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Ched Evans


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Question for you. Should a sex offender (his crime against a teenage girl), be able to run a popular news blog, where he also goes and takes photos of events which include young people?

Because this is real. Should he be allowed, is this different to Evans?

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Question for you. Should a sex offender (his crime against a teenage girl), be able to run a popular news blog, where he also goes and takes photos of events which include young people?

Because this is real. Should he be allowed, is this different to Evans?

The girl he raped was not underage, so her age is irrelevant.

In my opinion the chance of Ched Evans re-offending is absolute 0. Wouldn't you agree? That is not by way a defence of him or his crime, just answering the question as presented.

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Question for you. Should a sex offender (his crime against a teenage girl), be able to run a popular news blog, where he also goes and takes photos of events which include young people?

Because this is real. Should he be allowed, is this different to Evans?

The girl he raped was not underage, so her age is irrelevant.

In my opinion the chance of Ched Evans re-offending is absolute 0. Wouldn't you agree? That is not by way a defence of him or his crime, just answering the question as presented.



My point is that this person committed what could be seen as a far greater crime and is now in regular contact with girls of the same age.


Ched will be on a football pitch in front of thousands.

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As I said before, he should be able to resume his career, but I hope no club will take him on, but one will...eventually.

Sheffield United will take him on I think. They are just waiting for things to die down a little further.


I can't see that happening- it has become a 'media thing' and gained critical mass. On a PR basis it would be suicide if they re-signed him. Personally I am generally for reintegrating people back into society after their crimes but he seems to have zero support in the media for his attitude and for the crime he did.


Why did Shef Utd have a Jessica Ennis Stand in the first place?- bandwagon, jump.

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As I said before, he should be able to resume his career, but I hope no club will take him on, but one will...eventually.

Sheffield United will take him on I think. They are just waiting for things to die down a little further.


I can't see that happening- it has become a 'media thing' and gained critical mass. On a PR basis it would be suicide if they re-signed him. Personally I am generally for reintegrating people back into society after their crimes but he seems to have zero support in the media for his attitude and for the crime he did.


Why did Shef Utd have a Jessica Ennis Stand in the first place?- bandwagon, jump.



She is a Blades fan, dunno how often she actually gets to games but she comes from a family of season ticket holders according to an interview she gave to The Guardian years before she won the Olympic gold and got the stand named after her.   I can see why you might be cynical about the naming of a stand in her honour but she is a remarkably successful athlete (she has European, World and Olympic gold medals to her name) and quite rightly the city of Sheffield are very proud of her.  I'd rather see parts of a football ground named after local heroes than sold off cheaply to sponsors. 

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As I said before, he should be able to resume his career, but I hope no club will take him on, but one will...eventually.

Sheffield United will take him on I think. They are just waiting for things to die down a little further.


I can't see that happening- it has become a 'media thing' and gained critical mass. On a PR basis it would be suicide if they re-signed him. Personally I am generally for reintegrating people back into society after their crimes but he seems to have zero support in the media for his attitude and for the crime he did.


Why did Shef Utd have a Jessica Ennis Stand in the first place?- bandwagon, jump.



She is a Blades fan, dunno how often she actually gets to games but she comes from a family of season ticket holders according to an interview she gave to The Guardian years before she won the Olympic gold and got the stand named after her.   I can see why you might be cynical about the naming of a stand in her honour but she is a remarkably successful athlete (she has European, World and Olympic gold medals to her name) and quite rightly the city of Sheffield are very proud of her.  I'd rather see parts of a football ground named after local heroes than sold off cheaply to sponsors. 



Or chairman, who name the stand after themselves.

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Apparently the board named the Witton Lane stand after Ellis for his 70th birthday.  I actually think I still have the program from the game where they announced the change somewhere (new year's day 1994 vs Blackburn) which was half way through the season after it was rebuilt.  The new stand was definitely called the Witton Lane stand for a while because we went in there early in the season when it reopened to see what it was like. 

