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Finally got a copy, played for a few hours. Getting into it - am enjoying it a lot more than I tried d2 for a few days (since my net was down and I couldn't possibly live without an RPG fix of some sort until I could get back on WoW =P) - though I put most of that down to me constantly singing the witchdoctor song as I play...

LaredoCronk#2278 is my tag (since my 'usual' handle was 1 character too long =/ )

And thanks to this thread I spent far too long deciding which villa-esque banner I wanted to rip-off the most...

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The last patch as really ****ed the game up for me. Shuts my pc down during play. Sometimes i get 5 mins, sometimes an hour; but the shutdown comes. The action seems more laggy too.

God damn it Blizzard, why so many issues to play a game?

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Got bored after finishing normal in 6 hours.

Expected much more, truly disappointed in blizzard.

Click click click click.

First time I ever say this about a game but I'd rather throw the money away then to spend it on Diablo 3.

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Can't say that I'm enjoying it much to be honest now. It's all a bit too repetitive, and does just feel like a console version of WoW.

Get back on WoW then, I could do with a decent Arena partner ;)

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Well, I'm slowly plodding along - finished act 1, and busy running aimlessly through all the levels again trying to luck out and get some of the RNG-based areas to spawn for me for achievement-based goodness =)

Thankfully (as I was a bit worried about blizzard making this game too serious) I stumbled upon the

which lightened the mood somewhat! =D
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Last game i'll buy that is online only. Lesson learnt the hard way.

Be thankful you at least get local servers. Playing from Sydney but using servers so far away is terrible. I used to love playing Hardcore mode but it is simply impossible for me to do that now cause of random lag :(

I am still hopeful of patches and the eventual decrease in players making it better but it is very frustrating at the moment.

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Completed it on normal- enjoyed it but not sure as yet if I have the drive to keep playing on. Probably will give it a rest and come back to it.

I am also going to be wary of online only games that I want to play single player- expect it with MMOs but disappointed that several times I havent been able to play. Surely they can work it out so simply the ah and multiplayer turns off when the servers are down- they can come up with another form of DRM or preventing hackers.

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Stupid **** diablo. Ruined the game with the update. They are trying to make people buy from the real money auction house so they get profit plus they nerfed every class. Attack speed is halved on about everything. My Demon hunter used to fair decently in Inferno but now I can't do a thing. They lowered the monster's damage but I am a demon hunter with 20k health and I still get one hit by everything. Now I am weaker and I still die all the time. Oh and here is the best part, repairing your gear costs so much more now. I died 3 times and went to see how much it'd cost to repair my gear, 6k. I am done with this game. It's unbearable now.

Oh this update is great for Barbarians. Barbarians never die in inferno now.

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Well, got normal mode completed over the weekend - and now going to put it on the back burner for a bit since it looks like the Planetside 2 beta is imminent (and I plan on spending the next week pratting about on the original before they turn the servers off =P)...

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I'm a WoW refugee, totally burnt out on it. I got really tired of the end game raiding bullshit where you'd have one eye on the fight and the other on your dps meter....it got too tedious and technical for my liking, and pugging was just brutal.

I'm jonesing for a bit of video game action, and because I'm familiar with Blizz, I think I could pick up Diablo 3 easily.

When you team up with other players, is it the same kind of anxiety-ridden damage race that WoW raiding was?

How is this game better than WoW and why should I buy it?


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It's much more chilled out than WoW. On the difficulty levels I have played at least. I assume you are aware that your WoW friends list works in Diablo, so you can play with guildies or friends from World of Warcraft. There are a lot of similarities with WoW in terms of how the classes work. The Barbarian is a Warrior, the Wizard is a Mage, the Witch Doctor is a Warlock (kinda) and a lot of the spells from WoW make it into Diablo although Diablo is more fast paced and more focused on using the mouse rather than hotkeys. I'd highly recommend it if you are a WoW fan. You might not play it for three years but even if you just beat the campaign once on normal it is a good 25 hour long game.

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  • 1 year later...

After the latest (huge) patch gave myself and many others a renewed interest in D3, i'm really looking forward to giving this a blast later on:




Adventure mode sounds very promising and i'll definitely be giving the Crusader a go.

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Got back into this a few weeks ago after getting the expansion. They aren't quite there yet but they are getting closer. Still a lot more fun than the Vanilla.I think by the end of the year we'll have a game much closer to what we expected on release. 

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