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The American Election


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rational chap vs mad religious nutters.

only in america, or any third world country, is that a debate.

obama will win comfortably because thankfully middle america aren't that thick. well at least where it matters ie california/new york/michigan.

Agree completely.

He will beat Romney in my opinion.

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Cant say i follow us politics that closely but Obama seems to have failed to deliver at times and that will make it closer than it should be for the man who killed Bin Laden ...

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i wouldnt say he failed to deliver completely. he has won votes with the blue collar chaps because the car industry is back on track. his healthcare plan was compromised because of how their syatem works. not too disimilar to the coalition. plenty of stalling and ifs buts and maybes.

i'm not sure how the housing market is at the minute, levi could tell us, but i reckon if he has a problem it will be the anger over foreclosures which are a bit of a plague.

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mmm, the republican congress and that boehner fellow just hate obama no end and seem to veto anything simply because its an obama plan, iirc, though im sure americans will correct my error, partly going off what american housemate tells me. Also republican attitudes to stuff like planned parenthood is so depressing.

im ignoring this batshit insanity and currently hiding away watching The West Wing again. :thup: may go and read some al franken and michael moore too :P

however Obama will win I think. There is a solid block who loathe him but i think there's enough of an independent section who whatever reservations they have over BO will acknowledge the terrifying insanity of the alternative. Even Barbara Bush condemned the Republican contest :shock:

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The guy was held hostage over the entire budget because the opposition was willing to shut down the country rather than be sensible over it.

That republicans were chanting "shut it down" and seemingly willing to have the entire government sector closed just to prove a point says everything that needs to be said about US politics, it doesn't matter what Obama did, there's a huge amount of the population that wouldn't vote for him anyway because they're quite simply backwards.

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Obama must surely win by default.. the Republicans can't even field a vaguely credible candidate. Then again, stranger things have happened, and we are talking about one of the weirdest countries in the world.

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A woman from Oklahoma was sitting near me on a bus this week. In Ireland on holidays. She said to the person beside her that she didn't like Obama. He was a little 'out there', whereas they needed someone who would 'take care of business'. I think that about summed it up.

I would like to see Ron Paul run for the Republicans, but I'm becoming less optimistic.

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rational chap vs mad religious nutters.

only in america, or any third world country, is that a debate.

obama will win comfortably because thankfully middle america aren't that thick. well at least where it matters ie california/new york/michigan.

Indeed, they'll elect the duplicitous, lying shit as opposed to the moronic, duplicitous, lying shit.

Whoever they elect, they're still full throttle on the pedal backwards. What kind of a country claims to be some beacon of freedom and democracy whilst arguing for (it didn't really need to do much arguing did it? It said, it did) extra-judicial executions of its own citizens?

'Elections' for the **** win, eh?

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