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He's a convicted rapist. Served half his time, showing zero remorse, and the victim will have to live with it forever. Why should he be able to waltz back into an extremely high paid job, in what is effectively the entertainment industry. Couldn't imagine if it happened to a news presenter etc they would be afforded the same luxury.

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I'm a bit mixed on this one. I think ultimately, he should be able to return to work no matter what it is (obviously instances like paedophiles working in schools don't count) Otherwise, you're being punished twice? 


But then part of me thinks that the time he did does not fit the crime. He should have gone away for longer IMO, but that's a gripe with the law system rather than this particular case.

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Yes and the North stand was called the witton end before.  I think people should get off their high horse and give Ched Evans another chance. He served his time end of!



He's not served his time at all.  He has served two and a half years of a five year sentence.  The five year sentence still applies even if he got out of jail.    Someone earlier said they felt there was zero chance of him reoffending which I cannot agree with at all.  I don't think he will reoffend but I can see the risk given the sort of circles footballers mix in. Not rapists per say, but they do have lots of women throwing themselves at them all the time which can lead to the belief that every woman is a piece of meat.  Ched Evans has clearly felt this in the past, he has shown no remorse so why should he get off scott free? Because he is a good footballer? 

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He's not served his time at all.  He has served two and a half years of a five year sentence.  The five year sentence still applies even if he got out of jail.    Someone earlier said they felt there was zero chance of him reoffending which I cannot agree with at all.  I don't think he will reoffend but I can see the risk given the sort of circles footballers mix in. Not rapists per say, but they do have lots of women throwing themselves at them all the time which can lead to the belief that every woman is a piece of meat.  Ched Evans has clearly felt this in the past, he has shown no remorse so why should he get off scott free? Because he is a good footballer? 



The first point in regards his sentence is an excellent one and not one I've seen raised previously in all the debate on this.


In terms of the risk of him re-offending, it is highly unlikely that he will but given that he hasn't actually accepted that he did offend and what he did was illegal it is entirely possible.

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He hasn't got off scott free, as he's spent 21/2 years in prison.  He has shown remorse but not admitted his guilt because it would jeopardise his appeal obviously. What happens if he wins his appeal. Can you give him back the last 2 and half years of his life and reimburse him what he would have earned by playing. 


In the Oscar Pistorious case I understand the victim thing but why should it matter to the victim in this instance whether Ched Evans plays football or not. The highly paid job has nothing to do with it. Surely Its better for him to be re-habiltated back into normal life by playing football and paying taxes than for him to sign on and getting jobseekers allowance. 

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He's a convicted rapist. Served half his time, showing zero remorse, and the victim will have to live with it forever. Why should he be able to waltz back into an extremely high paid job, in what is effectively the entertainment industry. Couldn't imagine if it happened to a news presenter etc they would be afforded the same luxury.


While I agree with your general point I wish people wouldn't make reference to his earnings.


Every time someone does it looks like their stance is fueled by bitterness about the money footballers earn when I don't actually think that is the case.


Irrespective of earnings I believe most (more than likely yourself included) would hold the same view, because it is about punishment and atonement, about consequences of actions but mentioning wages make it seem its just about money.


It doesn't matter what he earns, it doesn't matter if it was £100k a week of £1k a week. It is either right or wrong that he should be able to return to the game, what he is paid for doing so shouldn't come into it.

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He hasn't got off scott free, as he's spent 21/2 years in prison.  He has shown remorse but not admitted his guilt because it would jeopardise his appeal obviously. What happens if he wins his appeal. Can you give him back the last 2 and half years of his life and reimburse him what he would have earned by playing. 


Nobody is saying he got off scott free but it isn't accurate to say he has served his sentence as you were doing.


As for showing remorse, no no he hasn't. He may wish that it hadn't happened but that isn't the same thing, he can't show remorse for his actions as he still claims that the only thing he did wrong was cheat on his partner.


