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Ched Evans


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I'm not opposed to him playing football again if he's served his time.


But I wouldn't want him at my club.

I was much the same when Plymouth re-signed Luke McCormick after Swindon decided they didn't want the aggro that'd come with having him on the books.  

It was quite odd listening to the same routine every Argyle goal kick when the visiting Pompey fans would start booing and whistling, whilst the home fans would then start clapping and cheering to drown out the other fans when I saw a game there last year.

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They signed Marlon King a serial woman beater so can't see why they wouldn't resign Ched Evans, who has done his time and should be allowed to apply his trade like anybody else that has been to prison.

Edited by PaulC
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It's tricky because on the one had I believe in the rehabilitation if offenders or rather the principle of the opportunity to reform being open to those who in wish to do so and are capable.

So on the one hand part of me thinks if he has served his time he should be able to get on with his career and play again.

That said I wouldn't accept my club signing him no matter how good he was and I wouldn't have an issue with away fans giving him dogs abuse. At times it disgusts me the partisan support some players receive from their teams fans regardless of what they've done.

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You have to question, if you had done the crime he did, would you walk out of prison straight into your old job? Pretty certain I wouldn't.

Yes offenders need rehabilitation but surely they have to earn their way back up (ie proving himself at lower level again first). I wouldn't like my club taking on someone like that.

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Cheds girlfriend was on R5 yesterday talking about his release and hoping he could resign for someone. She said he cheated on her that night and that was something they have dealt with between them but he didn't rape anyone.

The website linked above seems out of sync with his girlfriend who seems to acknowledge he played away that night.

Edit: just read it again, it talks about the complainant but then says no complaint was made... It says there is no evidence that they had sex then says Ched and Clayton both admitted having sex with her. ???

Edited by Tamuff_Villa
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Cheds girlfriend was on R5 yesterday talking about his release and hoping he could resign for someone. She said he cheated on her that night and that was something they have dealt with between them but he didn't rape anyone.

The website linked above seems out of sync with his girlfriend who seems to acknowledge he played away that night.


He has always admitted sleeping with her, that has never been the issue. The question comes with whether the lady involved consented - the other male involved was having sex, Ched walks in and asks to join and she allegedly waves him in (consent?), he then has sex as the other male leaves.


Rape/not rape?

The female in question has also accused other men of rape previously.

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He's been convicted of rape. This has been tested in court twice, and he has been found to have sexually assaulted the woman both times. 


Absolutely he should not be resigned by any football team, although doubtless somebody will. If he had shown any remorse or contrition it would be easier (though still basically impossible for me) to accept him back into the world of fabulous luxury and wealth that is the life of the modern professional footballer. As it is, with no remorse, and indeed an additional appeal, he can go take a hike. People talk about 'rehabilitation', and I'm a big believer in it, but you can't be meaningfully rehabilitated until you admit you've done something wrong. 


A career as a professional footballer is not a human right, and nothing pisses me off more than people talking as if it is. 

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He's served his time, he has the right to re-enter the workplace. If another club decides to sign him then there's nothing wrong with that. I'm sure many clubs will not want to sign him since he is a convicted rapist. But I don't see anything wrong with a person working having served out their sentence. 

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He's served his time, he has the right to re-enter the workplace. If another club decides to sign him then there's nothing wrong with that. I'm sure many clubs will not want to sign him since he is a convicted rapist. But I don't see anything wrong with a person working having served out their sentence. 


Would you be okay with Villa signing him?

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He's served his time, he has the right to re-enter the workplace. If another club decides to sign him then there's nothing wrong with that. I'm sure many clubs will not want to sign him since he is a convicted rapist. But I don't see anything wrong with a person working having served out their sentence. 


Would you be okay with Villa signing him?


I wouldn't.


But that doesn't mean I don't agree with Dr_Pangloss.


If a person serves his time then I think they should be allowed to go back to work.

That doesn't mean I don't thinka  club has the right to not employ him based on his background. That's fine. I just mean there shouldn't be some blanket ruling that Ched Evans can never be a footballer again.

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the thing with his conviction is there must have been physical evidence of it.the case would not have been bought to court or him convicted if it was just she said/he said.you need evidence to convict not hearsay as a judge would have thrown it out otherwise.

would hate having a convicted rapist here and i don't like that other clubs will,BUT he has served his time and therefore should be allowed to continue his life.it's a moral dilemma for sure.

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He's served his time, he has the right to re-enter the workplace. If another club decides to sign him then there's nothing wrong with that. I'm sure many clubs will not want to sign him since he is a convicted rapist. But I don't see anything wrong with a person working having served out their sentence. 


Would you be okay with Villa signing him?


I wouldn't.


But that doesn't mean I don't agree with Dr_Pangloss.


If a person serves his time then I think they should be allowed to go back to work.

That doesn't mean I don't thinka  club has the right to not employ him based on his background. That's fine. I just mean there shouldn't be some blanket ruling that Ched Evans can never be a footballer again.



Nobody has suggested any such thing, at least that I'm aware of. What would be perfect is if every club in the land independently took the decision that offering him a contract went against the values of their club. Of course that won't happen - we only need to look at McCormack and woman-beater Marlon King to see that there are lots of teams who'll view his release as an opportunity. But the rest of the community doesn't have to approve of them doing it, and the world of football doesn't somehow owe him a living. 

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He's served his time, he has the right to re-enter the workplace. If another club decides to sign him then there's nothing wrong with that. I'm sure many clubs will not want to sign him since he is a convicted rapist. But I don't see anything wrong with a person working having served out their sentence. 


Would you be okay with Villa signing him?


I wouldn't.


But that doesn't mean I don't agree with Dr_Pangloss.


If a person serves his time then I think they should be allowed to go back to work.

That doesn't mean I don't thinka  club has the right to not employ him based on his background. That's fine. I just mean there shouldn't be some blanket ruling that Ched Evans can never be a footballer again.



I agree, I posted something similar earlier in the thread but I would be livid if he signed for my club and I would hope that no club would see fit to employ him, sadly one will.

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35 goals in 42 appearances in his last season for Sheffield. Thats the reason they or another club will sign him. Forget morals and ethics, football is about money and success and whilst some of us hold the higher moral ground, if he went back to Shef United and scored another 35 goals the fans will soon forgive and forget.

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He's served his time, he has the right to re-enter the workplace. If another club decides to sign him then there's nothing wrong with that. I'm sure many clubs will not want to sign him since he is a convicted rapist. But I don't see anything wrong with a person working having served out their sentence. 


Would you be okay with Villa signing him?


I wouldn't.


But that doesn't mean I don't agree with Dr_Pangloss.


If a person serves his time then I think they should be allowed to go back to work.

That doesn't mean I don't thinka  club has the right to not employ him based on his background. That's fine. I just mean there shouldn't be some blanket ruling that Ched Evans can never be a footballer again.



Nobody has suggested any such thing, at least that I'm aware of. What would be perfect is if every club in the land independently took the decision that offering him a contract went against the values of their club. Of course that won't happen - we only need to look at McCormack and woman-beater Marlon King to see that there are lots of teams who'll view his release as an opportunity. But the rest of the community doesn't have to approve of them doing it, and the world of football doesn't somehow owe him a living. 


I didn't say they had. And to be honest my view seems pretty aligned with yours.


I think he has every right to be a footballer.

I wouldn't be happy if he signed for my club.

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