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Coke & Pepsi Change Recipe "to Avoid Cancer Warning


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Coca Cola And Pepsi Change Recipe To Avoid Cancer Warning

Drink giants Coca Cola and Pepsi have altered their recipes in order to avoid having to display cancer warnings on their products, they announced on Thursday.

The new recipe for the caramel colouring used in the drinks has been changed to comply with California laws. The state has added 4-methylimidazole (4-MI), an ingredient used in the fizzy drinks recipes, to its list of carcinogens.

The manufacturing process will be modified in order to reduce the levels of 4-MI which can formed during the cooking process.

"While we believe that there is no public health risk that justifies any such change, we did ask our caramel suppliers to take this step so that our products would not be subject to the requirement of a scientifically unfounded warning," Coca-Cola representative Diana Garza-Ciarlante told the Associated Press news agency.

The change, which has already been introduced in California, will now be rolled out across the US as manufacturers claim the alteration makes the drinks more efficient to manufacture.

The drinks have been linked to cancer in mice and rats but an individual would need to drink 1,000 cans of Coke or Pepsi to take in the same dose of the chemical given to animals in the lab tests, according to the US Food and Drug Administration.

The American Beverage Association (ABA), which represents the drinks industry, said its member companies would continue to use caramel colouring in their products but alterations were being made to adhere to Californian standards.

"Consumers will notice no difference in our products and have no reason at all for any health concerns," the association said in a statement.

California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment requite any produced containing a level of 29 micrograms of 4-MI had to bear a cancer warning label. According to a study by the Centre for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) the soft drink cans contained levels nearing 140 micrograms in each 12-ounce can.

But the ABA scoffed at the research, saying it was nothing more than CSPI scare tactics.

"In fact, finds of regulatory agencies worldwide ... consider caramel colouring safe for use in foods and beverages," it said.

According to Beverage Digest, Coca Cola and Pepsi account for nearly 90% of the fizzy drinks market.

Don't drink it, read it

so again does rain the question does this cause cancer? i believe it certianly does create harm to your body. i believe its asparteme that they say is really bad for you. if you look at not just fizzy, but soft drinks as well they all have this in them.

i have also tried the coin experiment too. i got a dusty pound coin left it in a glass of normal coke and within 1-2hours was shiny as hell. does make you wonder...

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Everything is dangerous to some degree or other.

That this experiment required rodents to be given enough of a chemical to put down a herd of T-Rexs gives you all the information you need to know about this.

It's no different to the aspertame rubbish.

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I'm on Chindie's side in this particular instance. I think this is nothing but California being a bit mad. We'll continue to differ on aspartame :) I'll stick with nature's sweetener thanks very much :)

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Yeah, but even my dog knows you're wrong about the aspertame, and he's been dead for donkeys years ;)

(I actually don't think there will be much of a difference between this test and the laughable one that aspertame worriers laud as proof, except I'll give the benefit of the doubt to this lot and assume their science isn't so bad that they'd create variables by allowing the test subjects to live to natural death. You never know though...).

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I used to drink 8-10 Litres of Coke a week, barely drink it now, just when I go home.

Most human beings don't drink 8-10 liters of anything in a week.

That's rough man, the sugar and the caffeine must have made for some serious yo-yoing in your mood.

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These quantities are obscene! :lol:

I ONLY drink diet coke because normal coke makes my teeth 'grind', far too sweet.

And I don't drink much Diet Coke either, maybe a glass a week if I have a subway and get a drink or something.

LITRES?!!? :lol:

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I used to drink 2 liters of full fat a day easily when i was a teenager, sometimes more.

Now I drink about a 2L of Diet every week. I am quite fond of the stuff.

My teeth feel horrible if i even touch full fat coke now. It's disgusting.

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There was a bloke in the paper recently who was drinking 74 pints of Coke every week. He didn't know he had a problem until his doctor enlightened him.

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