As for the appeal, well simply he needs to win that and then its a different discussion but at the moment he is a convicted rapist.



In the Oscar Pistorious case I understand the victim thing but why should it matter to the victim in this instance whether Ched Evans plays football or not. The highly paid job has nothing to do with it. Surely Its better for him to be re-habiltated back into normal life by playing football and paying taxes than for him to sign on and getting jobseekers allowance. 

Are you actually serious?

Why would it matter to the women who was raped that the man who did it is able to resume his high profile career while her life is in ruins? Why would it matter that he, a convicted rapist, will on his return be treated like some form of hero again, be cheered and have his name sung by fans? Why would it bother her to see his face, the man who raped her, all over the local press every week in an area I presume she still lives?

Are you actually for real?
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None of us know whether her life is in ruins so how can you come out with such a statement? You know as well as I do that after a couple of games none of the media will be bothered. She doesn't have to read the local press! I don;t know what her life is like now and neither do you. You're just making assumptions!

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Er, hang on a minute. What statement? Where have I made a statement that her life is in ruins? You seem to be attributing comments to me that I haven't made in order to support your previous rather daft post.


You seem to be missing the point massively. The point in regards the press will be that every time he scores a goal his name will be all over the papers, irrespective of what he has done, not because of it. As for the loss of earnings for the 2 1/2 years spent in jail, that isn't down to me that is down to the jury of his piers and the criminal justice system that deemed him guilty. If that turns out being over turned on appeal then that changes things but lets cross that bridge as and when we get to it. I will though perhaps just point out that he has already lost once at the Court of Appeal in front of 3 judges. 


As for your last point, perhaps you should take the trouble to find out because you are the one making assumptions not me. I'm aware, or as aware as I can be of the impact on her because I've bothered to look into it before making daft statements like 'why should it matter to the victim....'



This week Evans, 25, released a video referring to the rape as an “act of ­infidelity” against girlfriend Natasha Massey, also 25.

The father told the Mail on Sunday: "He’s shown no remorse and every time he makes some fresh appeal or comment, he draws ­attention to my daughter and risks her being ­identified and found.

"What kind of animal is he to sit there in that video and keep destroying her?"

Evans was convicted of rape in April 2012 after a jury at Caernarfon Crown Court found the victim was too drunk to give consent.

His victim - who was 19 at the time - has since had to leave her home town and change her identity at least twice after being named and abused on social media.

Victims of sexual offences are guaranteed lifelong anonymity by law.

Evans family and friends continue to run a website which gives updates on the bid to clear his name.


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He hasn't got off scott free, as he's spent 21/2 years in prison.  He has shown remorse but not admitted his guilt because it would jeopardise his appeal obviously. What happens if he wins his appeal. Can you give him back the last 2 and half years of his life and reimburse him what he would have earned by playing. 


In the Oscar Pistorious case I understand the victim thing but why should it matter to the victim in this instance whether Ched Evans plays football or not. The highly paid job has nothing to do with it. Surely Its better for him to be re-habiltated back into normal life by playing football and paying taxes than for him to sign on and getting jobseekers allowance.

From what I've heard he's already lost 2 appeals and isn't actually in process of an appeal at the moment contrary to what the pro-pr for him would have you believe but searching for grounds for another appeal (Not sure on accuracy, haven't got time to research at the moment). Quite an irrelevant point anyway as you could say that for anyone who'd committed a crime; "he's convicted murderer but what if he appeals and wins" it's just a purely hypothetical statement.

Think your being way too callous also. Imagine if it was your little sister, or close relative, who had suffered at the hands of this man; already had to leave home and change her identity and your wondering why it would matter to her that he resumes a career in the public eye. Even go as far to say "she doesn't have to read the local press", incredibly unsympathetic. Why don't we stick her in a cave with her fingers in her ears? She shouldn't have to change anything about her life, being the victim, which she already has had to do, to accommodate his rehabiliation which you seem to think is play football or job centre. Are they no jobs outside the public spotlight then?

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