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Irony alert. Arsene says divers should be banned!!


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Wenger: Divers should be banned

Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger believes it is time to get tough on divers to stamp it out of the game - and has called for the Football Association to hand out three-match bans.

Questionable penalty decisions in recent weeks, including two won by Ashley Young on successive weekends to earn Manchester United early leads against Queens Park Rangers and Aston Villa, have brought the subject of simulation back into the limelight.

Wenger said: "If an obvious dive is punished by a three-match ban, the players would not do it anymore. I would support it. It has to be obvious diving.

"Ashley Young for example against QPR I would not suspend him because I don't know if he has lost his balance. He has made more of it for sure to get the penalty. This is not an obvious case for me.

"Everybody wants to win football games and when you have played football, you always try to be on the fringe if you want to win. For example, you touch the ball and it goes out you shout: 'throw in for us'. Things like that.

"But with a dive in the box, sometimes I think you can only get it out after the game. I think that the foreign players have brought good and bad things. But I must say the English players learn quickly.

"It's impossible to judge today penalties. Penalties and offsides are the main problems for the referees. All the rest you have to give to them. Especially on penalties. For example the dives. Or you say everybody who dives now and is caught after the game is suspended for three games.

"But you have a double obstacle, first of all when the situation has been assessed by the referee, you cannot come back on the judgement of the referee, so it's better you give him video help. We have that famous thing that the judgement of the referee has to be final. But I don't agree with that.

"We should have a superior committee of ethics who could still punish a player like that. Because you go home and you think he now gets away without being suspended and the whole situation doesn't make sense."

Anyone remember Celtic asking for Arsenal's Eduardo to be banned for diving?

Anyone remember Eduardo being banned for 2 games for diving?

Anyone remember Arsene Wenger being angry over Eduardo being banned for diving?

This **** man has some set of stones I tells ya. Either that or he has early on-set alzheimers.

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I'm going to go against the grain here and give him the benefit of the doubt, sort of.

Despite the irony (and it's there!) I can't disagree with anything he's said.

And in my opinion he was right to be annoyed by Eduardo being banned, because it was ridiculously inconsistent considering dozens of other players get away with it every week.

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And it'll be more consistent this time around? No it won't. Gary Neville pretty much hit the nail on the head last night. He picked out an innocuous dive by Rosicky 35yds from goal and then asked "would this be a 3 game ban?" and then asked would the rule mean it would only be a ban if it results in a penalty, or results in a goal, or results in a serious goal-scoring opportunity? Where do you draw the line? He's totally right. You can't have some wishy-washy subjective rule in place. It has to be steadfast. And you can't change the rule beause we're irked by something that happened twice in a week. It's absolute knee-jerk. Diving has been happening since day dot. It's the culture within leagues around the world. It would require an almost impossible shift in grass-roots football outside of Britain that just isn't going to happen in the real world. I'm sorry but Arsene is talking out of his arsene, not for the first or the last time. And the mere fact that this has actually happened to him before and he rejected the brand of justice served out to his cheating bastard of a striker means that any credibility he might have had in that article (and I don't think he has any btw) is completely gone under a howl of laughter. Absolute dickhead.

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But the reason Wenger was outraged with Eduardo's ban was because UEFA had never banned anyone in the CL before for diving, yet all of a sudden they were banning Eduardo.

It wasn't right in that sense.

I'm not disagreeing with anything you've said there (although I think Neville was a bit hasty to excuse diving as much as he did). But dozens of people in the game have called for a punishment for diving, why does it make Wenger such a dickhead for calling for it too?

I would totally be on your side if he said "Ashley Young should be banned for diving" and that was it.

But what he's suggesting IS consistency (and I totally agree with you that it would end up being inconsistent and probably wouldn't work) so it doesn't conflict with what he was annoyed about with the Eduardo incident.

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Well if he wants consistency then perhaps he can lead by example and start by removing Rosicky from the starting line-up of the next 3 games. Then he can get back to me with some semblance of credibility intact and I'll excuse the hypocricy.

Look, I understand what you're saying about him being upset by Eduardo's ban without a rule in place but I don't accept it. I disagree primarily because there is a rule in place. It's called bringing the game into disrepute. Or cheating as we might say. Basically Wenger was upset that his player was the first to be banned. That umbrella rule of disrepute can be interpreted any way the governing body wants to, and on that day when they did that Wenger couldn't take it and he quite rightly stated that it could open the floodgates for mass bannings and inconsistency. I see nothing now that will change that original observation. Plus he's always a self-serving pr*ck so you can be sure there's something else behind his latest manouverings.

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But the reason Wenger was outraged with Eduardo's ban was because UEFA had never banned anyone in the CL before for diving, yet all of a sudden they were banning Eduardo.

It wasn't right in that sense.

am not sure they have banned anybody since either

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Over-turning Eduardo's ban a few days later, on protest of Wenger, probably nipped any future bans in the bud. They kind of set a precedent by wimping out.

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