associated with rape do they suddenly say we were only in negotiations. As for the PFA they may as well issue a statement saying evens is a hero and the girl was begging for it. I really do think there handling of this is a disgrace.

It is almost as if these clubs seem to think we are all going to forget he has been convicted "it's fine everybody will have forgotten about it in a week it will blow over and he might grab is a couple of goals". Pathetic really and I hope a massive deal gets made of it to stop that unapologetic convicted rapist ever getting a contract on this country.

I heard Phil brown (who I think is a clueless idiot anyway) saying on the radio that he has served his time so get back on with playing. A. He can't possibley be rehabilitated as he hasn't even admitted what he did was wrong and B if he was a bank manger who did half a five year sentence for fraud would they say well banking is his only skill so he has to be allowed a job in banking. Not a chance, I think Evans and the PFA should accept that unless he is somehow not convicted of rape what he did on that night is the reason his football career in this country is over.

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I've spoken to so many people now that are defending him based on that website. Its really frightening that people can take it at face value and not question some of the things it puts forward and the fact its contributed  to the girl having to change identity 5 times because of harassment. Read it by all means- but try and see through the bias. Keep in mind how hard it is to get a rape conviction in this country.


A lot of people talk about the when I win big tweets- what if they were about winning the lottery? Has she tried to sell her story and make money?- not that Im aware. Anyway it doesnt matter as others have said at best hes a sexual predator, at worst hes an unrepentant rapist who after raping a woman has helped conduct a smear campaign against her.


I don't think he should be banned, but I dont think any right thinking club should hire him. 

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Graham Rix - statuary rape sentenced to 12 months and then returned to his job at Chelsea

Lee Hughes - death by dangerous driving, sentenced to six years, and returned to football by playing for Oldham Athletic

Marlon King - sexual assault and assault occasioning actual bodily harm, served 18 months (his second custodial sentence), returned to football at Coventry



So why is Ched Evans being treated differently?

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Graham Rix - statuary rape sentenced to 12 months and then returned to his job at Chelsea

Lee Hughes - death by dangerous driving, sentenced to six years, and returned to football by playing for Oldham Athletic

Marlon King - sexual assault and assault occasioning actual bodily harm, served 18 months (his second custodial sentence), returned to football at Coventry



So why is Ched Evans being treated differently?

Rix - was NOT convicted of statutory rape. He was convicted of having sex with a minor (a consenting 15 year old girl - I don't know the circumstances but it is not the same as the Evans situation clearly.). He was preventing by the FA from working with children under 16 but has returned to coaching. 

Hughes - Apologised upon release and showed remorse. 

King - well I'd agree there are certain similarities although his sexual offence was considerably less serious. 


As to why the "special" treatment of Evans? I can't answer that, there are credible arguments to say that none of the above should have been allowed back into the game but at least in the Hughes case, he appeared to show genuine remorse and pleaded guilty. (As did Rix).


Evans has done none of the above and is continuing his campaign to clear his name and causing his victim to suffer more harassment and distress.  

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Totally OT, but interesting point as I was looking at Marlon King's wiki entry.


Some time in 2008 Gordon Taylor said  



the PFA did not represent players when they have broken the law and been convicted on non-footballing matters


Which appears at odds with the statement made regarding Evans




As a trade union it is our role to offer help and guidance to all our members whether dealing with success or the utmost difficulties.


Interesting change of policy by the PFA or further proof that Gordon Taylor is a clueless bellend.

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Graham Rix - statuary rape sentenced to 12 months and then returned to his job at Chelsea

Lee Hughes - death by dangerous driving, sentenced to six years, and returned to football by playing for Oldham Athletic

Marlon King - sexual assault and assault occasioning actual bodily harm, served 18 months (his second custodial sentence), returned to football at Coventry



So why is Ched Evans being treated differently?


Social Meejah innit

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