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Sportswash! - Let’s oil stare at Manchester City!


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2 hours ago, Zatman said:

Would be big for the Championship to have City in it though as they lost a lot of publicity with us, Newcastle and Leeds have gone up

Bigger to start them in league 2. Three years of additional tv money at least... 

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1 hour ago, Kiwivillan said:

Wow the Blue Moon posters are completely delusional like they victims of conspiracy unlike Blue Moon podcast creator on All Villa No Filler podcast saying if it turns out we broke the rules I'll accept whatever punishment and carry on watching football whatever league we're in

705 pages in just over 24 hours and it's truly baffling reading it just how off it they are

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Imagine losing the "Aguerooooo" title. I know they got to enjoy it at the time, but if they were stripped of it, it wouldn't be shown on repeat anymore like it has been ad nauseum for years, plus, it would be rendered irrelevant.*



*Not that I think anything of the sort will happen of course. 

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“Where do you want your statue Vincent Kompany?”

Just getting that annoying **** Gary Neville quote off the TV will be a start.

I’m interested to see how Sky cover our game at the weekend. I’ve already convinced myself that we’ll lose, but I don’t know how I’m going to react if it does actually happen. They have cheated to get to where they are, and they are still cheating in this weekend’s game.

If the Premier League doesn’t throw the book at them then we might as well all start abusing FFP and just cooperate with the Premier League each season to give them the correct numbers.

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i hope they get thrown to the wolves (ie: relegated to League 2 or something).

My head says they will fight it with the money of a literal state and get off with some bulls*** fine, or something similarly pointless.

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2 hours ago, VillaJ100 said:

Literally seeing barely any chat on this on the news etc which doesn't fill me with confidence about something being done

The statement is suggesting that despite observing news and information about Manchester City potentially being banned from the Premier League for breaking rules, the speaker is not seeing evidence or reports of concrete actions being taken by the league in response to the situation. This lack of visible progress is causing the speaker to feel uncertain and unconfident about the outcome.

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With the rumour of the Qatar's looking at man yoo, in addition to man ci$y (aka the cheaters) finally being found out, I feel we have reached a critical point in the future of football.

Failure to punish the cheaters with severe punishment will only encourage other clubs/owners to emulate the cheaters. There has to be a deterrent to this...

We are going to end up soon with middle eastern countries owning most of the so called top 6, and it will just become a willy waving contest.


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I do wonder if the saudis at Newcastle are pushing this considering their history with the qataris. They see this as a opportunity to take over as the big boys in the league

Get rid of one and add anither that will be 10x worse

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1 hour ago, delboy54 said:

With the rumour of the Qatar's looking at man yoo, in addition to man ci$y (aka the cheaters) finally being found out, I feel we have reached a critical point in the future of football.

Failure to punish the cheaters with severe punishment will only encourage other clubs/owners to emulate the cheaters. There has to be a deterrent to this...

We are going to end up soon with middle eastern countries owning most of the so called top 6, and it will just become a willy waving contest.


Just change name to MEPL if Manure deal goes ahead

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I think one of the things we have to take from this is that the rules we have in place don't work.

City were able to easily work around them and then simply challenge anyone to take them to court about it - from the emails, getting caught doesn't seem to have been a great concern to them, and the mechanism they've used to work around the rules is so simple that it's clear that they didn't consider it necessary to put in more complex financial chicanery - it was easy, it was soft and it was no sort of deterrent.

When the dust settles, I think we'll see City punished, I think we'll see a lot of other clubs investigated and potentially punished and I think most vitally of all, we need to see a rethink on how we regulate football, how we ensure some sort of framework of competition without allowing the complete domination of trillionaires and states and how we make that regulation a whole lot more difficult to breach than the current rules.

I know that Mr Purslow and the other Chairman would be horrified by the idea, but it's clear that we can't let the greedy of the Premier league and of UEFA and FIFA regulate on greed - if we could possibly find a government that's not cut from the same cloth, then I think outside oversight is the only way forward.

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1 minute ago, cheltenham_villa said:

Is no one worried this starts a precedent? I don't think villa are really clean tbh, we had the dodgy stadium sale and constantly see now share issues from the owners to pump in cash. Be very careful which punishment you wish for.

Don't think share issues are a problem under FFP relative to what City are alleged to have done

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5 minutes ago, cheltenham_villa said:

Is no one worried this starts a precedent? I don't think villa are really clean tbh, we had the dodgy stadium sale and constantly see now share issues from the owners to pump in cash. Be very careful which punishment you wish for.

If it starts a precedent that clubs actually have to follow the rules and starts to clean up the game then no I'm not worried. If in future seasons we're found to have done wrong then I'll expect a fair and just punishment and answers from our management.

The stadium sale was a loophole we and a couple of other clubs exploited which was then closed.

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10 minutes ago, cheltenham_villa said:

Is no one worried this starts a precedent? I don't think villa are really clean tbh, we had the dodgy stadium sale and constantly see now share issues from the owners to pump in cash. Be very careful which punishment you wish for.

Its not the same as what city have done at all

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The older, original Man City fans wont have too much of an issue if they are found to have cheated and were made to start again in a lower league. Its the fanbase that appeared since the success that will be most against it. They'll just move on to Newcastle I'd imagine.

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Man City’s owners would be in real trouble back home if Sharia Law was in place. Think lashings and confiscation of land , money and property followed by overthrowing of government.

Lucky Barstools. Same with the Sauds. I long for the day that these Najdiyah are overthrown. 

To simplify - City’s owners have the money but they have said that the Club made the money legitimately through sponsorship deals. Also they said x player/ manager was making this much money , but they also set up a separate contract directly from UAE to pay them the real amount to cover the difference. 

This is what they’ve written on retrievable emails imagine what else they have possibly done or set up via phone calls etc. 

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What's fun is that it seems that many of the plastics are preparing to 'go nuts' at our game this weekend. When it turns out that the 16 year old Thai bloke who's never been in England doesn't show up and the City crowd will be their usual silent self it'll be exiting to hear our songs.

Que sera sera, whatever will be will be, cheated to win a trophyyy, que sera sera. 

Mancini, woah, Mancini, woah, he came from Italy, we paid him secretly, Mancini, woah.


Edited by magnkarl
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